But you know what? My Board is stressed and exhausted. Today I had a meltdown, as did my normally chill-beyond-belief VP.
It doesn't help that our current Brookfield manager is RUDE, CRUDE and a USELESS LIAR and we feel that, if we didn't do all that we are doing, the building would fall down. (The last Brookfield manager was stunned and useless -- and had to leave his former assignment for shady reasons.)
The Brookfield contract is up at the end of the year and we will definitely start looking around before then.
Do you hear that Brookfield???
Did I say BROOKFIELD often enough?
We are so conscientious as a team, and do so much, that everybody in the building -- and it's not a small building -- seems to be happy and rarely complains. We don't pick up on anything negative through our various grapevines. Oh sure, there's always the usual whiners but they whine about anything, anytime, anywhere. Because everybody is confident that the building is well-run, nobody wants to challenge us at election time. The younger newcomers can't be bothered, the downsizers want to relax and travel and the older original crowd members have served their time, are not healthy enough to run or think they live in a rental.
One of these days we will be too tired to go on and, to be honest, all of us are concerned about what will happen then.
I am thinking of seeing about bringing in "apprentice" Board members next year to the extent it is legally possible. And if it isn't, we'll make it happen somehow, even if we have to pass a bylaw adding two-three Board members.
Seriously. Our situation is NUTS.