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TDSB...up to 60 schools could close due to budget shortfall

Re: TDSB...up to 60 schools could close due to budget shortf

And we will see how long you actually last in the condo with a kid, before moving to 905 to get a nice house to fit the kid in. :)

Lots of people talk like you Ed, but once the kid comes, they do a 180 degree turn and the condo does not work.
Re: TDSB...up to 60 schools could close due to budget shortf

Oh I fully expect to do the house thing by the time the child is 2 or 3. But 905 is out of the question. It will need to be close to the TTC. Ideally Yonge and St Clair to Yonge and Lawrence. And we're going to avoid buying a car by trying zipcar or autoshare. And once the baby is old enough we can go back to no car.
Re: TDSB...up to 60 schools could close due to budget shortf

Well there you go. Unless we build proper sized condos in this city, families will keep moving out of downtown and other areas. There is only so much single family housing left in this city. The new housing going up is condos, and we might as well buils them to fit families, or we are in trouble.
Re: TDSB...up to 60 schools could close due to budget shortf

Oh, yes we got Trouble right here
That's Trouble with a capital T,
That rhymes with C
That stands for Condo!

Our childrens' children gonna have condos, condos, condos...
Re: TDSB...up to 60 schools could close due to budget shortf

I have a 1305 square foot condo so it isn't size that's the issue. My wife wants a backyard for the little one to play in. I on the other hand would have no issue with raising the child in our condo.
Re: TDSB...up to 60 schools could close due to budget shortf

If you stay, you have that rather unique, large enclosed garden for Ed007 Jr. to play in.
Re: TDSB...up to 60 schools could close due to budget shortf

Fewer kids equals a cleaner, safer city. Whats' the problem?
Re: TDSB...up to 60 schools could close due to budget shortf

Thats what happens when a city only believes in housing childless couples and single people.

I didn't know that a city could hold such a belief.
Re: TDSB...up to 60 schools could close due to budget shortf

We need kids, and need them now. The last thing we need are more 905 kids. We already know how they turn out, and its not pretty
Almost everyone I know (including myself) was raised in the 905 and almost everyone I know (including myself) has chosen the 416 to live now (and in some cases raise a family).
Re: TDSB...up to 60 schools could close due to budget shortf

Fewer kids equals a cleaner, safer city. Whats' the problem?

Really? I have a feeling it ain't the kids who are leaving their Tim Horton's cups all over the streets and who are shooting each other gangsta-wannabe style.
Re: TDSB...up to 60 schools could close due to budget shortf

Have to start somewhere. My point is that the *fewer* the kids, the less acute the problem *over time* (i.e. fewer kids, fewer gangstas). It's all about the numbers.

And don't for a minute think it isn't kids throwing shit all over. In my area, there's a Coffee Slime and Tim's on Yonge, and those places are crammed with kids after three, then they make the trek from Yonge to their houses and you can see the discarded cups left along the street and sidewalk like breadcrumbs.

I ****ing *despise* children, loathe them and the way they turn people into self-absorbed, myopic domesticated little shits obsessed with junior and blah blah blah. Almost as bad as dog owners. So the less the better, and over time, we'll benefit from it.

Everytime Dalton McGuinty says he's doing this or that for "Ontario's working familees", I want to wring his stringy neck.
Re: TDSB...up to 60 schools could close due to budget shortf

What's the matter with children? After all, once they get into the teeny years, they're a godsend to middle-aged leches--especially on clothes-hostile days like today
Re: TDSB...up to 60 schools could close due to budget shortf


Wow Fiendish, why don't you just come out and say what you really think!

You're entitled to your opinions of course, and I guess we won't be looking for you to match Ed's birth announcement. But thank goodness most people don't think that way.

Not to belabour the point but much of the central city is not amenable to raising children these days, not because of schools or anything about the physical structure of the neighbourhoods, but because low-rise housing is becoming too expensive. Whole swaths of housing in what were formerly "starter" neighbourhoods are now priced beyond what young couples can afford, and it's pushing them outwards, at least to North York or Scarborough if not right out to the 905.
Re: TDSB...up to 60 schools could close due to budget shortf

There are plenty of homes in the central area that are still within the reach of the average family. The problem is the homes don't look all classy from the outside.

The remark that people are pushed to the 905 because they can't afford central Toronto is almost utter crap. The average 905 family pulls in 80,000-100,000 a year if not more. That is more then enough to afford a home in central Toronto neighbourhoods.

However central Toronto housing is a limited resource. So we are going to need to build family friendly condo and townhouse developments, etc.
