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Tall Ships


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Apr 24, 2007
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Downtown Toronto
The tall ships sailed out of Toronto Harbour today to Ontario Place then on to Cleveland OH. Except for the almost constant noise from that damn airport, it was a really enjoyable affair.

These are posted in order of when they passed by from about 3:00 to 4:30.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

I loved it!

Didn't really notice noise from the airport. (But then, neither did waterfront residents during the blind study that was conducted... or should I say deaf study... several years ago.) I thought it was cool watching the planes landing and taking off though.

But yeah, the ships were overwhelming in the best way. Lineups to go aboard were not long, yet attendance seemed to be high. All round a nice day!
Except for the almost constant noise from that damn airport, it was a really enjoyable affair.
What was happening at the airport today? I was down looking at the ships on Friday, and was surprised how little noise those planes made ... especially when compared to the noise of all the people talking, etc., along the edge of the water ... so it's not the planes making constant noise!
In my experience those planes are quieter than the Queens Quay streetcar is.

Not where we were standing (where the red X is), it was really loud especially as the planes landed and it interfered with the concert in the Music Garden afterward. I said nothing but one of my friends said it would suck to live here with all that noise all day. I simply nodded in agreement. Still a great day.

I live maybe less than 100metres from that X and rarely(and i really do mean rarely as in maybe once a month) ever hear the planes. But i did just hear a streetcar rumble down Queens Quay over the Maple Leaf Quay slip and I hear those every ten minutes.

For people on the waterfront, the airport isn't as big of a bother as you would seem to think. In fact, when I have friends over and we go up on our rooftop patio the planes are one of the biggest attractions. People love watching them takeoff and land.

As for the tall ships, it was cool having them outside my window. We walked around on Thursday when the area was packed so we didn't really stop to see any of them, but it was pretty cool. The festival when it was held in Port Colborne probably drew as many or more people though. I think an event like this will benefit from the Queens Quay renovations and the wider pedestrian area on the street, which will make the place a lot more inviting.
I live maybe less than 100metres from that X and rarely(and i really do mean rarely as in maybe once a month) ever hear the planes. But i did just hear a streetcar rumble down Queens Quay over the Maple Leaf Quay slip and I hear those every ten minutes.

For people on the waterfront, the airport isn't as big of a bother as you would seem to think. In fact, when I have friends over and we go up on our rooftop patio the planes are one of the biggest attractions. People love watching them takeoff and land.

it's location. the streetcars are loud over the bridge around maple leaf quay (rumbling) and around 410 queens quay (screeching). the airport is loud around bathurst quay (taxing, run ups). the airplanes do disrupt the music garden concerts (take offs).
oh for sure, but the waterfront is huge. You can't please everyone. So when people say that the airport ruins the waterfront because of its noise, it's important to remember that much of the waterfront can't hear it. I didn't even mention the hum of the gardiner which probably effects more people either.
it's important to remember that much of the waterfront can't hear it.

i wonder what percentage of the waterfront affected would be cause for concern.

i'm not being sarcastic. it's an interesting question. you're right, you can't please everybody. sometimes minority needs/wishes just cannot be met. for example, it's not feasible to make every single place wheelchair accessible (and the law, afaik, doesn't required it). on the flip side, however, you run the risk of the tyranny of the majority, where legitimate concerns/grievances are ignored because most people don't care.

the problem, imo, is that it can be hard to distinguish between legitimate grievances and flagrant nimby-ish.
I live on the waterfront. I hear the planes every day (live across from the Music Garden). In fact, one just landed. I was sitting in the Music Garden watching the tall ships yesterday, and I agree, the noise was annoying. I probably noticed it more than usual because of the contrast between majestic sailing ships and loud flying things. My dog, however, did not seem to mind the planes, but she was not impressed with the canon (or whatever it was) being shot off at regular intervals.
Love the ships, but I love the airport more.

I heard the canons go off from the Island yesterday afternoon. Saw smoke rising from the city (there were two large fires at the time), then heard thundering explosions and became very concerned for a few seconds before I realized the canons had been fired.
Wish I'd been able to see them; I couldn't get in.

I work in Liberty Village and all I hear is the Gardiner--can't hear a peep from the airport. The only time I've ever heard the planes is when I was on a harbour cruise and they flew right over me.
