Southcore Financial Ctr: PricewaterhouseCoopers Tower (18 York St, bcIMC, 26s, KPMB)

Filling in the gap:

For a pretty substantial office building going up in the core, this project is really ignored around here - probably because it's so bland.
I used to post pics of it all the time when I parked down that way, but I moved parking spots so don't walk past it everday now. There was a lot of interest when it was first going up and the cladding started, now it's just one more floor, same as the last.

I bet we'll see more pictures when the roof feature is started.
Eventually someone will realize you can build over the railway tracks downtown by careful placement of the columns and foundations - it's been done else where. Then that area will explode with buildings and parks and it will be magnificent.
Really? Perhaps I'm oblivous to it - maybe I don't travel alot - but where have there been areas where building over the railway tracks will lead to an explosion of building and (more importantly) be magnificent?
I don't think an entire corridor has been built over without electrifying the rail first.
