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Should Canada keep the Monarchy?

Should Canada keep the Monarchy?

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"The Crown is an undeniable force in Canadian history. In fact, we are a very British country. Even the province of Quebec is shaped by British inclinations and tendencies in administration, in government, and in justice. Everywhere you look beyond the superficial deviations and pecularities of our systems and of our institutions, you see the faint smudge of the British Crown's fingerprint. To abandon the Crown is to abandon a historic connection which helped to nurture this country, to preserve its independence, and to promote its growth and prosperity."

I agree completely. In fact I think the the union jack should be placed in the corner of the flag- give it a little more class :p
"The Crown is an undeniable force in Canadian history. In fact, we are a very British country. Even the province of Quebec is shaped by British inclinations and tendencies in administration, in government, and in justice. Everywhere you look beyond the superficial deviations and pecularities of our systems and of our institutions, you see the faint smudge of the British Crown's fingerprint."

The same could be said for any country with a British colonial history, even the ones that are not a part of the commonwealth and do not have the Queen as head of state. Look at the laws and political structure of the U.S., South Africa, Hong Kong, Singapore, etc. The difference is that they're not using these historical roots to define their PRESENT selves, and have long moved on to make their own marks in history and culture.
Everyone: I was thinking that if the US had a system similar like Canada's Parliament that GWB more than likely would have been forced from office via a no-confidence vote-and the Republicans along with him. We would have gotten a new leader-instead of being stuck with him for another year and a half. LI MIKE
I care a hell of alot more about French Canada's place within Canada than English heritage. The British monarchy must go...what an insult to one of our founding people. I was shocked that the Queen of England was on Canada's money when I emigrated to Canada from England.

No wonder there is endless debate in Quebec about whether they should stay. This is NOT an English country. Pay equal hommage to all 3 of the founding people if it is so important. Noting the heritage of the English conquerors of 2 centuries ago is ridiculous. How long do the English have to rub it in the faces of First Nations people and the French that they were conquered?

Canada should have plotted her own way in 1867. I'm neither First Nations or French and consider this an outrage.
I'm neither First Nations or French and consider this an outrage.

Don't worry, this will pass with enough time. You have to understand that the problem is not English Canada. It is French Canada and First Nations people not accepting their proper place within Canada and sufficiently integrating themselves to be like everyone else. If only they would just behave and stop trying to demand silly things like self determination and autonomy then there would be no problem. It is well known that English Canadians have been nothing but wise and benevolent and that French Canadians and Aboroginal people should just be lucky that they are even allowed to be part of this country.

They are just like hyper active children. The best thing to do is let them have their fun and spend all their energy forming political parties and protesting and talking about all their foolishness. Then after enough time they will get tired, have a nap, and move on to something else solving the problem once and for all.
You make it sound like it's your country. It is not. There are 3 EQUAL founding peoples, the French, the First Nations, and the English. It is the height of arrogance to say that the French or First Nations people should consider themselves lucky to be in this country. Quebec is this country's historic centre. The First Nations people were here before any of us. This country belongs to all Canadians, not one ethnicity out of 200. You should consider yourself lucky that we don't ask you to emigrate. You're views are very un-Canadian and make a mockery of what this country is all about.

The last thing Canada needs is more British people. We need more people from everywhere other than Britain or France. We need another 2 million anglophones in Quebec outside of Montreal, and we need another 20 million francophones outside of Quebec and northern New Brunswick. This is what will make Canada stronger and unified.
I should just point out that I don't actually believe anything in my previous post. I was just repeating comments that I have heard recently. I totally agree with what you are saying.

Unfortunately, most Canadians are willing to pay lip service to French Canadians and First Nations people, lots of government sponsored celebrations and unity rallies and all the rest. But when it comes down to actually doing something about it, be it granting powers of autonomy or self determination, settling land claims, adopting a constitution accepted by all people, the track record pretty much speaks for itself. The only exception has been growing support for the rights of First Nations people in Canada, though their treatment has been so degrading and oppressive for so long that it will take a long time before they are ever in an acceptable position. The case of Quebec is somewhat different in that they are in a much better position than First Nations people, but they are largely ignored by politicians and progressives across Canada, which is why you have such strong internal movements.

So going back to the whole point of the thread, I agree that ties to the monarchy should be abolished. But that won't happen because it is insulting to French Canadians and First Nations people, it will go because it becomes irrelevant to everyone elses own self interest.
Anarcho: thank you for clearing that up. I was absolutely livid when I read the post. I apologize.

I chose this country to live in over every other nation on earth. It saddens me to see people take it for granted or insult the very premise on which this country was based. The Charter is something to be proud of and celebrate because it makes all of us equal partners in building a great nation.

There is much reason for pessimism that the Canadian model will fail due to the ignorance, arrogance, and bigotry of so many citizens. Conversely, I am constantly surprised and emboldened by the vigorous defence of this nation's values from unlikely sources.

From a large group of young Filipino teens coming to the defence of a gay person on a bus to Jews and Muslims dating each other. Sometimes the struggle to fight for Canadian values is difficult, but the goal is so very worth it.
There is much reason for pessimism that the Canadian model will fail due to the ignorance, arrogance, and bigotry of so many citizens. Conversely, I am constantly surprised and emboldened by the vigorous defence of this nation's values from unlikely sources.

Indeed. And let's not forget Chromeo!

It is not. There are 3 EQUAL founding peoples

So long as people make reference to the past and confuse it for the present, the country will have its problems. I like to think of Canada as routed in today rather than yesterday. There is history and there is the present. You can't occupy the past, but you can learn about it if you wish. Tomorrow need not be built upon yesterday.

As for the "founding" people, they are either all dead (history), or we are all "founding" people of this country - each and every day - regardless of our origins.
the queen mum is elegant while blowing gas that swirls a rotton egg beauty into the nostral of a lucky obiediant servant of the British empire, bow down and kiss the ring of royal blood, my life has meaning now, thanks for that identity, i would be completely lost without a royal monarch to cling to for a sense of self, the queen mum has graced toronto with her presence and made toronto a truely iconic cultural mecca due to superior rich people from England setting foot on toronto land, save the queen, all those enviromentalist are all concerned bout saving the earth when they should be directing there energy towards saving the queen!!! duh , hello, like honestly,
