Toronto Inez Court | 104.25m | 32s | Conservatory Group | Richmond Architects

A summary of the drastic Site Plan changes YolandaFlanders/ConservatoryGroup caused for the site directly east (5840-5870 (5888) Yonge) can be found here,....

New 5840-5870 (5888) Yonge Site Plan as posted by PMT:

Note: this YolandaFlanders/ConservatoryGroup Ruby site now gets a new very nice 100m long direct connection to Yonge Street due to:
- "Potential Easement For Pedestrian Link" running along entire south end of that 5840-5870 (5888) Yonge property
- "Potential Parkland Dedication" on Yonge Street
- "Potential POP" (PrivatelyOwnedPublicSpace) beside "Potential Easement For Pedestrian Link" running the remaining southern length not taken by "Potential Parkland Dedication"
These new feature are clearly mainly for the benefit of this ConservatoryGroup Ruby site,.... and all these features will be paid for by that other developer (PlazaCorp)!!!

This clearly shows how YolandaFlanders/ConservatoryGroup has everyone (other nearby developers, CityPlanning, local Councillor) by the balls,... since City needs this Ruby development to proceed in order to get the required land conveyed from YolandaFlanders/ConservatoryGroup for the Beecroft Road extension north of Finch to Drewry/Cummer

Also note, that PlazaCorp site plan,... their original 29-storey condo tower along northern end that originally ran east-west (matching the neighbouring east-west running apartment towers directly north) now gets turn around further away from Yonge Street towards the west side of lot and now runs north-south,... their new 32-storey now adjacent to this site,... which act as a magnet for more height and density here on this site,.... so the previous 29-storey and 11-storey Ruby OMB approval which YolandaFlanders/ConservatoryGroup have been stalling on,... will likely get resubmitted as a twin 32-storey tower with 8-storey podium,... or one very long 32-storey tower with 8-storey base,.... with more height, density and units,.... since YolandaFlanders/ConservatoryGroup has everyone (including CityPlanning & local Councillor) by the balls!


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OMB settlement from early 2014 allowed ConservatoryGroup Ruby 11-storey north tower, 29-storey (within 87m) south tower all on 5-storey base/podium

In mid-2014, YolandaFlanders/ConservatoryGroup presented another option which was approved via CommunityConsultation meetings,.... same 11-storey north tower, but increased 32-storey (within 100m) south tower all on 5-storey base with 2-storey podium in exchange for more parkland conveyed to community on otherside of Beecroft extension,..... which the Community and local Councillor supported,...

The problem is YolandaFlanders/ConservatoryGroup never submitted their revised rezoning application,.... in other words, even though it's the Developer's preferred option that they presented to the Community and was accepted by the Community,.... the developer never submitted it! Thus, this development application is stalled,... like ConservatoryGroup's other NorthYorkCentre project PearlPlace,.... they're just OMB-ing landscaping issues.


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Why doesn't the city just expropriate the land for the Beecroft extension and be done with it?

Expropriation is rare, expensive and only used as last resort. City generally pays 15% premium over market value on buy/expropriation; but financially, City would much rather have land conveyed (given) to them by Developer via a development deal for more density & height,... and then City also gets higher yearly property tax revenue!

Here, City reached settlement under developer's term only to have developer back out,.. this YolandaFlanders/ConservatoryGroup Ruby development proposal was submitted to the City in 2008 but still stuck in negotiation stage,... most condo proposal submitted in 2008 were completed and ready for occupancy 3-4 years ago. YolandaFlanders/ConservatoryGroup has leverage here and will drag it out for decades like with their PearlPlace that's been a empty wasteland on Yonge Street for the last 25+ years.

Interestingly,... City does benefits from stalling Beecroft north extension, since North York Centre Secondary Plan area is currently 70% redeveloped,... most of remaining 30% is on less desirable land in between subway station, where City just starting to get development proposal like Diamante's 5350 & 5300 Yonge near Churchill/Church Ave,... thus, the more the Beecroft north extension stalls, the more development fills up within North York Centre Secondary Plan area,... and the more long term tax revenue for City. City also benefit from stalling Yonge Street North Secondary Plan since no one from City really want Yonge Subway north extension anyways,....

BTW, for Beecroft north extension, City still negotiating with Province for easement through FinchHydroCorridor,... tougher than before with new Provincial regulations,... which basically makes it impossible to even get sport fields on FinchHydroCorridor now.

BTW, City has most of the required properties along Greenview Ave for Beecroft north extension,... but a couple of the properties required just north of Finch is owned by Oulahen, the same local MonopolyPlayer/Investor who acquired all the properties along west side of Bonnington Place required for Doris south extension (tried to force City to pay his price), managed to stall Doris south extension since the early 1990's, City refused to deal, so force City's hand with fake 55 Sheppard East development proposal and when negotiations failed had land expropriated by City (in 2014 but got cheque in 2016 - with 2014 prices!), he took City to court,... now about to be demolished.

So even if City expropriate here for Beecroft north extension, it won't necessarily be a faster process. Expropriation is only a last resort for the City,... primary focus is to get the land conveyed (given) to City in development deal.

And because this development application is an active file, City needs to deal with this developer for the land,.... otherwise these properties would be on a "conveyance-list" for other developers to privately acquire to convey to City as part of their development deals,.... actually, those Greenview Ave properties might be on "conveyance-list" for Newtonbrook Plaza redevelopment or 5840-5870 (5888) Yonge.
They're currently fishing for registrations for this one on their new website. Only those with right-hand-drive sports cars and trophy chauffeurs need apply.

Meanwhile here's the link for the dead OMB case , just for reference' sake.

New website? Still looks 10 years out of date. Really? Mississauga? That's a way to sell condos.
@maestro, who has time to differentiate between North York and Mississauga anymore? It's all just NoBlo, right? They should just put NoBlo…


(What's even more bizarre about their new website is that they've never taken their old one down entirely, or linked it to the new one, or at least put in an auto-redirect. See what you think of - now that's attention to detail!!)

Summarizing this "dead" Ruby proposal,.... Inez Court Land:
- 2008 development application to rezone single residential area for 23-storey with 2.5FSI density (withdrawn & no longer active)
- City need any development proposal here to proceed so developer can convey land needed for Beecroft North Extension - to support other nearby redevelopment.
- instead of proceeding with development, Conservatory Group (Yolanda Flanders) knows it has City by the Balls and is squeezing!
--- Early 2014 OMB settlement allowed ConservatoryGroup here not one but 2 towers with more density! 11-storey north tower, 29-storey (within 87m) south tower all on 5-storey base/podium - never proceeded, keep squeezing City's Balls!!!
--- 2017 CityPlanning & OMB completely altered adjacent developer's plan at 5840 Yonge - not just wider rear setback so ConservatoryGroup site has more sun but also forcing in a Privately Owned Public Space walkway with Yonge Street Park so this Conservatory Group (Yolanda Flanders) will have a direct Yonge St connection - owned and maintained by another developer!!!
--- 2018 Another developer's (Times Group 5800 Yonge) rendering shows this site with 32-storey & 11-storey on 5-storey podium
--- All Development proposals near Yonge&Cummer/Drewry is like a WildWest with everyone pushing the limits - especially north of Drewry/Cummer but even south of it within North York Centre Secondary Plan Area where maximum height and density are set, there's generally not a lot of built condo towers to act as anchors.
--- City needs the land for Beecroft Rd extension to Drewry, so City constantly re-zoning here for more height and density each time trying to entice a development application. But Conservatory Group (Yolanda Flanders) is still squeezing City's Balls for more height and density! It knows City will continue to keep on giving more and more! With Yonge Subway extension and likely a Cummer Station nearby Conservatory Group (Yolanda Flanders) can keep on holding out for more and more! (Now in North York Secondary Plan area - City giving out 50-storey, OMB giving 9FSI density) Yes, this is the same ConservatoryGroup that left eastside of Yonge between SpringGarden & Hollywood empty for 30 years as they most recently went to OMB fighting over landscaping issues - Finally that Pearl Place site is under construction now!
Since this Conservatory Group Ruby development application is technically dead - but they're still holding up Beecroft North Extension,... I'll be squatting Beecroft North Extension here (as I've been squatting Doris South Extension at 55 Sheppard East thread)

Since Conservatory Group (Yolanda Flanders) don't have active development application here,.... City can't get conveyed land for Beecroft North Extension at this Inez Court site.
--- So instead of extending Beecroft Road directly north to Drewry, Beecroft Rd will become at east-west road to cross Yonge at NorthYorkHydro (Times Group 5800 Yonge) site to form J-Road to connect with Cummer hence "Beecroft Extension to at least Turnberry Court to connect to Cummer Ave (2024-2026)" which coincide with completion of Aoyuan's M2M Phase 1 & 2 at former NewtonBrook Plaza site. Based on Development Applications - by 2026, there should be 10 new condo towers completed here along Yonge south of Drewry/Cummer to J-road (Aoyuan's M2M, Times Group 5800 Yonge, 5840 Yonge); about 4,000 additional new condo units,... IE 4,000 additional cars! (I'm not even including north of Drewry/Cummer! Ghods', North Yonge St, 905er side of Steeles, etc,..)

Yellow line shows "Beecroft North Extension" City committed to in funding.

Construction Phasing Strategy
• Phase 1 - Doris Ave Connection to Tradewind Ave Extension (2023-2024) - Fund in Reserve Fund due to lateness
• Phase 2 - Beecroft Extension to at least Turnberry Court to connect to Cummer Ave - Funded
• Phase 3 – “Transform Yonge” (2026+) - UnFunded
Pg 16:

Beecroft North Extension (Finch Ave to Drewry/Cummer):
- Timeline: 2024-2026
- Already Funded: Beecroft Extension north to Drewry Ave by 2024 ($10.892m) & 2025-2029 ($17.726m) ***
Top of pg 31:
- Notice, budget has 5-year 2025-2029 ($17.726m) that may go beyond this stated 2024-2026 timeline. WHY? Because, City doen't own all the land required for Beecroft North Extension! Same issue City had and Still Have for Doris South Extension!
- City still need 3 chunk of land - Inez Court, north side of HendonAve & westside Greenview Ave

Notice how that J-road from TimesGroup 5800 Yonge to Aoyuan's M2M link up to the purple mid-block proposal for Doris North extension that Cllr Filion is proposing - to save his favoured Silverview Community (meandering roads east of Yonge between Finch Hydro Corridor and Cummer) VS Dumont Rd City Planning favours which cut through Silverview Community

pg 20:
Focusing on the other pieces of land between Finch Ave & Finch Hydro Corridor that City still need for Beecroft North Extension:

Northside Hendon Ave
- City will require expropriation of 36 & 38 Hendon Ave
- City will need some land from 40 Hendon Ave - developer (HB Development) knows this, so developer has constantly increased height & density of their development proposal - now 6-storey Stacked Townhouses (even Finch Centre Secondary Plan only allow 3-4 storey family friendly townhouses - no Stacked Townhouses)

Westside Greenview Ave (Beecroft north of Finch):
- northwest corner of Finch & GreenviewAve/BeecroftRd
- about 3 adjacent bungalow lots west side of Greenview Ave
- owned by "Mr.O",... the same "Mr.O" who owned entire west-side of Bonnington Place from Doris South Extension!
- image from TransformBeecroft (see how CityStaff jacked up TransformBeecroft cost by including Beecroft Extension & land acquisition!) shows amount of frontage land City requires - even without Beecroft bike lanes City Still need land from "Mr.O" for right turn lane and 1 straight through lane! And even if City goes against their own safety standards and eliminate grassy boulevard - City still need land here from "Mr.O" in order to build efficient intersection - otherwise without a dedicated right/left turn lane, everytime a vehicle turns it'll block off that lane producing another bottleneck!
- "Mr.O" wants to build 30-storey condo towers here just like along east side of GreenviewAve/BeecroftRd which is within high-density NorthYorkCentreSecondaryPlan area,.... but "Mr.O" westside Greenview Ave is within Finch Centre Secondary Plan area where only 3-4-storey townhouses are allowed
- Guess what, "Mr.O" now has City by the Balls,... again!!!
- City's lesson from Doris South Extension: Don't mess with "Mr.O" - just give him whatever he demands early on and move on!
- Based on ConservatoryGroup/YolandaFlanders - expect CityPlanning (not OMB/LPAT) to constantly give "Mr.O" more height and density - in excess of Finch Centre Secondary Plan - to entice a development application with the objective of getting the required land conveyed to City

Now that City Council has approved TransformYonge which reduces Yonge Street from 6-lanes to 4-lanes with intension to divert traffic onto Doris Ave and Beecroft Rd - City needs an efficient both Doris South and Beecroft North Extensions to be designed efficiently for high capacity traffic throughout.
Taken from DevApp:

"Official plan amendment, zoning by-law amendment, and site plan application to finalize an LPAT settlement for a 10-storey and 32-storey residential buildings connected by a 2-storey podium with 551 residential units and an FSI of 2.29. A new public road and a parkland dedication of 7,535.4 square metres is also being provided."

DevApp Link:

Some photo taken from Architectural Plan:

PLN - Architectural Plans - MAR 17  2021 (1)-1.jpg

PLN - Architectural Plans - MAR 17  2021 (1)-10.jpg

PLN - Architectural Plans - MAR 17  2021 (1)-20.jpg
So, this is this entire street almost, and all of it that can be seen in this picture:


This is just a bit further east, towards Yonge (which this street does not meet)


Everything already boarded up: (from Last October)


This is the lone site on Drewry included in the proposal:


I believe this accurate represents the site, in this aerial pic; but I couldn't be sure of backyard lines:

@Art Tsai please merge this new thread with “Ruby” - at least that was the original name of this project since 2008 when it first went to City Planning,.... yes, 13 years ago - that shows how long Yolanda Flanders Conservatory Group has City and surrounding redevelopments (5840 Yonge) by the balls. Basically City needs Yolanda Flanders Conservatory Group to actually proceed with this redevelopment here or for that matter - any redevelopment - in order to convey the required land City needs for Beecroft North Extension to Drewry/Cummer,..... since that doesn’t seem likely anytime soon (same Conservatory Group stalled their current Pearl Place project for 30 years ,.... many of that at OMB arguing over landscaping-driveway issues),.. City now focus on extending Beecroft northward via J-road to other side of Yonge St connecting directly to Cummer instead of Drewry - I have already posted all of this soap opera on the “Ruby” thread
I have to admit that I'm not comfortable of them replacing that treed cul-de-sac with this.
