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Rob Ford - Why the Supervillian?

You got to face it. It isn't that you're a conservative. It's that you're a philistine. You taste.

And you've never addressed these issues of taste; probably because you know it's a lose/lose situation, that you haven't a leg to stand on vs the crowd making the accusation.

Who Ford might more typically get support from are, well, ordinary-Joe builders and teardown specialists who can count on Unca Rob to slay the bureaucrats on their behalf. But...really?!? Is that good?!?

Within a UT context, why on earth would you side with that crowd?

LOL. You could not be more wrong about me if you tried, and I fail to understand why I'm being attacked for my use of the term "leftist"/"socialist" when you're being given carte blanche privileges to label me a "philistine" in every post of mine that you reply to. I'm highly gifted in the arts, have had my work featured in the Toronto Star (surprised it wasn't the Sun, eh?), the Halifax Chronicle-Herald, the San Francisco Chronicle and in a number of webzines. I once made I guest appearence on a CBC TV program in my teens to discuss issues of social justice and multiculturalism in Toronto. People here on UrbanToronto have seen my many attempts at cartography; as well I'm also a novice poet, painter, sculper, musician, comic-book illustrator, and screenwriter. I have an adept understanding of contemporary Canadian, US and global politics taught at the university-level to feel confident enough to back someone like a Rob Ford. It's a necessary evil, so to speak.

My family's background may be blue-collar and I currently find myself working in such a profession; but I'm ambitious, determined to succeed, and will not be phased by the disparaging remarks of haters. I have not let my past successes go to my head though. I still remember where it is that I came from and all the people that I knew growing up for whom the system has failed them. Maybe I'm siding with that crowd because they have just as much right as you and I to enjoy living in Toronto, to feel comfortable in their own skin. The average Torontonian does not value the "aesthetics" of a home over its pricetag. Affordability is what mainly matters nowaways in this post-recession economy. To say so does not make me a philistine, it makes me a realist!! People purchasing a fixer-upper with the expressed purpose of a demo-rebuild should be commended and praised by their neighbours for breathing new life into run-down parts of town. Some houses just aren't worth the time, money and energy to preserve. I know quite a few people in this predicament who are finding this out the hard way and now want to sell and go live in a condo.

And if so, why are you in UT?

So you would like to be rid of me, then. Let's not discuss our differences, let's not try to reach an understanding and see whether we can agree on some matters. Let's pretend that everyone's the same and presume that everyone will universally fall into the same categorical mindsets or else risk being an outcast. This is why I cannot understand how, for lack of a better word, leftists can claim to be tolerant of all peoples and viewpoints when their attitudes purports to anything but. You and others here have made several insensitive comments about those with learning disabilities and the overweight, for instance, yet fail to see how offensive you are being to nearly 65% of the national population.

No offense, but my understanding of anything really isn't something for you to judge from your self-promoted high chair of truth.
No offense, Miller et al is just as involved with the project - and were instrumental in wringing concessions from the proponents. Interesting how you turned reality into a RF only show though. I can understand your eagerness to do so however.
No offense once again, but your previous postings suggested the rationale for supporting him is that he is the BEST candidate for the job, not an exercise in strategic voting. At least be consistent for once.

I'm not understanding the hostility here. It was Rob Ford's ward, he was immediately involved, just like Sandra Bussin was immediately involved in placing a streetcar storage yard in the middle of Leslieville which threatens to kill local business down there and gave Tuggs proprietary rights without a public tender (why did you gloss over that accusation, nfitz?). I struggle to find a single news article, any negative press whatsoever coming out of Ward 2 in regards to Ford's leadership. You'd think that after a decade in office some skeletons would have emerged from Rexdale by now. Within this crop of potential mayors, simply put Ford is the best candidate for my interests. What you see is what you get with Rob Ford. He's not polished nor spohisticated; but he speaks his mind without hesitation (gift/curse), is pliable to public consensus, and has demonstratively gone out of his way to help the lowly citizens of this city, the ones that can't afford to wad a Councillors' pockets with "campaign donations" in exchange for assistance. I don't trust that anyone else will fulfil even one-third of their electoral promises, and lord help us with the ones that they do try to ram thorugh. So to me it's strategic, as the other candidates have simply failed to live up to my expectations of public service. They address their narrow base and then that's it.
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LOL. You could not be more wrong about me if you tried, and I fail to understand why I'm being attacked for my use of the term "leftist"/"socialist" when you're being given carte blanche privileges to label me a "philistine" in every post of mine that you reply to. I'm highly gifted in the arts, have had my work featured in the Toronto Star (surprised it wasn't the Sun, eh?), the Halifax Chronicle-Herald, the San Francisco Chronicle and in a number of webzines. I once made I guest appearence on a CBC TV program in my teens to discuss issues of social justice and multiculturalism in Toronto. People here on UrbanToronto have seen my many attempts at cartography; as well I'm also a novice poet, painter, sculper, musician, comic-book illustrator, and screenwriter. I have an adept understanding of contemporary Canadian, US and global politics taught at the university-level to feel confident enough to back someone like a Rob Ford. It's a necessary evil, so to speak.

oh lord... I know exactly who you are...
Except that: say what you will about Mayor Daley, but he's no philistine--at least, where it counts. Indeed, there's a fair argument that if any of the present contenders truly has "Mayor Daley" potential, it's Smitherman--and that's why a lot of the, uh, "Millerite socialist left" fear him even more than Ford: all-too-competent iron fist vs incompetent buffoonery, you know...

I agree, which is why I pose the question with regards to UT 'mainstream' dogma.
So you would like to be rid of me, then. Let's not discuss our differences, let's not try to reach an understanding and see whether we can agree on some matters. Let's pretend that everyone's the same and presume that everyone will universally fall into the same categorical mindsets or else risk being an outcast. This is why I cannot understand how, for lack of a better word, leftists can claim to be tolerant of all peoples and viewpoints when their attitudes purports to anything but. You and others here have made several insensitive comments about those with learning disabilities and the overweight, for instance, yet fail to see how offensive you are being to nearly 65% of the national population.

I'm not understanding the hostility here. It was Rob Ford's ward, he was immediately involved, just like Sandra Bussin was immediately involved in placing a streetcar storage yard in the middle of Leslieville which threatens to kill local business down there and gave Tuggs proprietary rights without a public tender (why did you gloss over that accusation, nfitz?). I struggle to find a single news article, any negative press whatsoever coming out of Ward 2 in regards to Ford's leadership. You'd think that after a decade in office some skeletons would have emerged from Rexdale by now. Within this crop of potential mayors, simply put Ford is the best candidate for my interests. What you see is what you get with Rob Ford. He's not polished nor spohisticated; but he speaks his mind without hesitation (gift/curse), is pliable to public consensus, and has demonstratively gone out of his way to help the lowly citizens of this city, the ones that can't afford to wad a Councillors' pockets with "campaign donations" in exchange for assistance. I don't trust that anyone else will fulfil even one-third of their electoral promises, and lord help us with the ones that they do try to ram thorugh. So to me it's strategic, as the other candidates have simply failed to live up to my expectations of public service. They address their narrow base and then that's it.

Firstly, Rob Ford is grossly overweight. I've seen him while I'm at City Hall ( I'm a 'blue collar" city employee who has to go see the bosses at City Hall) shouting and berating underlings and other City employees. It sometimes reminds me of those old cartoons where the character would eat some hot peppers and then turn bright red and scream. I don't think it sets a good example to have a fat mayor telling people we should be healthy. Damn...I doubt he could give up the chicken wings and beer long enough to go for a run. Provided he doesn't just die on the spot from the idea of trying to exercise

I have an interesting viewpoint as I live in Rivedale and work at City Hall and Rexdale. There is an already existing streetcar barn at Knox and Queen, and it doesn't kill business. Infact, the Red Rocket cofee bar makes a lot of business from the TTC employees. Please explain how putting a streetcar barn at the corner of Leslie and Lakeshore is going to kill business? Doesn't really add up all that well. He is a good area councillor, I will not deny him that. I/we believe/know that he will not be a very good mayor as the rest of the city looks at him and his policies and cringes. I'd prefer Lastman over Ford any day of the week, at least Lastman knew how to run a city and had some leadership potential.

Pliable to public consenus? I guess thats a code word for not showing up for voting.

What do you know about public service? Art serves the public, but it doesn't help them address the needs that they have with regards to sewer main connectivity, fixing zoning bylaws, and pushing through the Transit City project for example. Or is that just lefty propoganda?
.. Sandra Bussin was immediately involved in placing a streetcar storage yard in the middle of Leslieville which threatens to kill local business down there
What are you talking about? The complaint about the LRV yard was that it would create noise to residents on Leslie Street, disturb an old age-home, and make it more difficult for those turning from Lesle to Lakeshore during morning rush-hour. I haven't heard much talk of impact to local businesses. In particular, I'd think putting that many TTC employees at that location would help many local businesses.

and gave Tuggs proprietary rights without a public tender (why did you gloss over that accusation, nfitz?)
I hadn't caught a reference to that in what you wrote earlier ... and quite honestly, I really am not loosing much sleep about her attempts to support local business (you seem to want it both ways, either she is against local business, or for local business). They've been operating this for years, and built up the business from scratch. Would you prefer that it got tendered and ended up being run by some large national chain like McDonalds or Taco Bell? Do you complain that when the city makes sweetheart deals with MLSE about Toronto FC, that they didn't tender it to whoever wants to run a major league soccer club?

Your ignorance here is shocking.

And why do you ignore my question of why are you claiming that Rob Ford will improve transit in Toronto, given his desire to eliminate much of TTC service. Why do you lie to us?
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My family's background may be blue-collar and I currently find myself working in such a profession; but I'm ambitious, determined to succeed, and will not be phased by the disparaging remarks of haters. I have not let my past successes go to my head though. I still remember where it is that I came from and all the people that I knew growing up for whom the system has failed them. Maybe I'm siding with that crowd because they have just as much right as you and I to enjoy living in Toronto, to feel comfortable in their own skin. The average Torontonian does not value the "aesthetics" of a home over its pricetag. Affordability is what mainly matters nowaways in this post-recession economy. To say so does not make me a philistine, it makes me a realist!! People purchasing a fixer-upper with the expressed purpose of a demo-rebuild should be commended and praised by their neighbours for breathing new life into run-down parts of town. Some houses just aren't worth the time, money and energy to preserve. I know quite a few people in this predicament who are finding this out the hard way and now want to sell and go live in a condo.

But...there's "comfortable in their own skin", and then there's "complacent in their own skin".

And moreover, you know something...when you talk about "breathing new life into run-down parts of town" etc, you portray such "run-down parts of town" in such generic, simplistic, mute, dumb terms. It's like, any local history, stories, organic "getting a feel" means nothing. Basically, when it comes to the ergonomics of optimum neighbourhood/community sensitivity...something that goes beyond mere "heritage"'re speaking on behalf of the obtuse. Just Joe Blows looking for a lot to buy/build on; or maybe, generically bowing to political correctness and buying an older house because "that's the thing to do". The "ugly tourist" school of buying into a neighbourhood or community (and I'm allowing some sympathy for the plight of the ugly tourist).

And I'm saying that because when you go about it as "Joe Blow"...that's where the trouble begins. That's why I argue for an "anticipatory" approach to issues of potential "heritage", etc. Scope things out; do your homework; look before you leap. And that goes as much for the people you know "who are finding out the hard way"--it isn't that the houses they got are always worthless/unsalvageable per se; it's that they bit off more than they could chew. Even if more superficially "sensitive", they're as guilty as Teardown Joe Blow...from the other end.

And if to demand more makes them "uncomfortable in their own skin" needn't be so. Or if so, it weeds them out; just as some people aren't fit to own pets or have children. But...paradigms shift; and plenty of today's acceptable "sensitivity paradigms" are the sort that would have seemed radically left-field and avant-garde a generation or two ago. So, maybe it's better to encourage that kind of shift out there--maybe not to the point of absolute "do not touch" paranoia; but at least to know where the playing field lies.

Look at it this way...99 times out of 100 I wouldn't scream bloody heritage murder at someone who seeks to tear down (or mummify in cheeseball EIFS'n'quoins) a generic postwar CMHC Scarbungalow, even if I'm generically concerned about the overall precedent such teardowns/transformations set.

However, I sure wouldn't want someone who's responsible for such a teardown/EIFS-ification to have a say in anything verging on heritage matters.

And so, when you say in the most generic terms
People purchasing a fixer-upper with the expressed purpose of a demo-rebuild should be commended and praised by their neighbours for breathing new life into run-down parts of town.
I wouldn't want a jerk like you in my neighbourhood, or in any self-respecting neighbourhood. Vamoose.
I'd prefer Lastman over Ford any day of the week, at least Lastman knew how to run a city and had some leadership potential.

Not exactly, Lastman knew how to choose people for committee chairs on the basis of their ability to do the job, not on whether or not they were his buddies. If leadership is akin to delegation who is to say RF couldn't adopt this pattern to our advantage.
I agree, which is why I pose the question with regards to UT 'mainstream' dogma.

Though in that light, if Smitherman is "Smitherfraud", then by extension a Chi-town Fresh Start would be one who supports a Tea Party Populist (or even Libertarian) opponent to Mayor Daley...
I am deeply concerned about what the new streetcar tracks on Leslie Street will mean for small businesses like Wendy's and Burger King. Please help me Mayor Ford. Where else will I get burgers.
I am deeply concerned about what the new streetcar tracks on Leslie Street will mean for small businesses like Wendy's and Burger King. Please help me Mayor Ford. Where else will I get burgers.

Don't forget about the poor Canadian Tire owners. People will have to walk down to get their overpriced made in China products.
Did Chris Hume wake up on the wrong side of Eglinton the day he wrote that? The crop of mayoral candidates is less than ideal, so why condemn the majority of the city for Rob Ford's existence in the race? You're more of a problem than Ford, vilifying the suburbs, you're also helping to stoke Rob Ford's campaign. Ignore him and he's just that archtypal penny-pincher, nothing more.

Rob Ford may be a joke to the rest of the world, but in suburbia he’s anything but funny.

A Rob Ford victory, especially if squeaked into being in some kind of freak 20%/19%/18%/17%/16% result, could be a mandate of heathen from a downtowner's perspective, but we'll see who's laughing on election day, Hume, because suburbia outnumbers urbia.

For one thing, a good quarter of the electorate is the folks who voted for Mel Lastman over and over (interestingly, though, Scarborough wasn't and still isn't the kind of place that tends to grow and elect 'personalities,' like Lastman or Ford), so "self-aggrandizing blowhard" is hardly the insult Hume thinks it is. There's lots of people that really don't mind this or other qualities in a mayor if the mayor delivers in areas other than warm fuzzies (a Miller specialty), there's lots of people who know that things like bike lanes won't save the suburbs from anything other than a lack of cyclists, and there's lots of people who think that there's little at stake with this election because the city will mostly carry on as usual no matter who the mayor is (maybe it's the absence of parties).

Of course, Rob Ford is either a one issue candidate or a no issue candidate, depending on whether or not you have a problem with the amount of money wasted by the city, and Rob Ford trying to lead the future council could be like Babe trying to corral sheep without knowing Bah Ram Ewe, not that anyone really bases their vote on such a least Lastman had that well-oiled North York municipal machine to fall back on (which, as far as I know, was largely transferred into the Toronto municipal machine post-amalgamation...Ford is much more of a lone gunman).
LOL. You could not be more wrong about me if you tried, and I fail to understand why I'm being attacked for my use of the term "leftist"/"socialist" when you're being given carte blanche privileges to label me a "philistine" in every post of mine that you reply to. I'm highly gifted in the arts, have had my work featured in the Toronto Star (surprised it wasn't the Sun, eh?), the Halifax Chronicle-Herald, the San Francisco Chronicle and in a number of webzines. I once made I guest appearence on a CBC TV program in my teens to discuss issues of social justice and multiculturalism in Toronto. People here on UrbanToronto have seen my many attempts at cartography; as well I'm also a novice poet, painter, sculper, musician, comic-book illustrator, and screenwriter. I have an adept understanding of contemporary Canadian, US and global politics taught at the university-level to feel confident enough to back someone like a Rob Ford.

Please provide references.

Joking aside, it's not about whether you feel confident about backing Ford, it's whether Ford is competent to do the job. Many of us don't think so - regardless of whether we have been on TV for a few moments, or fashion ourselves as novice poets, painters or comic-book illustrators.
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Informal poll by me at a large jobsite--note most folks are educated, multicultural backgrounds, most live in suburban Toronto--19/20 so far would vote for Rob Ford; only one said "undecided."

Informal poll by me: Ford is incompetent for the job. If elected, will inevitably fail to keep any of his promises and will blame everyone else.
