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Rob Ford - Why the Supervillian?

I was just thinking the other day that the only thing that could make Fresh Start's posts more intelligent would be a big red signature in Comic Sans.

You're right, conservative blue is more appropo. I struggle to figure out why many posters find my contributions to the forum unintelligible though. Like any astute scholar, I actively ask poignant questions and share my interpretation on the issues as such to expand my own understanding of things. It's a socratic method of logic and reasoning and like I've been told, is unique and a welcome change to the pedantic banality that is typical of most threads. I mean c'mon, what fun is there in everyone blankly agreeing that: "That building looks okay. That light-rail scheme is okay. Our government's okay. We solemnly swear that everything in NDP/Liberal run Toronto/GTA is infallible and any attempts to declare otherwise must come from an unintelligible source."?

I know Gristle thinks that I think the media's a monolith, but perhaps I'm being too critical of them, and not enough so on the sheeple who accept everything as it's mediated to them without any strong indication of analytical thought.
I don't want to knock on any Carleton grads in this place, but I think the word 'prestigious' may be a bit of an exageration.

Oooh a poli sci grad from an Ottawa University! What a special man he must be!

Is it? I'd think of Carleton U as one of the Big 10 universities in all of Canada. When you're in ranking with the likes of Queens, McGill, U of T and UBC, that's quite a high honour.
The sky is green. Grass is blue. I shall use my Socratic powers to convince everybody that this is true. What fun would it be if we all agreed that grass is green and sky is blue!
Like any astute scholar, I actively ask poignant questions and share my interpretation on the issues as such to expand my own understanding of things. It's a socratic method of logic and reasoning and like I've been told, is unique and a welcome change to the pedantic banality that is typical of most threads.

Who knew we had Conrad Black or Rex Murphy posting their verbosity on the forums?
Sans Rhodes Scholar, I might add. Then again, there is something rather narcissistic and pompous when one elevates their own postings to the level of being "unique and a welcome change to the pedantic banality that is typical of most threads". Claiming at once that Rob Ford that speaks like a commoner and then argues the rest of the postings on here are banal? Barf bags in aisle 4.

And yes, I have taken the liberty of editing the distracting and otherwise banal sig. line.

Is it? I'd think of Carleton U as one of the Big 10 universities in all of Canada. When you're in ranking with the likes of Queens, McGill, U of T and UBC, that's quite a high honour.

Not that I am a fan of credentialism, but let's get real here, grads from these top 10 universities are a dime a dozen. It's about as honourable as getting an OSSD nowadays. Fluffing your hero's academic prowess - or rather, the lackthereof isn't going to cut it.

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Doug Ford, who was down at the parade but did not march, said his brother Rob will absolutely support pulling the funding for Pride.

"Rob's a big supporter of Pride but he isn't a big supporter of hate groups," he said.

Love the sinner, hate the sin, I suppose? And I wonder what the "big support" actually meant in deeds over the years...

^It doesn't make any sense, either. Pride Toronto - very wisely - passed the buck of responsibility to the city. If the city dislikes QuAIA, they have to go after them directly, and not make Pride their scapegoats.

Also, Rob supports one big hate group: himself!

I think I'm going to spend election day finding Rob Ford voters and tazing them in the nutsack. And it's all nutsack, cause the ladies have too much sense.
Ah well, one can always count on Ford to bring people together.


You are assuming the said individuals have balls - a matter that I am not necessarily convinced is true. Certainly RF doesn't exhibit much of that, considering his pattern of denials followed by painful admission after the fact on numerous occasions.

You are assuming the said individuals have balls - a matter that I am not necessarily convinced is true. Certainly RF doesn't exhibit much of that, considering his pattern of denials followed by painful admission after the fact on numerous occasions.

I was going to make a comment about how I expect them to be ball-less nutsacks, but I have decided not to.

I am also hoping that some new RF Those-Darn-Gays-Want-Me-to-Buy-Them-Drugs drama was going to happen when he visited Pride, but I was disappointed. Come on, my fellow gays, we haven't finished humiliating him, have we?
For those of you who think Rob Ford would make a great Mayor this is what this MORON had to say about police actions during the G20 (from the Star)

"Ford said there should be no review of police actions on the G20 weekend and, in the face of rampaging vandals, “our police were too nice.”

“I don’t think there should be an inquiry or review,” of police actions, “none whatsoever,” Ford said.

“Our police force was more than polite, more than accommodating with the protesters,” in the face of taunts and worse, he added.

“If I was chief, I would have moved in Saturday afternoon and cleaned house,” instead of waiting until Sunday to make mass arrests, Ford said. “I think our police were too nice. I would have had a zero-tolerance approach,” he said, adding he realizes councillors can’t tell the police chief what to do.
Rob's a big supporter of Pride but he isn't a big supporter of hate groups

From - originally available from Inside Toronto:

Ford slams city for PRIDE grant
'I don't think we should be supporting sexuality'
The city shouldn't be funding sexuality.
And that's exactly what council is doing by voting to award a $105,000 grant to the organization that runs PRIDE week here, Ward 2 Etobicoke North Councillor Rob Ford said Thursday.

"I don't think we should be supporting sexuality and that's where this money is going. That's what we're supporting here, madam chair," Ford said Thursday during a speech in council chambers, which prompted an outburst of laughter amongst his colleagues.

"I don't believe we should be spending taxpayers' money supporting your sexuality. If you're gay great. If you're not gay, that's great too. That's your prerogative."

Ford continued saying, "Do we have a straight parade? Do we have a heterosexual parade? Do we fund that? No, so I don't know why we're funding other things like that.

"I just disagree that we should be funding someone's sexuality and that's what this comes down to and I think it's absolutely wrong. And I don't think we should be spending $100,000 on this. I think it's absolutely wrong. And that's why I'm not supporting this," he said.

The grant for PRIDE Toronto is allocated through the Major Cultural Organizations Grant Program.

The motion to approve the funding was passed in a 36-2 vote.

Ford and Ward 39 Scarborough-Agincourt Councillor Mike Del Grande voted in the negative. .

Some big supporter. Is lying a trait that runs in the family?

His IQ is probably higher than yours if he knows how to do a basic web search. He studied Political Science at the prestigious Carleton University. As for my own IQ, I'm smart enough to figure out what's going to happen should anyone but Rob Ford get into office. He's the "everyday citizen's" only hope of getting our issues voiced and seeing actual results (not fake promises) carried out in a timely manner.

Okay, I'll rephrase that. Some "journalists" hired by the mainstream media establishment write unflattering things about Ford on a weekly basis and they're permitted by their superiors to have such slander wind up in the news on a weekly basis. Their motives may be just to sell copy but of course there are ways they could go about doing that without resorting to name-calling and dredging trivial factoids that don't matter to 85% of Torontonians like it's a big honking scandal. Or better yet if they're going that route, why not engage in some equal opportunity muckraking? Why, for instance, is Smitherfraud being allowed to pin everything on David Caplan and skate scott free on deeds that warrant a criminal investigation at the very least? So let's face it, there is a bias and negative slant in how local media covers Ford that eludes the other candidates. I suppose we should be thanking the TorStar Corporation and CTVglobemedia however for all the free publicity though - good or bad, you guys keep Ford's name relevant and a lot of people will vote for him just based on the name recognition alone. Yup, the plan's backfired. :cool:

As for the CSIS revelation, all I'm saying is that Smitherman has yet to reveal to the Toronto public what precisely he was doing over there or whom he was engaging with. Why all the hush/hush secrecy if he presumably went to China on our behalf? Inquiring minds want to know.

Well, first off, I'm not running for mayor, so my IQ is of little interest to anybody and won't damage this city. Yep, I think I'm smarter than your boy Rob, by a long shot. I notice you never answered that question. lol

And as for Ford's education, you didn't say much. OK, he studied Political Science and? Did he get his masters, Ph.D., bachelor or did he drop out before graduation? Was he accomplished in any way? So far I haven't seen much accomplishment from Ford. I know his dad was a politician and was wealthy, from starting his own company. Rob Ford and his look-alike brothers got the company from daddy and they all run it together, as a family. Rob Ford does not run the company himself. So what I see is a guy who was given everything to him and has no achievements of his own. If I am wrong, please correct me, as I'd really love to learn more about our next mayor. Let's face it, you are the expert on everything Ford, so fill me in, bro.

I also just read that Ford is fighting against the redevelopment of Lawrence Heights because some near by neighbours didn't like it.(NIMBYs, in Toronto, what a surprise) Let's stop all buildings that someone is opposed to and bring this city to a complete halt. So the fact that this development will improve the lives of thousands of people and create thousands of new condominium apartments (and construction jobs $$$, govt. taxes) is of no concern? Giving people a safer, green, nicer, more accessible, better designed and higher density neighbourhood is a bad thing? It's things like that, that make Rob Ford a "supervillan" and the people who support him are a bunch of low-lifes. (in my humble opinion) He's just playing politics and you fools are just following him like a pied piper. I used to think Canadians were smart enough to see through right-wing political bull-shit but maybe I was wrong. Let's wait and find out. I'm starting to really hate Rob Ford and all he stands for.

One thing I'm sure of, if Rob Ford becomes our next mayor, the members on this site will have lots to write about. There will be one embarrassing blunder after another. That boy will keep us laughing and crying at the same time. MARK MY WORDS!!!
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From - originally available from Inside Toronto:

Ford slams city for PRIDE grant
'I don't think we should be supporting sexuality'
The city shouldn't be funding sexuality.
And that's exactly what council is doing by voting to award a $105,000 grant to the organization that runs PRIDE week here, Ward 2 Etobicoke North Councillor Rob Ford said Thursday.

"I don't think we should be supporting sexuality and that's where this money is going. That's what we're supporting here, madam chair," Ford said Thursday during a speech in council chambers, which prompted an outburst of laughter amongst his colleagues.

"I don't believe we should be spending taxpayers' money supporting your sexuality. If you're gay great. If you're not gay, that's great too. That's your prerogative."

Ford continued saying, "Do we have a straight parade? Do we have a heterosexual parade? Do we fund that? No, so I don't know why we're funding other things like that.

"I just disagree that we should be funding someone's sexuality and that's what this comes down to and I think it's absolutely wrong. And I don't think we should be spending $100,000 on this. I think it's absolutely wrong. And that's why I'm not supporting this," he said.

The grant for PRIDE Toronto is allocated through the Major Cultural Organizations Grant Program.

The motion to approve the funding was passed in a 36-2 vote.

Ford and Ward 39 Scarborough-Agincourt Councillor Mike Del Grande voted in the negative. .

Some big supporter. Is lying a trait that runs in the family?


Wonder if Ford supports Caribana or even the Santa Claus parades.
I also just read that Ford is fighting against the redevelopment of Lawrence Heights because some near by neighbours didn't like it.(NIMBYs, in Toronto, what a surprise) Let's stop all buildings that someone is opposed to and bring this city to a complete halt. So the fact that this development will improve the lives of thousands of people and create thousands of new condominium apartments (and construction jobs $$$, govt. taxes) is of no concern? Giving people a safer, green, nicer, more accessible, better designed and higher density neighbourhood is a bad thing?

Mammoliti is crazy, but like all crazy people, he can hit the bullseye occasionally. He pointed out that Ford's stance on development in his ward is that he pretty much rejects all of it. When your main concern is customer service and some deathless crone with access to a functioning phone line dials you up about all the noise the construction will cause, what else can you do but be against all development? SCREW THE GREATER GOOD.
For those of you who think Rob Ford would make a great Mayor this is what this MORON had to say about police actions during the G20 (from the Star)

And so the character assassination of Rob Ford continues. You might want to take note that every last councillor present for the vote commended the police's preformance during the G20. But because of the source, you'll of course spin his words to conjure up any more feelings of misguided anger you can muster up about him.
