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Rob Ford and Pride

I do think the health insurance system should be overhauled. Like you said, many diseases are a lifestyle problem which are due to the person's bad and irresponsible habit. So I don't think it is fair just to cover the healthcare for each other, spreading the cost evenly among all the taxpayers. For example, being fat and getting all the weight related problem is a personal choice (in most cases at least). Therefore, people of healthier lifestyle should pay the high cost of these patients. Not saying we should let the fat people die, but they should pay a higher health premium than others. For example, people with a riskily higher BMI should pay higher healthcare premium every year to cover their higher cost. The same with tabacco users. You can't say "Eating fried chicken and smoke 2 packs of cigarettes everyday is my own business but when I get sick because of this, everyone has to pay my bill!" It is difficult to implement as what kind of bahavior should be considered highly risky needs to be determined, but it should be tried as much as possible.

In Japan, office workers do have a abnormally high BMI are forced to participate in active physical exercies after work. If they are not committed to bring their weight down, their health benefits will be reduced and they would need to pay more out of their own pockets. I think that's an innovative way to encourage healthy living. Only 3.6 percent of Japanese have a BMI over 30, the international standard for obesity, whereas 32.0 percent of Americans do. Canadians stats are probably similar to American.

Regarding your second point, I always support flat tax. Whether one has kids is irrelevant to tax.

So by your logic I guess health insurers could start to discriminate based on race or genetics, since Asians are more likely to be afflicted with disease A, and African Americans with Disease B and those of European or whatever ancestry disease C and D etc.

I'm the last person to sympathize with someone because they drink themselves to death or choose to be a heroin addict ("its a diseeeeeese") or even fat but part of living in a society is the responsibility we all accept for taking care of each other. Some of us understand that there are more important things to life than the 1% or so we might save in personal income tax.

And a healthy lifestyle is not a guarantee of health.

Oh and AIDS is not a promiscuity issue. People can have unprotected sex merely once (and it could be their first time) and test positive. Or they could have a thousand sexual partners and never get it. Just as someone could smoke for 60 years and never get lung cancer versus a 36 year old who has never smoked can die of it.

You seem to live in a terribly black and white universe.
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Ford can save face by attending a single event for the shortest period of time. Then he can strike "Pride" off of his list of civic duties and move on.

By his own intransigence, he's guaranteeing that the controversy will continue to dog him.
Ford can save face by attending a single event for the shortest period of time. Then he can strike "Pride" off of his list of civic duties and move on.

By his own intransigence, he's guaranteeing that the controversy will continue to dog him.

And that's classic Ford. We could probably predict his stance and the resulting outcome of every issue between now and election day based on that attitude alone.
no, not "judging" them, but if a person chooses to live unhealthily, the state should force to to pay higher health premium vis-a-vis healthy living people to offset the high risk. It is like in the insurance industry, when you are more likely to incurr a payment, you pay higher insurance premium. It is not about morality, it is about fairness.This will serve as an incentive for most people to be as healthy as they can.

It has been documented that married people are generally healthier and happier too, and the burden of their care is shared with another which helps the state. Does this mean that single people should pay an extra tax?

Also, people with cats are known to have lower stress levels. Does this mean that anybody without a tabby at home should pay more?

We can go on like this all day, right?

Look, of course it is beneficial that our communities support and encourage healthy lifestyles, but this is where it should end. You cannot have a compassionate social health care system that uncompassionately judges who is worthy of it or not. It's a slippery bureaucratic slope!

... but to tie this back to Slob Ford, as mayer it is his obligation to show compassion and accommodation to all of the people he serves regardless of what he thinks about things personally and regardless of his own personal 'judgements'. Otherwise, this too would be a slippery slope if our public servants only decide to care for and represent the people who voted for them, or the people they 'agree with'.
Rob Ford has the maturity level of bacteria. "I don't want to attend Pride so I don't have to!" "I became Mayor to enrich my developer friends not because I wanted to govern or accept the responsibilities of public office!"
Yes but you're giving bacteria a raw deal... bacteria doesn't think or demonstrate 'will'.
As a straight person who's married with two kids, i have to agree... It's Ford's civic duty to attend. It's a sign of respect to a large segment of the population that live in the city that you govern. Suck it up buttercup, and show a litlle Pride and Respect! The least he could do is go to the flag raising ceremony, but he is as stubborn as a mule! You ever try moving a jackass when it doen't want to? :p
You'd be pilloried for not attending what is one of the greatest economic engines in that city, and all the more so post-Katrina! You see, it's about duty and responsibility to the city, and not personal taste. That's what it takes to be in office, to be a public servant. Again, your sensibilities are so fragile? Then get the hell out!

I'm not sure why it is a mayor's duty to invite people to spend money in the city when they are doing something one would rather see less of in the city. I also would rather not attend a huge video-game convention, etc.

Ultimately I probably would at least write a letter to the participants thanking them for choosing our city for their event and wishing them the best, though.

tewder said:
You're not wrong (necessarily) but you do dismiss the politics of sexuality a little too smugly. In other words, it was a community/activist identity of 'Gay' and 'Pride' (good, bad and ugly) that paved the way for you to be so free about who you screw. It wasn't that long ago my dear that you would have been thrown in jail and beaten for such a viewpoint, or institutionalized for just expressing the desire. So for me, coming down on the gay pride thing smacks a little of the 'you've come a long way baby' type of condescension that women still endure.

Communist ideas and sympathetic political movements were key in granting people like you and I labour rights we wouldn't dream of if a revolution of the proletariat hadn't been a genuine threat. Does that mean that, with what we know now, we should still be parading for the same outdated ideas?

Activists should modernise and adapt their ideals as we know more and more. But the 'pride' and 'gay' groups and the liberal media insist on covering the truth so as to not provide the right wing with any ammunition - thus leading to many in the gay community having a chronic misunderstanding of their own sexuality. The 'truth' that is being silenced is that upbringing and environmental factors may have a lot to do with the sexual preferences of many exclusively homosexual individuals.

The models we have so far used in the mainstream media to describe the nature of sexuality are usually wrong and all over the place. As far as I'm concerned (as an evolutionary biologist), the average healthy man should be turned on by women he perceives fit, and he should find the opportunity to knock one up very attractive. Whether this healthy man also enjoys to play with and practice with other men, dolls, or animals (all of these being practices frequently observed in wild primates), is next to irrelevant so long as he is also capable of forging a heterosexual relationship with the purposes of mating. Occasionally, and as observed in nature, there will be healthy individuals who will show no attraction whatsoever towards the opposite sex - there is a range of adaptive hypotheses explaining this behaviour, but that explanation is less important than the fact these individuals seem capable of having happy fulfilling lives anyway. In nature, many seemingly homosexual individuals do pair up eventually with a member of the opposite sex either temporarily or permanently. Females in a variety of species tend to act bisexually. This is specially noticeable in the relative absence of males, when females can form unions to raise their offspring without the need for the male to stick around (often seen in birds). Finally, environmental factors can easily encourage populations to engage in homosexual acts. Human populations worldwide with significant instances of homosexual/bisexual behaviour aren't genetically different from those who consider them an abomination in any significant way.

In short, your daughter/son may develop one or many naturally observed variants of sexuality. By being told that being gay is normal and even fun, he/she is a lot more likely to engage in homosexual acts. However, engaging in homosexual acts in the vast majority of cases observed in nature doesn't equate with not being able to also enjoy heterosexual relationships. Regardless, and though parents are entitled to try and shape their kids' sexuality by exposing him/her to their role models of preference throughout his/her development, people must be provided the freedom to explore their tastes. Assuming that one's sexual tendencies are fully under one's cognitive control is ignorant and vile.
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I'm not sure why it is a mayor's duty to invite people to spend money in the city when they are doing something one would rather see less of in the city. I also would rather not attend a huge video-game convention, etc.

MG brings in over a billion dollars in revenue to a post-Katrina city that is rebuilding and you think it's ok to stay away as mayor because you personally don't like looking at boobies? Civic leaders need to be bigger than that, sorry!

Communist ideas and sympathetic political movements were key in granting people like you and I labour rights we wouldn't dream of if a revolution of the proletariat hadn't been a genuine threat. Does that mean that, with what we know now, we should still be parading for the same outdated ideas?

What do we know that's so different? Are you suggesting that the Occupy Wall Street movement has no validity whatsoever in the face of the kind of blatant corporate greed and political corruption that has destroyed the lives and livelihoods of many? Wow, you trust more than I do!

The 'truth' that is being silenced is that upbringing and environmental factors may have a lot to do with the sexual preferences of many exclusively homosexual individuals.

The only thing your 'truth' demonstrates is the ongoing need for Gay Pride-type activism. Your musings have absolutely no grounding or support anywhere in modern science, medicine, psychology or ideas of human sexuality.

In short, your daughter/son may develop one or many naturally observed variants of sexuality. By being told that being gay is normal and even fun, he/she is a lot more likely to engage in homosexual acts. However, engaging in homosexual acts in the vast majority of cases observed in nature doesn't equate with not being able to also enjoy heterosexual relationships. Regardless, and though parents are entitled to try and shape their kids' sexuality by exposing him/her to their role models of preference throughout his/her development, people must be provided the freedom to explore their tastes. Assuming that one's sexual tendencies are fully under one's cognitive control is ignorant and vile.

The flaw that you and so many make, and that fogs any objective judgement quite frankly, is in the implicit value you confer on heterosexuality. It is a rote heterosexist perspective that takes for received knowledge that what is heterosexual is prefered, healthy and 'normal'. There is no basis for this except to say that it may be prefered, healthy and normal if you are heterosexual, and only if! Besides, most who study these things now understand at this point that our concepts of sexuality - the way we perceive it - are social constructs, 'labels' used as points of reference that don't really reflect the vast diversity of human sexuality. The fact that somebody promotes such labels reflects their own upbringing and conditioning more than it does any sort of objective reality.
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I'm not sure why it is a mayor's duty to invite people to spend money in the city when they are doing something one would rather see less of in the city. I also would rather not attend a huge video-game convention, etc.

You must get invited to a lot of parties because clearly, you are a really fun person.
RC8, you're at least correct about how sexuality is a sliding scale rather than a binary distinction between exclusively gay and exclusively straight.

However, I point my finger at exactly the opposite culprits you do for reinforcing this false dichotomy. I think the gay rights movement has allowed homosexuality to come closer to the mainstream, thus legitimizing predominantly straight people who may form occasional homosexual partnerships at one point in their lives.The fact that it is a LGBT community, and not just a LG community tells me that this is a rather big tent movement that basically advocates for all those who are not exclusively straight (which is a pretty big community). I think that it's social conservative groups that clings to this notion that you are either 100% straight or on 'the other side'.
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To everyone else who can engage in intelligent conversation without hurling insults and using profanity........My point is ...

Intelligent? Without hurling insults?

You just posted recently saying that gay people are sex-obsessed and that Pride only reinforces that. You sir, are a hypocrite. You can have whatever opinion of Pride that you want (I am almost sympathetic towards people who find it to be disadvantageous to the gay community, though I still think its pros far outweigh its cons) but to say that gay people are sex-obsessed is not only a stereotype, but it's very inaccurate.

As for kkgg7: he has a very skewed idea of what public healthcare is. You don't give some people coverage and not others; and you can't discriminate and say "Hey fat people and gay people-- the system does not apply to you until you change your behaviour." That's not how it works, and thank God for that.

I'm surprised we have people on UrbanToronto with such naive and uninformed views of the world. It's actually a bit terrifying.
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RC8, you're at least correct about how sexuality is a sliding scale rather than a binary distinction between exclusively gay and exclusively straight.

However, I point my finger at exactly the opposite culprits you do for reinforcing this false dichotomy. I think the gay rights movement has allowed homosexuality to come closer to the mainstream, thus legitimizing predominantly straight people who may form occasional homosexual partnerships at one point in their lives.The fact that it is a LGBT community, and not just a LG community tells me that this is a rather big tent movement that basically advocates for all those who are not exclusively straight (which is a pretty big community). I think that it's social conservative groups that clings to this notion that you are either 100% straight or on 'the other side'.

Yes, which is what I point to in terms of the 'politics of sexuality' or the 'social construct' side of things, absolutely. In some respects a 'Queer' ideology, in being more inclusive, is better equiped to deal with this than is a strictly 'gay' ideology.... and in this regard RC8 is correct in that our understanding of these things does always continue to evolve.
Re: Mardi Gras: I love boobies as much as anyone, I'm just not fond of that particular party. I've lived in tropical countries where that sort of stuff is very common and in my opinion it doesn't really enhance people's well-being. That's for another discussion though. I already said I'd at least 'raise the flag'.

What do we know that's so different? Are you suggesting that the Occupy Wall Street movement has no validity whatsoever in the face of the kind of blatant corporate greed and political corruption that has destroyed the lives and livelihoods of many? Wow, you trust more than I do!

We know that it's Utopian to dream of a society without any sort of private property. Now the would-be communists demand much more reasonable things.

The only thing your 'truth' demonstrates is the ongoing need for Gay Pride-type activism. Your musings have absolutely no grounding or support anywhere in modern science, medicine, psychology or ideas of human sexuality.

That's what the mainstream media tells you. There is this myth propelled by humanists that everyone who is a homosexual to any degree is genetically predetermined to be so, whereas many straight people lack these genes. Biologists understand that this is nonsense.

All serious research and even common sense point otherwise. Same-sex relations were for example very widespread in ancient Greece. In modern Greece much less than 5% of the population participates in same-sex relations. Genetically, modern and ancient Greeks are similar enough so that if homosexual acts were a product solely of their genes they'd still be at it today. The reason why they don't is because social factors dictate it doesn't happen.

If I got into the biochemical specifics of the issue I'd spend all day writing an essay here, but basically an increase in an individual's tendency to engage in same-sex relations can be attributed to either genes (unlikely for most people), different patterns of development caused by maternal hormones (in utero environmental factors), or environmental factors after birth.

Desperation and inability to have sex with women, for example, can lead to an increase in homosexual acts in many primates (ourselves included). This has been observed in chimps, and you have to look no further than jails and ships to see it happen with us. In South American military schools it was fairly normal for more masculine kids to use less masculine kids for pleasure. Culturally, the only 'homosexual' in that equation was the receiver.

Tewder said:
The flaw that you and so many make, and that fogs any objective judgement quite frankly, is in the implicit value you confer on heterosexuality. It is a rote heterosexist perspective that takes for received knowledge that what is heterosexual is prefered, healthy and 'normal'. There is no basis for this except to say that it may be prefered, healthy and normal if you are heterosexual, and only if! Besides, most who study these things now understand at this point that our concepts of sexuality - the way we perceive it - are social constructs, 'labels' used as points of reference that don't really reflect the vast diversity of human sexuality. The fact that somebody promotes such labels reflects their own upbringing and conditioning more than it does any sort of objective reality.

Only humanists would argue that normality is subjective. It isn't. But you must define it before entering a debate. If you are talking about statistical normality then exclusive homosexuality is definitely not normal - not in wild animal species, not in humans, exclusive homosexuals are very hard to come by. If you equate normal with natural, i.e., not a product of human mischief but rather a genuine expression of someone's instinctive emotions, then most human behaviour is normal. When I use 'normal' I use it in the statistical sense.

We evolved over millions of years as sexually reproducing organisms. Our physiology is tailored to offer optimal performance and fulfillment when we play out our life in accordance with what we've been programmed to do for ages. There is nothing subjective about stating that sexual reproduction in our species should in theory lead to high levels of fitness and well-being (which doesn't necessarily mean a longer life exptancy, for example). Bisexual behaviour is abundant and may even confer additional benefits. Exclusively homosexual tendencies are a much more human-specific (and sheep-specific funnily enough) phenomenon. Asexuality is even rarer.

But quite clearly as I stated in my previous post, I do believe that if bisexual behaviour occurs frequently when social norms don't constrict it (and it does) there must be an adaptive reason for that too. There are studies that show that with each male son, the next male son's chances of being gay increase. This shows that the causation of homosexuality in certain males may not be genetic, but rather environmental (if in-utero). Homosexual males may stick around closer to their families and act as agents of kin-selection. For the same reason, a genetic component increasing the strength of homosexual impulses may make its way into families fairly regularly (though based on current evidence and contrary to popular belief there is less support among the scientific community for purely genetic causes than any other alternative). Females who have homosexual brothers appear to be more fertile than females with heterosexual brothers, in which case male homosexuality may just be a collateral effect of a process through which mothers enhance their fitness by making fertile daughters after they've had sons.

But let's not be defensive here, there's nothing wrong with liking whoever (or whatever) you like regardless of whether the circumstances that made you like them were pre-natal or post-natal, or whether they are adaptive or not. I personally don't find overweight people attractive in the slightest. I can't get off sexually by watching an overweight person, and I can't get off sexually by watching another man. I also can't get off watching a woman with curly hair, for it reminds me of my mother (the only curly haired woman I interacted with as a child). I know people who prefer overweight people, and I know people who prefer other members of their own sex. I respect their preferences and believe that they are as natural to them as mine are to me. This doesn't mean that their likes, just like mine, weren't developed at least partly after they were born (not accounting for imprinting and gender identity is ludicrous). I'm not arguing that the extent of that equation doesn't vary significantly from one individual to another - for it quite clearly does.

I once had a lesbian girl tell me that her need to dress like a man, get a man's haircut, etc. was genetic. I insisted it wasn't and got a 'homophobe' reputation among all her gay and bisexual friends. I've had similar arguments countless other times with LGBTQ people and it led me to conclude that mainstream LGBTQ organistations don't encourage critical thinking and empirical evidence among their members. Instead they encourage this 'everyone is against us, don't let them tell you that you weren't born exactly how you turned out to be'. Hence my lack of sympathy for the parade.

I will add on a final note that the fact that we are having this discussion here is largely thanks to the fact that the parade exists in the first place, and that that is an undeniable accomplishment of the whole movement and may by itself justify its whole existence.
While there may not be flaws in your science, this line of reasoning is irrelevant to most gay people. For most LGBT people when they hear someone tell them that they weren't born the way they are they're actually hearing someone tell them their lifestyle isn't valid, and that they've somehow made a choice along the way that they want to live an abnormal lifestyle. That may not be what you mean, but it's what they hear because they've grown up listening to a bunch of religious fundies telling them that God hates them because they chose to be gay. Indicating that they might not have been born that way indicates that at some point they changed, and the assumption is that if you changed one way, you can be changed back. This invalidates years of internalized torture that many of us go through while trying to come to terms with our sexuality.

I've always considered suppressing science to be the domain of the religious right. There is no left wing conspiracy here to hide scientific evidence. Most just aren't going to be willing to hear that they might not be 100% naturally born gay until all social stigma is a thing of the past.
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