Out of curiosity, was any consideration given to having the boulevard option, but with some of the lanes passing underneath the cross streets? The best example I can think of is Commonwealth Ave at Massachusetts Ave in Boston: https://www.google.ca/maps/place/Bo...2!3m1!1s0x89e37a04df31a709:0xfcd07acdffcb9a0d
The surface lanes are for left and right turns only, while the underpass lanes are for thru lanes. This would solve the traffic light issue, and would actually improve the pedestrian environment, because to cross Lake Shore you'd only have to cross the turning lanes. You'd go over top of the thru lanes.
The surface lanes are for left and right turns only, while the underpass lanes are for thru lanes. This would solve the traffic light issue, and would actually improve the pedestrian environment, because to cross Lake Shore you'd only have to cross the turning lanes. You'd go over top of the thru lanes.