News   Mar 06, 2025
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News   Mar 06, 2025
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News   Mar 06, 2025
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Pope Benedict XVI: Last Pope Prophecies

The use of the register also helped the Church to control celibacy, as before the Council of Trent, 50% of the clergy were married in spite of the rules requiring celibacy. .
That's because previously priests WERE allowed to marry. Some early popes were even married.
That's because previously priests WERE allowed to marry. Some early popes were even married.

It was like the rules that govern speeding in Ontario. The law says "thou shall not exceed 100 km/h" on the 400 series of higways, but most do anyway, even if only a couple of kilometers.

As a result of the Council of Trent, it became more difficult. So by creating a register, you try to end up controlling who can get permission to marry (almost) in your organization by putting up more barriers, in this case the church. Before, to get married, all a couple had to do was "announce" the agreement in front of witnesses to the announcement (hence, the wedding reception), or produce offspring who hopefully looked like both parents (hence, the honeymoon). So if you were registered as a clergy, you could not get married; or if you were registered as married, you could not become clergy.
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Could there be anything more irrelevant to the modern world than the catholic church?

A lot of people are starving or suffering from natural disasters in this modern world and appreciate the charity it distributes. Some people find discipline and morality in Catholicism. It isn't a prerequisite, but it helps a lot of people.
A lot of people are starving or suffering from natural disasters in this modern world and appreciate the charity it distributes. Some people find discipline and morality in Catholicism. It isn't a prerequisite, but it helps a lot of people.

There's also a lot to be said about an organization that sends its missionaries (at their own expense) to various regions in Africa to help the poor WITHOUT condoms, or the willingness to promote them.
There's always an agenda or christian ideology being pushed. For an organization that can pull in money greater than wal-mart, they're sure doing a horrible job of actually helping the world. The catholic church, despite its many well-intended members, is truly rotten to the core and a large disservice to man-kind.
There's also a lot to be said about an organization that sends its missionaries (at their own expense) to various regions in Africa to help the poor WITHOUT condoms, or the willingness to promote them.
There's always an agenda or christian ideology being pushed. For an organization that can pull in money greater than wal-mart, they're sure doing a horrible job of actually helping the world. The catholic church, despite its many well-intended members, is truly rotten to the core and a large disservice to man-kind.

there's also alot to be said about and organization that demands it be "served" with documents fully translated to latin (the official and apparently only understandable language at the vatican), anything to delay legal cases against its self regarding child rape. and apparently it works too while at the same time costing lots of money for the plaintiff/victim. the vatican has it all figured out. let things drag out as long as possible until nobody gives a shit, nobody affected is alive to give a shit or the other side gets tired and gives up. my catholic school teachers weren't kidding when they said "time heals all wounds". for the catholic church, it's true. not that much people care about the evils of this institution. did you know they do charity work? what a honourable institution! what was i talking about before?
Prometheus, not to mention the centuries worth of abuse cover-up and social and scientific oppression. Small price to pay for such grand acts of charity isn't it?

One only need look at the various values promoted by the church to realize that evolution in fact is real, without it the church would have ceased to exist upon the invention of the telescope... or independent thought.
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