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PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

I'm not sure the first nations did have any judeo-christian principles. While those later did, it's pretty irrelevant in a society where Islam is 100% equal to Christianity. And a gay transvestite is 100% equal to any other churchgoer.

But hang on ... "God keep our land glorious and free" - why are you quoting Pierre Trudeau's 1980 addition to our anthem, which had no religious references (at least in the main verse - there are some in additional unofficial verses) until Trudeau got his hands on it.

Why are you making a personal attack? Please remain civil. Given your use of an extreme racist such as Shapiro as evidence of anything, I hardly think you are in much position to say much.

My problem is racists and bigots; I don't think drugging them is a solution.

Once again, thank god we have Trudeau in power, to end the immorality in society. To end the evil prejudice against gay marriage, and make our country as Islam as it is Christian!

Can you imagine how great our nation will be now that the racists and bigots have been sent packing!
The First Nations didn't found the country of Canada; they were merely here before the Europeans. Those are two entirely different things. It was the Europeans that laid the groundwork work for what became Canada. How is the history of the nation irrelevant? It is because of our Judeo-Christian influence that all people are considered equal. Notice how all the free nations of the earth are ones which are built upon those values. Look at how great human rights are in the countries that reject that influence. I doubt you'd prefer to live in a Muslim dominated country or a communist one.

The anthem was but one example. You'd be hard pressed to find anything that has had a stronger impact on the arts and sciences than Christianity. The notion that all men (sorry feminists for the archaic phrasing) were created equal is tied to Christianity, and so on.

Give me a break. When have you ever been civil? Calling people racists, bigots, homophobes, etc. without objective evidence is bullying behaviour and that has to be met with push back. Everyone has been trying to have a civil debate with you since forever, but you can't get through a post without calling people names. That's what those terms are when they have no proof attached to them. I'm just not a coward that will back off from your attacks, which you invite routinely. You trying to play the victim is as rich as Warren Buffett. No one is going to have any sympathy for you.

Why are you thanking God? I thought you didn't believe in Him? Hahaha, yes, Trudeau is going to end immorality and evil prejudice. I guess you're one of those deluded individuals that believes utopia is possible; if we could just stop those pesky conservatives, we'd be living in perfect harmony...back in the real world...and the last bit of that sentence doesn't even make sense. "To make our country as Islam as it is Christian"? You mean as 'Muslim'. And I don't follow your logic (for lack of a better word). I thought Christianity was evil to you? Wouldn't the only way to achieve your dream world be to extinguish Christianity from the culture? How does keeping it around improve anything when it is, in your view, the source of everything that is wrong about the world?
Everything we do is for our own gratification.
Not true. Giving money or food to a homeless person has nothing to do with me. I've done it to help others. I want nothing in return. Standing up for someone who is being bullied has no benefit to the former. Giving candy to children on Halloween is done for their gratification.
why is the government in this country inconsistent with their supposed care for our children and their safety, yet they turn a blind eye to the thousands of them that are being aborted?



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The wingnuts in the US are propagating just that, trying to destroy the separation of church and state.
The original intent of the separation of church and state was to prevent the government from interfering with religious freedoms. That has since been spun to mean that no religion should have any bearing on political policy. I'm not asking to change that. I accept that people are free to reject religion.
Give me a break. When have you ever been civil? Calling people racists, bigots, homophobes, etc. without objective evidence is bullying behaviour and that has to be met with push back.
It would be uncivil to not call out racists and bigots; I don't know where you think this lack of evidence is. For example it's pretty blatant by many conservative politicians with their voting records on same-sex marriage. Or supporting folks that I don't think anyone would agree wasn't racist - such as Rob Ford.

Good gosh, when someone doesn't even have the moral fortitude to call out a wife-beating racist crackhead like Rob Ford.

Why are you thanking God? I thought you didn't believe in Him?
Figure of speech. I refer to Winnie the Pooh occasionally as well, as I have more believe in Pooh than any judeo christian god.

I thought Christianity was evil to you?
I don't think Christianity is evil. A waste of time perhaps, but not inherently evil.

Of course a lot of evil has been done in the name of Christianity by some very evil folk. Like trying to ban same-sex marriage.

And forcing children who were raped to not abort. I just can't fathom how anyone could be so utterly evil and still live with themselves.
Who cares about the historical influences of Christianity in terms of modern society.

It would be uncivil to not call out racists and bigots; I don't know where you think this lack of evidence is. For exapmle it's pretty blatant by many conservative politicians with their voting records on same-sex marriage.

Figure of speech. I refer to Winnie the Pooh occasionally as well, as I have more believe in Pooh than any judeo christian god.

I don't think Christianity is evil. A waste of time perhaps, but not inherently evil.

Of course a lot of evil has been done in the name of Christianity by some very evil folk. Like trying to ban same-sex marriage.

And forcing children who were raped to not abort. I just can't fathom how anyone could be so utterly evil and still live with themselves.

Uh, why wouldn't you care? That directly and indirectly shapes much of our current cultural landscape.

Geez, you really don't understand that people can hold various views that contain no hostility towards others. Opposing same sex marriage isn't akin to hating gay people. Maybe some people don't see its benefit to society. For instance, gay couple can't produce children with each other and thus don't sustain our population. That could be one point of argument. And in a culture which is obsessed with sustainability, gay love is the anthithesis of this in regards to the continuance of our species. That isn't a hateful thing to say, but an objective truth.
Tell me, why do the rights and feelings of gay people take precedence over those of Christians and social conservatives? If we truly live in a free, equal society, than all opinions need to be weighed equally without censorship or punishment (minus threats). The rights and sensibilities of a gay person don't trump those who have religious convictions, and vice versa. If you deny this, then you only care about selective freedom. You don't get so cite the rule of law then destroy it when it's convenient.

Oh, back peddling again, are we? You have called Christian conservatives evil on many occasions.

Yeah, trying to ban same sex marriage is so diabolical. If you don't believe in God, where does your idea of evil stem from? Evil implies that the devil exists. If the devil exists then there must be truth to the scriptures, no? If not for God, how did human beings turn from barbaric savages to civil people? What influenced that change in our hearts? People are naturally impulsive and are tempted to do things which they know are wrong. When someone pisses us off we want to punch them in the face. What so drastically reshaped our cognition and taught us to quell our primitive instincts? You don't see a correlation with the peace in Christian nations vs. those of an atheistic or Muslim history? The difference is night and day. The safest, freest nations on the planet all share a common belief in an all loving God. Though that is weening today, and unsurprisingly, we have become more divided than ever (in the Western world).

Don't use straw man arguments. I never offered an opinion on those who are raped. What I said is that those who haven't been raped can't exploit those who have been, as justification for aborting a child. Someone who was raped and impregnanted has a different set of circumstances as someone who didn't take the proper precautions; was reckless, lazy, etc.
Children are not taught the sacredness of sex and how it is a bond between two people who love each other.

This is a personal belief, and you're free to believe it. But there is nothing to suggest this is a fact, and to advocate it being otherwise is an issue of faith, not rational thinking.

I can stick my fist up someone's rectum, but that doesn't mean I should, or that such an act is morally sound just because I permit myself to do so.

What is morally wrong with fisting? That it's enjoyable?

Why do they care so much about other people's kids?

On average, parents are idiots.

I think Harper is too far right and NDP too far left (though recently the NDP puzzles me). I oppose racism and bigotry. Anyone thinking that is a wing-nut territory has some serious issues.

Labeling millions of people as racists, and advocating locking people up who have different beliefs than yours is wing-nut territory. In the same class as believing fisting is morally corrupt.
This is a personal belief, and you're free to believe it. But there is nothing to suggest this is a fact, and to advocate it being otherwise is an issue of faith, not rational thinking.

What is morally wrong with fisting? That it's enjoyable?

On average, parents are idiots.

Labeling millions of people as racists, and advocating locking people up who have different beliefs than yours is wing-nut territory. In the same class as believing fisting is morally corrupt.

What is the benefit of viewing sex as a mere casual high? It has lead to a culture of guys only viewing girls as sexual objects. Ignoring its specialness and looking at it with a nonchalant attitude has been destructive to many people's lives. Girls are taught that they need to be slutty to get the attention of their male peers. They need to win them over with their bodies, rather than their intellect. Many people are depressed because they're having all this sex as a way to deal with stress, or for the sake of pleasure, but they still feel empty because they aren't actually getting any emotional support out of it. It has left many people disenchanted and cynical of others. Why do you think women believe that all men are the same and that chivalry is dead? It's because most young males are the same, these days, and are largely geared towards sleeping with as many girls as possible and then tossing them aside. What happened to romance and making a girl feel special and protected? Do girls actually want to take ejaculate on their face and have their faces slapped during sex, or are they just doing so because they figure that is the only way to make guys want them and to validate their usefulness or importance to men? Why does tenderness and being an actual gentleman make some people laugh? The same people that are disgusted with how others are such sex fiends are the ones that mock more traditional relationships; thus perpetuating the cycle they are demonizing. Maybe if they showed more dignity, and refused to cater to sexual norms, they'd feel better about themselves and have a more positive outlook on life?

All knowledge we possess is learned information. The main culprit for the change in sexual attitudes in recent decades (especially the last one) is pornography. It is more accessible than ever and people are more sexualized than at any point in history. We are being taught how to behave. The question is why? Could it be because sexual liberation dismantles the pillars that hold up our culture, thus leading to division and allowing us to be more easily controlled?

What is better, a culture of strongly bonded people or one where anything goes and no commitments are necessary? The former will always offer greater happiness and success. The later has lead to a culture of women viewing men as pigs that only care about their dicks and it is weakening the desire of young people to want to settle down and get married. Basically, we live in a Peter Pan culture where adults don't want to grow up and put it the hard work of being a parent because they'll have to sacrifice all that sexual, recreational fun and actually do things that don't exclusively pertain to their own desires. Instead we just exploit immigrants to keep our population steady when we should be looking at ourselves and asking why the birth rate is so low. We live in the most self indulgent age in history and it is resulting in cultural suicide. We can't just rely on immigration to pick up the slack. In order to fix this we need to get back to a more traditional family dynamic. There are far too many distractions in this world that keep our focus fixated on trivialities. We should be talking more about social issues that affect us all instead of wasting time discussing the Kardashians or Honey Boo Boo.

What is morally wrong with fisting? Well, that it involves using the rectum in a way it wasn't biologically designed for. It's purpose is to expel gas and feces (what is rational about fisting someone's ass?) I'm not aware of any scientific or medical literature that states that the rectum is a sexual organ (none exists). People use it as one, but they are doing so despite its actual function; to rid the body of waste, not to insert objects into it. I don't know why anyone would stick any part of their body in another person's bum, considering how filthy the lining of the rectum is with fecal remnants and bacteria (which makes one susceptible to diseases). Too many people are too caught up in the quest for the orgasm that they consciously put themselves in dangerous situations. I suppose if one wants to poo into a colostomy bag due to a prolapsed rectum, go for it. Whether it feels good or not doesn't make it ok. It is still gross and an inappropriate use of that part of the body, objectively speaking. If it isn't bad then it shouldn't be considered taboo by those who engage in that sort of thing. That gets back to my earlier point: 'if it feels good, do it' logic. Not everything that feels good is good for us. Pleasure is fine, in and of itself, but the means by which we achieve it aren't always good or smart.

Can't really argue about parents these days. Many of them are deadbeats. But I think that is at least partially due to 50 years of a liberally controlled cultural narrative. Free love and "Do what thou wilt" haven't bettered society; they've done the opposite. If there is no respect for authority you get what exists today; pure selfishness and amorality (I'm not lumping everyone in with these sentiments).
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Uh, why wouldn't you care? That directly and indirectly shapes much of our current cultural landscape.
Much of our cultural landscape perhaps. Most people aren't from a Christian background.

Geez, you really don't understand that people can hold various views that contain no hostility towards others.
Geez, I don't think that you understand that people can hold bigoted and evil views towards others, that while not hostile, perpetuate bigotry, leading to real deaths, such as suicide, and also incite others to terror.

Opposing same sex marriage isn't akin to hating gay people.
That's like saying opposing the abolition of slavery isn't akin to hating black people.

One can certainly support slavery, and not hate black people. But that doesn't make it not evil and wrong.

(extreme anti-gay bigotry deleted)

Oh, back peddling again, are we? You have called Christian conservatives evil on many occasions.
Many are. No one but an extreme bigot would disagree that a Christian conservative that is anti-gay is evil. But I've never dismissed the entire group. One can be both a Christian, a conservative, a gay minister.

Not sure how you relate Christianity to conservatism.

There are certainly high-profiles and righteous Christians who are not conservative. Justin Trudeau for example - who is a far better Christian than many who are conservative - and seem to to completely fail up to the teachings of Christ.

If you don't believe in God, where does your idea of evil stem from? Evil implies that the devil exists.
What a bizarre concept. No, to see evil, you just have to observe those who practice evil. Those who think they can tell people they can't marry, or exterminate those of a certain religion, or that only people from certain religions can lead. That is evil. And that is what we need to keep out of leadership positions in society. I imagine that few are so morally bankrupt, that one thinks that one can only have evil with devils and hobbits and jedi.

Fortunately, we have stepped forward - and I think enough people have seen the light. The Conservative party showed Canada what it was, with their endorsement of racism during the election. And particularly with the bigoted repudiation of same-sex marriage in the Conservative convention before the election.

As long as the Conservative party stands as a party of racism and bigotry, it really has little hope in moving forward. It's on the wrong side of the demographic divide - both in terms of religion and race - but perhaps more significantly of age.
What is morally wrong with fisting? Well, that it involves using the rectum in a way it wasn't biologically designed for.
That has nothing to do with morals. Body parts do not have innate moral values. The fact that you think it's gross isn't a moral value.

I don't know why anyone would stick any part of their body in another person's bum, considering how filthy the lining of the rectum is with fecal remnants and bacteria (which makes one susceptible to disease).
You're exposed to far worse things outside of your rectum. Your hysteria is unwarranted.

Too many people are too caught up in the quest for the orgasm that they consciously put themselves in dangerous situations.
Human existence is thanks to putting ourselves in dangerous situations. Bubble wrapping ourselves now seems a bit late to the party.

I suppose if one wants to poo into a colostomy bag due to a prolapsed rectum, go for it.
I'd love to see any information to support the claim that anal play will invariably lead to a colostomy bag. I doubt it exists, but I'd be happy to review any such study.

If it isn't bad then it shouldn't be considered taboo by those who engage in that sort of thing.
It's taboo for immature children, I've not meet any adult who would view it as taboo.

Can't really argue about parents these days. Many of them are deadbeats.
That and a large number of them are simply willfully ignorant. Like the people protesting the new sex ed curriculum.
Labeling millions of people as racists, and advocating locking people up who have different beliefs than yours is wing-nut territory. In the same class as believing fisting is morally corrupt.
Continuing to claim that I'm labelling millions of people as racists, despite my clarification of what I actually said is wing-nut territory.

I've advocated that those that break Canada's hate-laws should be locked up. I've joked that racists should be deported. I'm not sure why you are so determined exaggerate what I've said, or quote it out of context.

I know what my beliefs are; you seem to keep trying to tell me they are something else. If I've given the wrong impression, then perhaps a post somewhere wasn't clear. However, I can easily confirm to you what they are. Or even what they were ... I've erroneously supported people and parties before without realizing the full implications ... such as the NDP in Quebec without realising how much they were associated with the former FLQ at the time.
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Much of our cultural landscape perhaps. Most people aren't from a Christian background.

Geez, I don't think that you understand that people can hold bigoted and evil views towards others, that while not hostile, perpetuate bigotry, leading to real deaths, such as suicide, and also incite others to terror.

That's like saying opposing the abolition of slavery isn't akin to hating black people.

One can certainly support slavery, and not hate black people. But that doesn't make it not evil and wrong.

Many are. No one but an extreme bigot would disagree that a Christian conservative that is anti-gay is evil. But I've never dismissed the entire group. One can be both a Christian, a conservative, a gay minister.

Not sure how you relate Christianity to conservatism.

There are certainly high-profiles and righteous Christians who are not conservative. Justin Trudeau for example - who is a far better Christian than many who are conservative - and seem to to completely fail up to the teachings of Christ.

What a bizarre concept. No, to see evil, you just have to observe those who practice evil. Those who think they can tell people they can't marry, or exterminate those of a certain religion, or that only people from certain religions can lead. That is evil. And that is what we need to keep out of leadership positions in society. I imagine that few are so morally bankrupt, that one thinks that one can only have evil with devils and hobbits and jedi.

Fortunately, we have stepped forward - and I think enough people have seen the light. The Conservative party showed Canada what it was, with their endorsement of racism during the election. And particularly with the bigoted repudiation of same-sex marriage in the Conservative convention before the election.

As long as the Conservative party stands as a party of racism and bigotry, it really has little hope in moving forward. It's on the wrong side of the demographic divide - both in terms of religion and race - but perhaps more significantly of age.

Most Canadians have a Christian heritage as most of our ancestors were Christians (that goes for many atheists as well). Even many current atheists have had some degree of affiliation with Christianity; whether that be from their parents, grand parents, uncles or aunts.

Anyone that commits suicide because of some alleged Christian-based pressure isn't killing themselves purely because of that. They obviously have other psychological issues. Why would someone else's beliefs force someone to kill themselves unless they are really insecure and mentally unstable? No one who is strong in their convictions should be rattled so as to take their own life. Other issues are at play. Any psychiatrist would tell you this. If someone kills themselves because they're gay and were told by others that that is bad, or they are misguided, etc. then that person probably doesn't even know themself as well as they think. Allowing others views to affect them in such a horrible way infers that they are confused/unsure, and in a way they're lending credence to those charges for not standing up for themselves and living how they choose, regardless of what others say or think. Why would anyone let others affect them like that? It's basically surrendering and saying: 'perhaps they're right and I can't live with that'. It's a sad thing to think about.

Are you seriously equating slavery and gay marriage? That doesn't even dignify an answer and it is unbelievably insensitive to the families that were torn apart because of slavery. You could have commented on the issue of procreation in relation to gay marriage, but you chose to ignore that and draw a ridiculous comparison between gays and enslaved blacks. I'd also really like to see the numbers of gay marriages that have occurred since its legalization here and in the U.S. on a per capita basis. How many gays are even exercising that right compared to those that remain unwed? It seems to me that those who pushed the hardest for the legalization of gay marriage are the ones least likely to even get married in the first place; which makes their motives murky. Why fight for the right to do something if one has no intention in doing it (not including those that have made that commitment)?

What is your definition of evil? Anyone that opposes your narrow world view? Do you honestly believe that the majority of Christians are just spiteful, bitter people, trying to suck the joy out of other's lives? Get a reality check, man. You have no concept of what middle ground means. If one doesn't follow your line of reasoning, they are sinister and must be condemned. The extremities in your language are really troubling and pathetic. You've never once proved any of your claims of bigotry, racism, homophobia. You think you have, but you haven't. Most here would agree. And how does not supporting gay marriage equate to being anti-gay? You make it sound as if anyone with a traditional marriage pov wants gays to be cast into oblivion. You are the one who is showing hatred for all that challenge your stupidity.

You're right, one can be Christian, conservative and a gay minister. One can also be a gay conservative that opposes gay marriage. What then do you do? What an enigma for you to digest. Are they anti-gay? How would that work? Don't dodge this.

In my experience, most Christians are socially conservative. That isn't to say there aren't exceptions.

Justin Trudeau is a cultural Christian. If he is steadfast in his beliefs, then why is he pro choice? I don't think Christ wants us playing God and deciding who gets to live and who gets to die. I think Jesus would want all those poor children to experience the gift of life and not have it sucked from them. Trudeau's apparent faith (I can't say for sure what is in his heart, but I have strong doubts) also brings up another interesting subject. Why is it that atheists condemn conservative politicians who are -- or claim to be -- Christians, for their faith (Stephen Harper; I doubt his convictions as well. And Ben Carson; whom I believe is convicted), yet you don't say boo about Trudeau or Obama? Why the double standard? Why are you willing to vote for one Christian (genuine or not), while condemning another for those same beliefs? It makes no sense. God is only objected to when a conservative politician cites Him, but when Obama says God bless America, he is cheered by those that don't even believe in God. It's amusing and ridiculous. Lastly, I think Christ would want us to condemn perpetrators of honour killings and all those who support them, and not acquiesce in calling them what they are: barbaric. Trudeau said that was too "pejorative" a term. Those are the sentiments of a coward that is reluctant to say something politically incorrect. Christ would want us to stand against that evil and not back down under any circumstance.

Where do you think evil stems from? What gave birth to the concepts of right and wrong, if not God? Humans are inheritantly flawed, impulsive beings? How did we break away from that and see the value of loving one another without a perfect truth as a guiding beacon? Who established morals? If we just arrived here without a creator, what instilled in us universal concepts such as love, joy, and the need to connect with others in a spiritual sense? How are we also so vastly different yet the same in our desires and needs? How is there such perfect order to things? How does a bee know to pollinate a plant without some system put in place that allows them to understand this? All of this happening by chance is incredibly unlikely. That would be making the assumption that everything came from nothing. Who created molecules and in what environment did they arrive in? Who created that environment/realm? If one can believe that our existence is possible due to these factors, then the notion of God eternally existing without a creator shouldn't be far fetched. Both theories require faith.
