Northern Light
The carbon tax that is less in other provinces
The carbon tax that does not tax hydro in the East Coast
The Carbon tax that emits many big polluters
That carbon tax?
I rather have emission caps or an end to sprawl and similar ideas as that actually do something for the environment around me locally then some tax I can't really see the impact of.
Have you seen a clear proposal from the Federal Conservatives in line w/what you would support?
All indications are that emissions caps, which I completely understand the appeal of, will lead to greater job loss in the near term, as companies lack a mechanism to buy time as they have under cap and trade; or the flexibility of choice under a carbon tax.
I can get behind emissions caps, but I understand why politicians might be wary of them.
Personally, I don't put much value into a tax scheme that reduces emissions by like a few % over a decade or so and that is fundamentally a very regressive tax. Yes, you get the money back but in BC it's not carbon neutral anymore, so I doubt it will be long term and will be just another govt cash cow than some 'save the environment' scheme.
I assume you mean 'revenue neutral' in the case of the BC scheme; it certainly was not meant to be carbon-neutral!
Also, so long as it IS revenue neutral, and gives back the $ to every Canadian equally, its actually progressive.
For the simple reason rich people consume more, and therefore would expect to pay more carbon tax; but they will receive the same refund as someone of modest income. That, on average, is progressive.
Whether it would remain that way is an entirely different question; but falls into the realm of speculation.