Church Street is high-rise off the man drag. Same with Yonge-Eglinton.
How many city councillors live downtown in highrises?
Maybe we should not be against high-rises, but push for better designs. Because the ones going up now are not building anykind of great neighbourhoods.
Church Street is high-rise off the man drag
Crombie is a smart fellow though. He had good reasons for the limit (get things under control) but didn't have any issues with controlled intensification. Minto is best described as controlled intensification (good location, etc.)David Crombie bought at Minto Midtown and he was the guy that pushed through the 45 foot limit in the 70's.
Well, it's THE place to go to get a high rise off the "man drag".
Oh, we so often forget that the 45 foot limit was a temporary measure--a chance for planners to "take a deep breath", so to speak...
Ditto St. Lawrence Market.