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News   Oct 02, 2024
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Parkdale graffiti

The surface paint is already peeling. Most of it will have flaked off in a few years. An OCAD first year dropout would have at least known how to prime the surface correctly

Well, when there's a slowdown at Burger King, perhaps Art Child can throw some priming work their way. Kind of you to put in a good word for them... recommendations, networking... that's what it's all about. Good for you. :)
More likely chuckling about how when you Google "Sheridan College" the first hits you get are for some equally career-limiting institution of the same name in the mountains of Wyoming that boasts a Rodeo Club and a Welding Club as the highlight of the extra-curricular activities on offer.

Well, I suppose others should be big, and rise above belittling the Ontario College of Appetizer Delivery... Surely its... what was it, drop-outs? Grads? Surely they have enough on their plates as it is.

Or, rather, someone else's. :)
Why did I bring it up?

"And yet he still must crayon on other people's walls."

I'm glad that you think it looks like crap, everyone has different tastes. If the owner gave him permission to express himself on his property than he has every right to do so. Which gives you every right to critique his work. It doesn't mean that you have to jump to conclusions about someones training based on the medium used.
If you think it's so easy why not give it a try?

The point - and read this slowly - is that you don't know whether the owner gave his or her permission to have this crap spray painted on his or her wall, do you? I think you have admitted that you don't know this is so. This would mean that if this stuff was put up without permission, the owner is stuck with the cost of getting rid of it, not the so-called artist.

Get it?

And yeah, everyone has different tastes. And no, I didn't bring up medium or education, I brought up location and whether it was his to mess up. Understand the difference? The arteest in question can always crayon the crap out of his personal environs all he wants. So what this means don't jump on me if you can't grasp the context.
I wouldn't be surprised, though, if the property owner is equally guilty of crimes against art. For every perpetually-adolescent dude producing visually derivative Krylon daubs in back alleys there have got to be a few consumers who ask for it by name, surely? This guy's probably the most famous Sheridan grad of all time, after all, so someone must have heard of him.
you guys are my heros, I wish I was as clever and witty as you all...

..just remember...


maybe I should have stayed at OCAD, then I could be an art fag as well!
trust me buddy, been highly employed for 12 years. have two ocad grads working for me, I'm flying high enough.
Good grief, are you guys still at it? I thought we all got tired of the art school pissing contest last week. :eek:
Jesus, in reading this thread, you'd be forgiven for thinking everyone was talking about two world class institutions, instead of railing about two different mediocrities.
Thus speaks someone whose entire contribution to the world of architectural criticism is the erudite: "I didn't think it would look quite as scary as that once it was built" when evaluating the Turning Torso.
Thus speaks someone whose entire contribution to the world of architectural criticism is the erudite: "I didn't think it would look quite as scary as that once it was built" when evaluating the Turning Torso.

I thought I was being rather clever. It IS a scary building, isn't it? Always looking like it's leaning over, getting ready to crumple to the ground.

I've obviously touched a nerve though.

As a side note, how many other past posts of mine were contenders for "best quote to throw in his face" ? Did you have to search long? Or is this something that's been stewing for a while?
