Park 570 (VanDyk) - Real Estate -

Not me.
I can get 48 analog channels on my tv, having it plugged in directly to the wall outlet, so not sure why they would need the digital boxes for the gym tv's. I have been slacking off, haven't been to the gym lately.

I am pretty sure newer hdtv's have a digital tuner built into them? I don't think the digital boxes are necessary, only if you want the extra channels/features. One of the tv's used to work fine, I always figured it wasn't put back on the correct starting channel or something.
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Yeah, newer tv's usually do have an ATSC tuner but Rogers encodes their feed so you need their decoders.

And Rogers is making everyone switch to digital. They wanted to make the switch years ago but it's taking years to get everyone off analog. Analog is garbage compared to digital, takes up way to much bandwidth in the spectrum (10SD digital channels = 1 analog channel). Don't know when D-Day is though - may be months..or years.
Yeah, newer tv's usually do have an ATSC tuner but Rogers encodes their feed so you need their decoders.

And Rogers is making everyone switch to digital. They wanted to make the switch years ago but it's taking years to get everyone off analog. Analog is garbage compared to digital, takes up way to much bandwidth in the spectrum (10SD digital channels = 1 analog channel). Don't know when D-Day is though - may be months..or years.

either way, we should not be paying to upgrade our cable boxes (unless it's at no cost). 2/3 TV's work fine. Like zzz said, the one TV is probably in an incorrect setting or something. Other 2 work fine every time i try them.
Finally heard that parrot today hahah thought someone was pushing a shopping cart with a squeaky wheel
If that thing was near me, I would definitely kill it :D
I can hear it as soon as I get out of the elevator most of the time. If I was beside that person I would complain for sure.
I think I may have spoke too soon about my free cable. The channels are all fuzzy today, they must have put a filter on the line.
I think I may have spoke too soon about my free cable. The channels are all fuzzy today, they must have put a filter on the line.

I had the Bell Fibe services installed on Sunday afternoon so the guy was in the utility room messing about. I hope it's not related to you losing your free cable.

If anyone is getting the Fibe services installed - let me know... my installer had a hell of a time getting everything set up. He was calling people, i was calling Vandyk people... we couldn't get him access to the util room in the garage. He was @ my place for 5 hours :S
he couldn't get a hold of the installer who did the last (and likely only other) Fibe install at our building. apparently the last installer broke into the util room with a screwdriver haha (Asmegin I'm guessing this was your installer - he was an older guy according to my installer).

either way, everything is setup, works beautifully and I need not worry about cable/internet bills for 6 months :D

If anyone needs contact info also to get the 6 months free Fibe promo let me know as well. The guy told me exactly what to say/which number to call to get the 6 months free (apparently most reps dont know about it)
I had the Bell Fibe services installed on Sunday afternoon so the guy was in the utility room messing about. I hope it's not related to you losing your free cable.

If anyone is getting the Fibe services installed - let me know... my installer had a hell of a time getting everything set up. He was calling people, i was calling Vandyk people... we couldn't get him access to the util room in the garage. He was @ my place for 5 hours :S
he couldn't get a hold of the installer who did the last (and likely only other) Fibe install at our building. apparently the last installer broke into the util room with a screwdriver haha (Asmegin I'm guessing this was your installer - he was an older guy according to my installer).

either way, everything is setup, works beautifully and I need not worry about cable/internet bills for 6 months :D

If anyone needs contact info also to get the 6 months free Fibe promo let me know as well. The guy told me exactly what to say/which number to call to get the 6 months free (apparently most reps dont know about it)

The guy who did mine was a younger brown guy....luckily the cleaning lady was in the garage and has keys so she opened it for him :D

A tip for the TV guide, in settings you can go through each channel and disable ones you don't want displayed. It takes a while, but the only channels you really need are like 1200-1600 area (HD ones).
The guy who did mine was a younger brown guy....luckily the cleaning lady was in the garage and has keys so she opened it for him :D

A tip for the TV guide, in settings you can go through each channel and disable ones you don't want displayed. It takes a while, but the only channels you really need are like 1200-1600 area (HD ones).

amazing thanks.
yeah i wont watch non-HD either (looks awful on big TV). right now im only really watching the 1400s.
If you have any other tips, please do share! The twitter feed and TSN extra apps on screen are pretty cool. I was trying to use the zoom button or settings to make the TSN scores smaller. ideally the channel im watching should take up 90% of the screen... scores on side/bottom should be 10. Right now it's more like 70/30... too much real estate for just some text.
also, be sure to DL the Bell TV app for your phone. i was watch live tv on my phone earlier. pretty cool!
so how much will the package be after 6 months? For say, unlimited usage and a decent tv package?
so how much will the package be after 6 months? For say, unlimited usage and a decent tv package?

The internet is 50/50 @ $86.95/month, but we get a $33/month discount forever. That's $53.95/month with 175GB usage. Unlimited usage is $10/month.

As for TV, all the packages are decent and it just depends what you want. The cheapest is $41, where as the most expensive (what we have now) is $108. Those numbers are both without any discounts from months 7+.

The rep on the phone said that when our 6 free months end, to call in and Bell will most likely give further discounts for TV. Our building is wired with fibre, so Bell will really want to get our business (since we have the fibre and the component closet in the hallway closet). They also are trying to take Rogers huge marketshare away, so they're willing to hand out deals.

From what I've seen, TV deals are usually 50%ish percent off if you call retentions. Even though we have to sign a 2 year contract, we should still be able to get these deals.

There are also fees for PVR rental etc, but those are easily waved if you call in. Bell also has wireless secondary boxes, so only the main box needs to be connected to the cable.
I am not really seeing a huge savings from Rogers even with the 6 months free? Let's not include the box rentals in the calculation. Even if you got a smaller Bell TV package, the prices are all pretty comparable. It's maybe saving you a few hundred over 24 months based on the TV package you choose to continue with after the 6 months free. If you scaled down from the $108 TV package to say $80, it's saving you like $250. I guess it depends on the channels/quality as well.

VIP Package 73.34
Internet 45
24 Months $2840.16

Bell TV 108
Internet 63.95
6 months free = 18 months $3095.1
