Park 570 (VanDyk) - Real Estate -

I forgot to check if there's multiple cable connections... where is your Rogers cable box vs Rogers modem/router hooked up? Same spot?
I only recall seeing a cable outlet in the living room... maybe in master bedroom too. Not so sure about the 2nd bedroom. Do you know how many outlets there are?

Rogers just called me a minute after I made that last post. They said I can keep my existing SMC modem/router and not "upgrade" to the Hitron, so that should be fine. And I'm keeping my existing PVR since I own it.
Finally heard from my lawyer today! Have to go in next week to finalize the documents.
She told me my parking spot, i'll have to go check it out. It wasn't any of the ones I wrote down that I liked... ugh.
The Rogers guy asked me where I wanted everything. I have everything in living room, on a 3 way splitter. It's all done through the Bell box in the entryway closet so he can route things anywhere.

Also I'd can let you know where your spot is zzz. Hopefully it's not as far away as mine is! Haha
Still sleeping at the old place. Two days past and I still didn't empty the apartment. IT's a lot of work.

I am finding some problems inside the unit. I don't feel safe stepping out the balcony. Why do I feel like it's not strong enough for two people.

I got my furniture, some from the Brick. I bought the bedroom set for $699 [dresser+bed+night table]. The dining table for $299. They are always on the flyer for that price. And I find the bedroom area a little tight. I am glad that I returned the chest cuz I figured out after I bought it that there is no room.

The living room has a corner vetrina [shelves for display], a sectional sofa, a tv to be on wall, and a 3pc dining table, but also when they were all put together, I find the room to be also tight.

It's not bad, but I now I have to cancel my plans to get more things [like a coffee table/tv stand for dvd, etc.], but there really is no room for more things.

I have to throw out half my clothes, cuz they don't fit in the closet. For now, they are still in my mother's closet [thank god for moms].

The den has a computer table and daybed. The daybed cracked a bit during the move. But it's in the back so it won't be noticed. Lots of scratches on the wall. We will need to re-paint. It wasn't the movers that assembled it, as they don't assemble everything.

I bought the daybed, the sectional sofa, the computer desk and the corner vetrina from one of those small company stores. I did pay for the delivery; however, the movers refused to drop my furniture towards the living room. It really sucked that most of my stuff were close to the door. I don't know if all small stores are like that. That really disappointed me. They gave me a hard time weeks ago, when I wanted to return the vetrina. They were going to give me a refund [minus $100]. I didn't want to lose that kind of money so I didn't return it. My point is, buying from a small company can be a pain.

It's really hard to picture what you want to buy for your home, and then you realize, you have to return something cuz it doesn't look good altogether, or it won't fit.

I hope my experience will help others in better planning their move when their time comes.
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The Rogers guy asked me where I wanted everything. I have everything in living room, on a 3 way splitter. It's all done through the Bell box in the entryway closet so he can route things anywhere.

Also I'd can let you know where your spot is zzz. Hopefully it's not as far away as mine is! Haha

Yeah, I looked last night and there is a cable connection in living room and in each bedroom. But you're right - I will probably just put all 3 cable services in the living room on a splitter; will make it easier.
Despite me pointing out a lot of painting issues during PDI, it seems like I found some I didn't notice before, or new ones have appeared. I also noticed last night a number of the outlets are covered in paint... Not sure if I should be harassing them to fix these issues again given that I'm moving in today.
I probably would. There is a 30 day form we can submit as well I think. After I move in, I will probably write a few other things down.
When I got home after looking at my pictures, I noticed other areas that had paint issues. They did a crappy job with baseboard painting, especially around doors.

It would be nice if they provided everyone with a bit of white paint. I would touch up some areas myself if I had to. I don't want to buy another white paint and it ends up looking different.
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I probably would. There is a 30 day form we can submit as well I think. After I move in, I will probably write a few other things down.
When I got home after looking at my pictures, I noticed other areas that had paint issues. They did a crappy job with baseboard painting, especially around doors.

It would be nice if they provided everyone with a bit of white paint. I would touch up some areas myself if I had to. I don't want to buy another white paint and it ends up looking different.

All the paints are included in the home information package you get (online and in a booklet).

For example, my paints are:

Living Room/Bedroom Walls - General Paint 3043/Birch White/Flat
Doors and Trim - General Paint 5000/White/Semi Gloss
Bathroom Walls - General Paint 5043/Birch White/Semi Gloss

I don't think General Paint is available in stores, most likely have to go to their only Mississauga location near Winston Churchill. Also maybe Miranda Painting (the contractor) might be around and can sell you a small tin? I have some touchups to do buy mostly in the bathroom as they glued the towel rack to the wall and it ripped some drywall off when I removed it. I will likely paint the bathroom anyways with a better colour, but I hate seeing the marks for now.

And yeah, keep an ongoing 30 day list going. I've signed up online at the Tarion website, so on the 28th day I will submit it (just to be safe). I've still only got a few things, like the toilet running and the lack of dishwasher side mounts.

EDIT: For anyone who has moved in, when your washer is done it's cycle can you hear water under the drum? There is no actual water inside the drum, but I can hear it swooshing just below. Not sure if this is normal or it's uneven or something and not fully draining.
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How long after you submit your 30 day list do they have to fix the new defects listed?

Well that's good that the paint colour's are listed.
Touching up the walls is one thing, since most people will paint their walls at some point, but I would like to avoid having to re-paint the baseboards.
All the paints are included in the home information package you get (online and in a booklet).

For anyone who has moved in, when your washer is done it's cycle can you hear water under the drum? There is no actual water inside the drum, but I can hear it swooshing just below. Not sure if this is normal or it's uneven or something and not fully draining.

yes, I also heard water swooshing around after the wash was done - thought it was weird.

My question - did your kitchen sinks come with a stopper/plug? I would think the sink would come with it... may be a b1tch to try and find the right one?

My main concern - the doors. My god... something needs to be done about the doors ASAP. I will make a big fuss about it if need be, but the way they are now is unacceptable. I can hear EVERYTHING in the hallways. I can hear when there are people talking down the hall and around the corner, I can hear a small yappy dog from literally 5 doors down. I'm in my 2nd bedroom/office, and I can hear this #$%^&ing thing from around like 5 corners and a combined ~150 feet and 2 doors. Light can be seen from within the unit when in the hallway (HUGE crack) and light can be seen from the hallway when within the unit. They need to put in some kind of seals - this is a joke. And it's not just me, you can see the huge crack in all the doors (apart from one guy on my floor who worked on his door for a couple hours to reduce the crack). I don't have the time nor the skills to pull off such a feat, so Vandyk will be hearing from me, and hopefully all of you as well.
There's no plug in any of the cabinets around your sink? If not, that's pretty dumb. I am sure it must have came with one.

I haven't moved in yet, but I thought that the crack between the front door and the tile was pretty big as well when I had my PDI.
It definitely needs some kind of rubber seal on the bottom of the door, so that it is more snug with the tile.

If they aren't going to be installing anything, then I will complain as well. I am not sure how something as blatantly obvious as this was missed, it should have been installed for the PDI.
I checked up on that, and I think they have to leave gaps in the door because of fire code. There has to be airflow into each unit from the hallway. If you put your hand at the bottom of the door, you should feel air coming in. Seals/foam etc on the doors are not allowed and go against the code. If there ever was a problem (ie fire), you might have a problem with insurance. Some people recommended putting a towel down against the door if things get bad. I agree though, it's crazy how bad it is. I've been in other condos that had no sound coming I'm not sure what that's about. When people are just walking quietly down the hall, it sounds like they're right beside me. Maybe it's a combination of the gaps being a bit too big, cheap doors, etc?

I had my TV loud last night (really loud) and I had to go into the hallway for a bit and I couldn't hear it..which is good. Don't know how bad the transfer is through the walls to the neighbouring units though..

As for the dog, if it keeps barking talk to the owner. If you don't want to, leave a note on the door and just let them know how loud it is (they may think no one else can hear it). Probably nothing that can be done about it now (if the owner refuses to fix things), but once the condo board is up and running they can be forced to remove the dog from the unit.

Lots of plugs in kitchen, and at the end of the cabinets. One thing that is weird about my sink is there is this plastic fan-type blade thing just under the sink hole, which stops small bits of food from going down. But it's below the sinkhole so the food is already too far down to get out. I had to poke it down with hard spaghetti :D Not sure what that's about...never seen it before and I don't see it's purpose.
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I don't understand not having a seal at the bottom of the door because of fire code, if there is smoke in the hallway, someone would probably be putting towels up against the door regardless to stop smoke from coming in.
I have also been in other condos and their door is definitely a lot more flush with the floor and I think they might have the rubber strip at the bottom of the door.

No, he's talking about a sink plug/stopper, so that you can fill your sink up with water without it draining.

A blade? Maybe the sink was designed to have a garbage compactor or something?
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I've been reading for things about the door and a lot of sites say the airflow into the unit is for fresh air and to cut condensation in units/reduce mould. When the fire alarm goes off, the fresh air units should shut down so smoke doesn't blow into the units.

I think the gap has to be within a certain range for the fire code but not sure what it is. The gap doesn't seem ridiculously big... Just enough to let all sound in. I live near the hallway doors, which have the loudest push bars ever and it can be annoying sometimes.

As for the drain plug, the manual says the sink strainer hole thing is 3.5" looks for a plug that size? I don't know if there are different sizes or whatever as I've never used one before. You could probably call the sink company too and see which kind you need.
