- Parking economics is already weird enough. In downtown toronto monthly (i.e. regular commuter) parking is a loss-leader for developers. $75k for a space does not justify $3500 a year in rent. Parking is subsidized downtown the same way it is subsidized at a suburban walmart ($3000 to build, free to park) or a busniess park in Mississauga with a parkade ($20k to build, free to park). What makes you think increased property taxes will not be simply absorbed by the building owners and passed on in higher rents (i.e. the same way things work now)? Do you really think that a Loblaws in Vaughan will charge people $5 to park just because they have to pay a parking property tax? They won't, but you'll pay more for brocoli. There's a real danger owners would absorb costs and the whole complicated program would have minimal impact on behaviour.
They can hide the cost anywhere they like... They can put it into the price of broccoli if they want, fine with me. That means that the local grocery shop which is easy to walk to, and does not require a parking spot for every customer, will become more price competitive. Thereby influencing behaviour. The end result is positive for lowering car traffic in that scenario too.