One Valhalla Towns And Condos (Edilcan Development) - Real Estate -

Are you serious?!! That's insane. Such a short notice!!!! OMG, I feel bad for people that are currently renting and are not in a position to handle these delays. There is absolutely no way that this can be allowed without compensation. I am pretty sure that that the builder is obligated to give either 90 or 120 days notice. Do fight for it! Make them pay! I am very curious how this will turn out. Such craziness!

This is how happened, they called me and left me voicemail to call them ASAP. They didn't say much on voicemail. I thought maybe it has something to do with PDI. When I called them back, there... It was about my occupancy date. They apologized a lot and said they will do their best to assure everything is going to be completed that time. I got mad, and told them why? They had no answer... So obviously safe to say they are embarrassed to say that my unit did not get started at all. Lucky me, I am still staying in this property until I get keys... I can't imagine what if I had to move out if I was actually living in apartment! Builder often forgets these! For sure, ill fight with my sweat and flesh to make builder pay! I'll keep you posted. I must admit, I am little jealous you are living at Valhalla now and I am just grinning to get there ASAP lol. :)
No way! Look at them being all sneaky before dropping the bomb. You should definately get more than an apology! On a positive note, it might work out better for you. At least you will move in when things are more in order. With this extra time that they are giving themselves, they might do a better job. Yes, keep us posted!!! Check the tarion section of your agreement. Everything should be there. Oh another thing, on your PDI, you will be given a package with all the Tarion forms. If you are not satisfied with your unit on your PDI date, there is a delayed occupancy form, that you might want to consider filling out. Just another option to consider.

This is how happened, they called me and left me voicemail to call them ASAP. They didn't say much on voicemail. I thought maybe it has something to do with PDI. When I called them back, there... It was about my occupancy date. They apologized a lot and said they will do their best to assure everything is going to be completed that time. I got mad, and told them why? They had no answer... So obviously safe to say they are embarrassed to say that my unit did not get started at all. Lucky me, I am still staying in this property until I get keys... I can't imagine what if I had to move out if I was actually living in apartment! Builder often forgets these! For sure, ill fight with my sweat and flesh to make builder pay! I'll keep you posted. I must admit, I am little jealous you are living at Valhalla now and I am just grinning to get there ASAP lol. :)
No way! Look at them being all sneaky before dropping the bomb. You should definately get more than an apology! On a positive note, it might work out better for you. At least you will move in when things are more in order. With this extra time that they are giving themselves, they might do a better job. Yes, keep us posted!!! Check the tarion section of your agreement. Everything should be there. Oh another thing, on your PDI, you will be given a package with all the Tarion forms. If you are not satisfied with your unit on your PDI date, there is a delayed occupancy form, that you might want to consider filling out. Just another option to consider.

Had a really productive talk with the lawyer and he said I am definitely entitled for compensation for delayed occupany after the firm occupancy date. My lawyer said the compensation is up to $7,500 as per agreement but also mentioned that can provide more than that due to last minute notification. Basically they called me and tell me on delayed one - lawyer said they need to provide that in writing at least 10 days before the firm occupancy date (today's last day to get letter before any further penalties). My lawyer also said that if they are unable fix all the deficiencies reported during my PDI, I have right to ask for another penalty. He also said I must be given two PDI. If they cancel my PDI originally scheduled, then the penalty is set. I was relieved to hear that from lawyer as he said he will do anything to put me at utmost satisfaction. Now these looks big trouble for builder! So royally pissed off that my date has been pushed to a month later!! Unfair and totally unacceptable to let me know in short timing! Grrrrrr...
Wow..that's a huge fine that they will have to pay! Good for you for following up. It is unfair but if you get compensated it will work out better for you. Your lawyer sounds amazing! They are usually useless for the most part.

Had a really productive talk with the lawyer and he said I am definitely entitled for compensation for delayed occupany after the firm occupancy date. My lawyer said the compensation is up to $7,500 as per agreement but also mentioned that can provide more than that due to last minute notification. Basically they called me and tell me on delayed one - lawyer said they need to provide that in writing at least 10 days before the firm occupancy date (today's last day to get letter before any further penalties). My lawyer also said that if they are unable fix all the deficiencies reported during my PDI, I have right to ask for another penalty. He also said I must be given two PDI. If they cancel my PDI originally scheduled, then the penalty is set. I was relieved to hear that from lawyer as he said he will do anything to put me at utmost satisfaction. Now these looks big trouble for builder! So royally pissed off that my date has been pushed to a month later!! Unfair and totally unacceptable to let me know in short timing! Grrrrrr...
I am paying around $1146 for occupancy fee..And my square footage is 624 total including balcony. And for closing costs the builder wants the tarion fee upfront which was around $811 for me I think and the balance of rent for the month your moving in and the 12 post dated cheques for your occupancy fees. Keep in mind I only paid 5% deposit down so if you paid the standard 20%, your fee may be lower possibly. Also, I am a first time buyer so I am exempt from all those land transfer tax, I have no clue what the land transfer tax will be and even still, I think that will be paid at final not interim. I could be wrong though..

hey shorty_
just wanna say thank to all you guys that keep us up to date:) just wanna ask you about occupancy.... is the tarion fee the only fee you need to pay on occupancy day??
i was upset when i was reading the posts here. i expect edician would go a good job to finish everything. the reality seems not quite truth based on what i read here.

i bought a small unit at tower 2. i expect my move in date might be extended. just can't imagine they would let people do PDI if the units are not completed and checked. things might be better if they aren't rush to finish the units by the expected occupancy dates. i rather want them take time to do things properly.

mrezways, hope your lawyer can fight for you and give you fair compensation from the developer.
interested in knowing how edician would respond. they're in penalty by law.
Hi Ana,

One more question. I know that both you and shorty had some deficiencies in your units when you went for your PDI. When you were given the keys on your occupancy, were these deficiencies fixed or do they still have to take care of them?


My deficiencies were not fixed when I moved in. The hallways are still just concrete and the lobby is looking nice. not fully complete yet.
hey shorty_
just wanna say thank to all you guys that keep us up to date:) just wanna ask you about occupancy.... is the tarion fee the only fee you need to pay on occupancy day??

Yes and the balance of my first month rent and my legal fees for my lawyer
Yes and the balance of my first month rent and my legal fees for my lawyer

Hey Shorty,

Forgot to ask did things go with the rogers contact I gave you? did they come in and install the services for you already? Any hiccups at all with the service or installation or did everything go smoothly?
Hey Shorty,

Forgot to ask did things go with the rogers contact I gave you? did they come in and install the services for you already? Any hiccups at all with the service or installation or did everything go smoothly?

Hey Rex!

Thanks again for the went very smooth. The guy came the day I moved and set up everything. I am loving it!
Hello everyone,

I just wanted to let you know that one of the resident owners of One Valhalla has started a Facebook group for the building. Going forward, it may be a good place for us to have discussions, raise concerns and foster community amongst owners.
i am so disappointed in this developer now. their organization structure is mess. that is why my unit got postponed after firm closing date. i found out that they have pulled some workers from phase 2 onto phase 1 to complete the outstandings, and yet, phase 2 is at risk with less workers. i demanded to see my unit - was fighting for it. my unit has not been completed at all - no kitchen, no bathroom installed and even no walls were installed. all i see is concrete, bottom, sides and top in unit. hallways are not completed - no carpet and needs to be re-painted again. i am not sure on other floors, but if someone has seen hallway progresses, please update. i am still fighting with developer over postponing after firm date - no updates so far at this one.
I totally understand! I was so stressed out as well! They are actually making progress in the hallways. Yesterday they finished installing the carpets on floors 6 and 7 and it looks so much better. You should come and check it out. They will probably have to repaint the baseboards and around the doors but at least it's less dusty and I won't have to bring all that dirt into my unit. I also noticed that they are making progress in the lobby area, especially the gym. Hopefully it is ready soon.

i am so disappointed in this developer now. their organization structure is mess. that is why my unit got postponed after firm closing date. i found out that they have pulled some workers from phase 2 onto phase 1 to complete the outstandings, and yet, phase 2 is at risk with less workers. i demanded to see my unit - was fighting for it. my unit has not been completed at all - no kitchen, no bathroom installed and even no walls were installed. all i see is concrete, bottom, sides and top in unit. hallways are not completed - no carpet and needs to be re-painted again. i am not sure on other floors, but if someone has seen hallway progresses, please update. i am still fighting with developer over postponing after firm date - no updates so far at this one.
i am so disappointed in this developer now. their organization structure is mess. that is why my unit got postponed after firm closing date. i found out that they have pulled some workers from phase 2 onto phase 1 to complete the outstandings, and yet, phase 2 is at risk with less workers. i demanded to see my unit - was fighting for it. my unit has not been completed at all - no kitchen, no bathroom installed and even no walls were installed. all i see is concrete, bottom, sides and top in unit. hallways are not completed - no carpet and needs to be re-painted again. i am not sure on other floors, but if someone has seen hallway progresses, please update. i am still fighting with developer over postponing after firm date - no updates so far at this one.

I'm pretty much in the same predicament you're in and all i can say is I understand you're frustration. But with buying a new build I was sort of prepping myself for these kind of last minute delays no matter how unfair.

Like you, I demanded to see my unit and instead of waiting for the builder to get back to me I've visited my unit every weekend to see the status the last 3 weeks. I pretty much just talk to the concierge and they let me in. This past saturday i passed by and there were actually two workers in my unit and i got to speak with them at length. Considering two weeks ago the only thing that was up was drywall and tile i was amazed at how everything turned out. The only thing left that my unit needs is baseboards and appliances. My unit should be completely done now. From what i saw they did a very good job with the drywall and i couldn't find any scratches anywhere. Suffice it to say its not done yet so i don't want to get my hopes up until i see it final during my PDI.

So yeah, i can understand where you're coming from but keep in mind it may be a good thing that they're taking their time with your unit. By the time you move in the hallways and common areas should look better as well because right now my hallway looks like a straight construction zone. lol.
