One Valhalla Towns And Condos (Edilcan Development) - Real Estate -

Hi, I totally understand. I was so nervous myself in past few weeks but thankfully my move went well. Now I just have to deal with living out of the boxes situation. :( I don't think you need to contact the bank at this point. All you need from them at this point are the certified cheques. As for the mortgage, I think it's a bit early for another pre-approval as the building might take months to register and are closing dates have not been determined.
I would strongly recommend that you to do a lot of research before booking the movers. I have moved many times and there is nothing worse than having to deal with inexperienced movers. It adds so much additional stress to an already busy and hectic day. I think it’s better to pay a little more and go with someone that will carefully handle all the items. To book movers, I used the website. They have reviews and ratings of a lot of moving companies. I ended up booking with Arby Cartage and they were AMAZING. They were patient, efficient and handled all items with extreme care. You can check them out here: I don't know if I was just lucky or they always do such quality work. Hope this helps!

Hi everyone,
I am starting to get nervous about having everything ready on time for the closing. So far I have called my insurance agent to have insurance changed over from my current condo to Valhalla on the closing date, and my lawyer has all of my paperwork. But I feel like I'm forgetting something...what about the bank? Should I be contacting my branch manager to confirm dates?
Also, has anyone booked a moving company? I've never used movers before, and I'm extremely nervous about something going wrong. The window on the elevator is so tight, plu I have the same type of tight elevator window on the unit I'm moving out of downtown. I hope that whoever I book with shows up on time and doesn't rip me off. Any recommendations?
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Hi, I totally understand. I was so nervous myself in past few weeks but thankfully my move went well. Now I just have to deal with living out of the boxes situation. :( I don't think you need to contact the bank at this point. All you need from them at this point are the certified cheques. As for the mortgage, I think it's a bit early for another pre-approval as the building might take months to register and are closing dates have not been determined.
I would strongly recommend that you to do a lot of research before booking the movers. I have moved many times and there is nothing worse than having to deal with inexperienced movers. It adds so much additional stress to an already busy and hectic day. I think it’s better to pay a little more and go with someone that will carefully handle all the items. To book movers, I used the website. They have reviews and ratings of a lot of moving companies. I ended up booking with Arby Cartage and they were AMAZING. They were patient, efficient and handled all items with extreme care. You can check them out here: I don't know if I was just lucky or they always do such quality work. Hope this helps!

Hi Ana,

Congrats on you moving in! Other than the mess around the building, what is it like living there so far? How's the noise from construction and from the highway? Do you hear it at all? Did you find any problems with the unit during your PDI and if so how long did it take to fix?

Getting a little anxious here, i passed by yesterday and saw that nothing has been done to my unit. My move-in is 3 weeks away and it still looks the same as it did last month!!
Hi, I totally understand. I was so nervous myself in past few weeks but thankfully my move went well. Now I just have to deal with living out of the boxes situation. :( I don't think you need to contact the bank at this point. All you need from them at this point are the certified cheques. As for the mortgage, I think it's a bit early for another pre-approval as the building might take months to register and are closing dates have not been determined.
I would strongly recommend that you to do a lot of research before booking the movers. I have moved many times and there is nothing worse than having to deal with inexperienced movers. It adds so much additional stress to an already busy and hectic day. I think it’s better to pay a little more and go with someone that will carefully handle all the items. To book movers, I used the website. They have reviews and ratings of a lot of moving companies. I ended up booking with Arby Cartage and they were AMAZING. They were patient, efficient and handled all items with extreme care. You can check them out here: I don't know if I was just lucky or they always do such quality work. Hope this helps!

Hi Ana,

Congrats on you moving in! Other than the mess around the building, what is it like living there so far? How's the noise from construction and from the highway? Do you hear it at all? Did you find any problems with the unit during your PDI and if so how long did it take to fix?

Getting a little anxious here, i passed by yesterday and saw that nothing has been done to my unit. My move-in is 3 weeks away and it still looks the same as it did last month!!
Thanks! :) Yes, they are just starting to work on the units that are on the lower floors. Some look completely undone, but I am sure they will make it on time. You would be surprised how fast they are able to complete it. They just started working on a unit that's right across from me on the 6th floor. I believe that units that end with '01' will be done last. I think I was really lucky with my PDI. They did a clean job and there wasn't anything major to report. The heating system and fans were not working but they were able to fix it prior to my move in date. I think they track the move in dates to make sure it's done before it is occupied. On the other hand, I did see other pdis in the building where the level of detail was not there. Many scratches on the floor, damaged counter island etc. I have another PDI on Monday so hopefully it goes well. I am enjoying living there. I just need a bit more time to unpack and hopefully I will get all that done over the weekend. It's really busy in the building. Construction workers everywhere but they are moving along. They started putting wallpaper on some of the floors so it looks a lot better. As for the noise, the windows have good insulation and when they are closed I cannot hear any noise from the highway. The construction noise will be there. But since I get up early to go to work it doesn't affect me at all during the week. Let's see how it is tomorrow. Hopefully I don't end up waking up at 7 am! lol Oh another thing, expect to do A LOT of cleaning. The units are quite dusty so allocate couple of days just for that. Don't stress. It will all work out. I think it’s better that your closing is a bit later on. By then everything should look a lot better.

Hi Ana,

Congrats on you moving in! Other than the mess around the building, what is it like living there so far? How's the noise from construction and from the highway? Do you hear it at all? Did you find any problems with the unit during your PDI and if so how long did it take to fix?

Getting a little anxious here, i passed by yesterday and saw that nothing has been done to my unit. My move-in is 3 weeks away and it still looks the same as it did last month!!
Mine is rescheduled for Monday. How did your PDI go? I hope everything was in place and that you didn't find too many defficiencies. I finally moved in and slept in the new place for the first time last night. :) Other have as well but mostly on 5th, 6th floors. They are just starting to work on units on the 2nd floor. It's coming together nicely. Just hope they clean up all the mess around the building soon.

Hey Ana, I went yesterday and my unit was beyond beautiful. I was so proud of my choices..However, there are so many deficiencies and things missing that I am hoping they can rectify in the next 9 days. I am missing my showerhead, my vanity in the washroom is cracked and they have to replace the entire unit. They dry walled over the extra cable outlet I paid $425 for!, the drywall job in my living room is horrible, you can see the different panels, that has to be replaced too. I also requested they move my theromstat (which was missing also) because they had it awkwardly placed in the middle of the wall where I was going to mount my 42" they are going to move it. Though many things were wrong..the unit was still beautifully done.
Hi Everyone,
I am so excited, I finally received the appointment for my color selection :) I would like to ask some questions to you guys who already had theirs.. My husband and I went to the sales center and had another look at the upgrades available and we are not too happy with the selection of counter tops for the kitchen which are on display. Is it possible to use for example the options meant for bathroom walls and floors for the kitchen and vice versa or not? And secondly, did anyone change their bathroom countertop? Does the bathroom sink remains the same or does the whole look change? We are thinking about making quite a few upgrades but not quite looking forward to the fee lol we are thinking about upgrading the bedrooms' floor, the kitchen countertop, the master ensuite floor and wall and the kitchen terms of fee, what can we be expecting? thanks!
Thanks for the reply, Ana. I am glad to hear that your move went well, and I hope that I also have a good experience when the day comes - I have booked the elevator for the 28th of this month. This is my first time using "real" movers instead of just my friends and I have gotten wildly different quotes from $500 to $1200 for a one bedroom move. Of course I want reliable movers, but I don't want to throw money away, either. I need to save money for window coverings!! Lol.

Fingers crossed that all goes well.
Hi Everyone,
I am so excited, I finally received the appointment for my color selection :) I would like to ask some questions to you guys who already had theirs.. My husband and I went to the sales center and had another look at the upgrades available and we are not too happy with the selection of counter tops for the kitchen which are on display. Is it possible to use for example the options meant for bathroom walls and floors for the kitchen and vice versa or not? And secondly, did anyone change their bathroom countertop? Does the bathroom sink remains the same or does the whole look change? We are thinking about making quite a few upgrades but not quite looking forward to the fee lol we are thinking about upgrading the bedrooms' floor, the kitchen countertop, the master ensuite floor and wall and the kitchen terms of fee, what can we be expecting? thanks!

hey, you got appointment for your colour selection for thunderbird?? (phase 2)... thats early, in my opinion. what floor are you on - and which model you took? the standard packages are rod, gra and other one i dont remember the name. i picked gra and played around with it, swapping from other samples at no extra charge. i upgraded bedroom (including walk-in closet) from carpet to hardwood based on gra sample, so paid approximately $1250 with taxes in. unfortunately, bathroom sink/vanity is standard as it and no upgrades are available for it. i got lucky with gra package by getting quartz countertop which is really nice in my view, and i upgraded with undermount sink, so paid $470 with taxes in for that. prior to choosing gra, i wanted to upgrade to stained gray finish kitchen cabinet along with matching flooring and off white countertop finish (quartz one), it ended up $10900 for everything so forget it, i sticked with gra package and am happy with the choice. for interior doors, ill change from flat panels to five-panel doors, one with glass on walk-in closet, once i move in end of this month. doing yourself saves you a lot of money than getting from builder. hope this helps. ;)
Hey Ana, I went yesterday and my unit was beyond beautiful. I was so proud of my choices..However, there are so many deficiencies and things missing that I am hoping they can rectify in the next 9 days. I am missing my showerhead, my vanity in the washroom is cracked and they have to replace the entire unit. They dry walled over the extra cable outlet I paid $425 for!, the drywall job in my living room is horrible, you can see the different panels, that has to be replaced too. I also requested they move my theromstat (which was missing also) because they had it awkwardly placed in the middle of the wall where I was going to mount my 42" they are going to move it. Though many things were wrong..the unit was still beautifully done.

so shorty... in your opinion, how overall you are happy with edilcan's progresses with unit? quick question, do you have walk-in closet in unit? if so, are the ceiling drywalled inside?? i talked to some people who lives at one valhalla, they told me it is not drywalled, it is foamed ceiling tiles?? if thats true, i am going to request edilcan to replace mine with real drywall since these was not described on features of unit. i find really ridilicious to have foam ceiling tiles in walk-in closets. :(
so shorty... in your opinion, how overall you are happy with edilcan's progresses with unit? quick question, do you have walk-in closet in unit? if so, are the ceiling drywalled inside?? i talked to some people who lives at one valhalla, they told me it is not drywalled, it is foamed ceiling tiles?? if thats true, i am going to request edilcan to replace mine with real drywall since these was not described on features of unit. i find really ridilicious to have foam ceiling tiles in walk-in closets. :(

The unit was beautiful but the execution of everything was sloppy. It should have been close to perfect as they delayed mine 3 times! Yeah, I have a walk-in closet and it has that ugly foamed ceiling tile and you can't replace it as there is a unit in there with a vent (i think for the washer and dryer) that you need to be able to access to replace the vent. Like you, I am annoyed that we werent told about that. Also..the light in the walk-in is located on the side wall beside the door and the pendant is this ugly globe looking fixture. I want that replaced as soon as I move in, its an eye sore. I hope they are able to rectify all of my deficiences by Monday (when I get my keys).
The unit was beautiful but the execution of everything was sloppy. It should have been close to perfect as they delayed mine 3 times! Yeah, I have a walk-in closet and it has that ugly foamed ceiling tile and you can't replace it as there is a unit in there with a vent (i think for the washer and dryer) that you need to be able to access to replace the vent. Like you, I am annoyed that we werent told about that. Also..the light in the walk-in is located on the side wall beside the door and the pendant is this ugly globe looking fixture. I want that replaced as soon as I move in, its an eye sore. I hope they are able to rectify all of my deficiences by Monday (when I get my keys).

this isn't even right, actually accessing to vents (cleaning filter) should be in the room where the washer/dryer is. i have never seen condos with foamed ceiling tiles in walk-in closets. really, so if i put my clothes there, and if it requires maintenance, my clothes get dirty just because they had to open the ceiling up? that is really ridilicious and not making sense at all. i went to model suite, and they actually have drywall ceiling in closet so why this has to be a surprise in reality? i am going to fight with edilcan because first, we were not advised of this and what we saw in model suite, has drywall and it should be included in units. NO SURPRISES!! i have went thru the features and etc on units, NOWHERE says about the foamed ceiling tiles... gosh, i am pissed off. :( all lighting fixtures are cheap in every condos, and that is the first thing I am going to replace everything once i move in.
this isn't even right, actually accessing to vents (cleaning filter) should be in the room where the washer/dryer is. i have never seen condos with foamed ceiling tiles in walk-in closets. really, so if i put my clothes there, and if it requires maintenance, my clothes get dirty just because they had to open the ceiling up? that is really ridilicious and not making sense at all. i went to model suite, and they actually have drywall ceiling in closet so why this has to be a surprise in reality? i am going to fight with edilcan because first, we were not advised of this and what we saw in model suite, has drywall and it should be included in units. NO SURPRISES!! i have went thru the features and etc on units, NOWHERE says about the foamed ceiling tiles... gosh, i am pissed off. :( all lighting fixtures are cheap in every condos, and that is the first thing I am going to replace everything once i move in.

Yea It was a big surprise! and I noticed it when I saw other suites pictures that were similar to mine. I guess you could get it dry walled after and make a hatch (opening) for when you need to access that thing. I don't even remember what it was, but it has a filter that has to be cleaned every 3 months. They definitely dropped the ball on the walk in closets. I wonder if the townhomes have that?
Hey Ana, I went yesterday and my unit was beyond beautiful. I was so proud of my choices..However, there are so many deficiencies and things missing that I am hoping they can rectify in the next 9 days. I am missing my showerhead, my vanity in the washroom is cracked and they have to replace the entire unit. They dry walled over the extra cable outlet I paid $425 for!, the drywall job in my living room is horrible, you can see the different panels, that has to be replaced too. I also requested they move my theromstat (which was missing also) because they had it awkwardly placed in the middle of the wall where I was going to mount my 42" they are going to move it. Though many things were wrong..the unit was still beautifully done.

HOLY COW Shorty!!! lol!! I'm sure everything will be fixed for you on time but the theromostat problem was just ridiculous?!? lol who would put it there?! Its good to know that we can move stuff like that around if its a problem. Man, I can't even imagine what my unit is going to look like with deficiencies but I'm arming myself with two sticker guns on my PDI. LMAO
HOLY COW Shorty!!! lol!! I'm sure everything will be fixed for you on time but the theromostat problem was just ridiculous?!? lol who would put it there?! Its good to know that we can move stuff like that around if its a problem. Man, I can't even imagine what my unit is going to look like with deficiencies but I'm arming myself with two sticker guns on my PDI. LMAO

LOL Bring 3!! You'd think with all the extra time they had it would be perfect!! But I am glad the thermostat is being moved. I even paid an extra $350 for extra plywood to mount my 42" why the hell would they put a thermostat in the MIDDLE of the wall? thats not common sense now is it.
Thermostats in all units one bedroom, two bedrooms are right in the middle of the main wall of the living room. Thanks for raising this as in issue Shorty! I saw your post and mentioned it right way during my PDI. I have to note it down on the 30 days warranty form as well. I agree, the units are beautiful but the execution is very sloppy. During my PDI last week the kitchen counter top was missing and one of the doors was completely damaged! That's just couple of many items that I noticed. The construction workers were in and out, so pure chaos. I was so annoyed! Hopefully everything is in order in a few weeks. The walk in closets all have white panels that cannot be removed. It's part of a new system that controls all the fans in the condos.

LOL Bring 3!! You'd think with all the extra time they had it would be perfect!! But I am glad the thermostat is being moved. I even paid an extra $350 for extra plywood to mount my 42" why the hell would they put a thermostat in the MIDDLE of the wall? thats not common sense now is it.
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