News   Jul 12, 2024
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News   Jul 12, 2024
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News   Jul 12, 2024
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Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (nCoV-2019)

Lock them in the convention centre under armed guard for 2 weeks. If the feds invoke the emergency measures act they have the ability to commandeer whatever facilities they require. This means they could in theory create mass quarantine centres and have them guarded by the armed forces.
You need to get a grip, first excess hoarding of essentials and now this ......
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2 weeks in isolation should in theory resolve the issue. Have doctors in full hazmat treat the sick.
Not ideal but would you rather them isolate themselves on the honor system?
People are stupid and will put themselves before others. Better to risk serious complications from isolation than to risk further spread.
Yes people may get sick and die but that is the nature of disease outbreaks. Now is not the time for the honor system if you wish to control the outbreak.

It's not the doctors I am talking about - it is the arrivals. Having them en masse in a space like a convention centre basically guarantees that a good portion of them will get infected by the few people who will inevitably have it at the time. Compound that with the numbers we are talking about and you have just created an outbreak bigger than what we have in the entire country.

You rea

You need to get a grip, first excess hoarding of essentials and now this ......

Fair enough, it's just who I am. I am a pragmatic pessimist. I plan for the worst case scenario in a practical manner rather than hoping for sunshine and rainbows.

Plan for the worst and hope for the best is my motto. Do this and you will be prepared for whatever comes.

Sometimes tough decisions need to be made for the greater good. Just because something is crazy and out there does not mean it is not the best course of action. Forced quarantine is not ideal but people cannot be trusted to do anything other than what is in their own interests.
Fair enough, it's just who I am. I am a pragmatic pessimist. I plan for the worst case scenario in a practical manner rather than hoping for sunshine and rainbows.

Plan for the worst and hope for the best is my motto. Do this and you will be prepared for whatever comes.

Sometimes tough decisions need to be made for the greater good. Just because something is crazy and out there does not mean it is not the best course of action. Forced quarantine is not ideal but people cannot be trusted to do anything other than what is in their own interests.

IMO - Forced quarantine takes lower priority than eliminating the avenues for person to person contact - and that means public transit, non-essential workplaces, places of gathering, etc. That is a solution that will address both the new arrivals and the general public and reduce risk across the board. That should be the number one priority.

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Lock them in the convention centre under armed guard for 2 weeks. If the feds invoke the emergency measures act they have the ability to commandeer whatever facilities they require. This means they could in theory create mass quarantine centres and have them guarded by the armed forces.

I have, admittedly, not studied it in depth, but I see nothing in the Emergencies Act (successor to the War Measures Act) that suspends the Charter. By invoking the Act the government can do things like restrict travel to/in certain areas, and The Quarantine Act has certain powers, but I see nothing that would empower mass and arbitrary detention for, say, simply walking down the street. I await to be proven wrong.

Other discussions have centred on restricting international travel. I recall a government release perhaps last week about restricting international flights to a limited number of airports. Perhaps that is in the process of happening. There are a whole host of moving parts necessary to make that happen safely.

People really need to get a grip.
I have, admittedly, not studied it in depth, but I see nothing in the Emergencies Act (successor to the War Measures Act) that suspends the Charter. By invoking the Act the government can do things like restrict travel to/in certain areas, and The Quarantine Act has certain powers, but I see nothing that would empower mass and arbitrary detention for, say, simply walking down the street. I await to be proven wrong.

Other discussions have centred on restricting international travel. I recall a government release perhaps last week about restricting international flights to a limited number of airports. Perhaps that is in the process of happening. There are a whole host of moving parts necessary to make that happen safely.

People really need to get a grip.

Well, frankly the govt announced on Friday about moving flights to 3 airports and its Sunday and we heard no more details about this very limited measure around international flights. Over that timeframe, tens of thousands of people have entered the country with no screenings likely which seem against this idea of "flattening the curve".

Now the issue is to you that is reasonable but in a world where news is flowing at a million miles an hour that seems very um ... 'passive' to some.

I agree with what you said that we should not go crazy here but the charter has not been really tested to a national emergency of this scale yet.

We are heading into some uncharted waters here and we are a country not used to invoking rather drastic measures which may come into conflict with the charter but whenever we talk about the charter it seems we always forget section 1. Like these discussions i am sure are taking place in Italy and spain and france to what limits can the govt go?
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Where? How enforced? Did you think this through before pressing Post Reply?

Well, I dont think you need to police it really, hear me out.

Currently, people are walking into the country and not being told to self-isolate at all when the medical officer is saying so which is a huge fail.

So firstly simple plan is to change the wording from pretty please isolate to the government requires you to isolate at your home or you could be jailed or fined. Having this message said by people on social media and the news will really put into people's minds.

Simply saying that alone will I think to convince people to stay indoors and self isolate way more so than currently as there is societal pressure or 'potential' punishment.

To me this seems like a pretty easy and effective way to reduce infections from coming from overseas.

Like you dont need to declare martial law lol
Well, frankly the govt announced on Friday about moving flights to 3 airports and its Sunday and we heard no more details about this very limited measure around international flights. Over that timeframe, tens of thousands of people have entered the country with no screenings likely which seem against this idea of "flattening the curve".

Now the issue is to you that is reasonable but in a world where news is flowing at a million miles an hour that seems very um ... 'passive' to some.

I agree with what you said that we should not go crazy here but the charter has not been really tested to a national emergency of this scale yet.

We are heading into some uncharted waters here and we are a country not used to invoking rather drastic measures which may come into conflict with the charter but whenever we talk about the charter it seems we always forget section 1.

according to Wiki, there are 17 international airports in Canade, plus numerous others that are considered Ports of Entry by the CBSA under various terms. Don't forget that "international" includes US. I am certainly in no position to give a detailed answer to international flight operations, but I have to believe that it is a highly complex exercise to move all of this to three. In additional to the logistics of terminal space and capacity, fuel, servicing, crewing, CBSA, etc. etc., those three designated locations better be fully ramped up to be able to handle who and whatever comes down the ramp. To do so without a detailed plan in place is to invoke a repeated on 'Operation Yellow Ribbon after 9/11. Many planes landed at unscheduled place, but many were turned back to their point of origin. Perhaps it will become easier if air travel grinds to halt on its own.

You are correct that Section 1 is the lens of the Charter, but the Charter informs - or at least should - the actions and decisions of the State and not simply stand as a post facto guide to the courts. I'm no lawyer but I would take a wild guess that locking up somebody, or thousands of somebodies, who are completely asymtomatic would be viewed by anyone as a "reasonable limit and demonstrably justified".

There has been much talk on here about arbitrarily detaining people who are found to be not practicing social isolation (ignoring the differences between social isolation, self-quarantining and being in hospital isolation - I walked my dog today, am I a bad person?). You mentioned in an earlier post that some of your friends were going out clubbing. Should they be locked up? Taken home? To where By who? If the state makes something mandatory, it becomes the law of the state, not just a word to make a recommendation sound more important.

I suppose we could have a system that allows the state pass any law that it feels is necessary and subject to no oversight, and hope it is always with the best of intentions. History has shown us that often doesn't go well.
Well, I dont think you need to police it really, hear me out.

Currently, people are walking into the country and not being told to self-isolate at all when the medical officer is saying so which is a huge fail.

So firstly simple plan is to change the wording from pretty please isolate to the government requires you to isolate at your home or you could be jailed or fined. Having this message said by people on social media and the news will really put into people's minds.

Simply saying that alone will I think to convince people to stay indoors and self isolate way more so than currently as there is societal pressure or 'potential' punishment.

To me this seems like a pretty easy and effective way to reduce infections from coming from overseas.

Like you dont need to declare martial law lol

You are arguing against yourself.
Goodlife is closed temporarily effective Monday.

You are arguing against yourself.

There are many laws that people follow and we dont have to endlessly police people for...

You really think we have to invoke martial law to do mandatory self-isolation?

Like i dont know what the stats are but getting 9 out of ten 10 people to comply would be a huge victory.
There are many laws that people follow and we dont have to endlessly police people for...
You really think we have to invoke martial law to do mandatory self-isolation?
Like i dont know what the stats are but getting 9 out of ten 10 people to comply would be a huge victory.

There is no sign that asking people to voluntarily comply with a 14 day self-quarantine have an above 1 out of 10 failure rate. Most Canadians are reasonable people. And threatening to police people when they know you won't do so is a recipe for failure (like speeding). Now what you should do identify critical sectors, industries, organizations that are essential - and lock down the non-essential.

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