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Next Mayor of Toronto?

Yes, the next Mayor will be a seat warmer for the Mayor in 2014.

It's going to be a war in hell with the unions, cutting of services and/or raising of new taxes and a very dysfunctional council who will point the finger at the Mayor. Unless we get a federal government, willing to give us our fair share of taxes and a provincial government willing to upload expenses, the next Mayor will do no better than the current one in solving the financial crises we face.

You seem to be very close to suggesting that Toronto is ungovernable without big bagfuls of money magically appearing from nowhere. I disagree. The city is in crisis, but this is a perfect opportunity for a strong leader to emerge and set us on a new course for a generation.

The analogy is inexact, but many thought that New York City was too big and too fractious to manage before Rudoph Giuliani came along.
The city is ungovernable without a restructuring that sees more dollars transferred from the federal and provincial levels or significant raises in taxes and fees. Or some combination of the two.
You seem to be very close to suggesting that Toronto is ungovernable without big bagfuls of money magically appearing from nowhere. I disagree. The city is in crisis, but this is a perfect opportunity for a strong leader to emerge and set us on a new course for a generation.

The analogy is inexact, but many thought that New York City was too big and too fractious to manage before Rudoph Giuliani came along.

I'm not suggesting the city is bound to fail. I'm stating that something will have to give and it won't be a pleasant experience for those on the hot seat.

It's unlikely that the city will get its fair share of the tax base and have the province assume expenses downloaded to Toronto by Mike Harris. Therefore, the next Mayor will have to choose between cutting services or raising taxes. There's no two ways about it. Finding efficiencies in municipal government is pie in the sky. If it were that simple, it would have already been done.

The only major efficiency savings that can make any noticeable difference would be in confronting the TTC's union. Without the union bully, the TTC could and should operate at half the cost of the current payroll. Still, the fight will drag the next Mayor to hell and riders will be taken along for the ride.
Giambrone announced his withdrawal today so I'm not expecting it to be entered into the website just yet, but I had a look anyway and noticed that while Giambrone is still on the candidates' list, there's already one withdrawal: Candidates for Mayor.
Politicians make laws governing society, determining what behaviours are right and wrong. They frequently prohibit or punish people from doing things that the politician considers wrong but an individual may have no problem with (fees on plastic bags, pesticide bans, zoning regulations, squeege kids). They also may decide to allow or not act on activity that others find is wrong or harmful (gay marriage, approving bad development, tolerating bad TTC customer service).

When a politician is caught doing something wrong, whether illegal or not, people feel that they lose some (maybe just a tiny bit) of their legitimacy in governing the behaviour of others. It doesn't have to be something illegal like beating your wife, it could be cheating on someone, telling a citizen to f-- off, lying, making racist statements about Africans etc. Although no person is perfect, we have higher standards for our leaders (not just politicians, but teachers, ministers etc) and are surprised when we find out that they are human just like us, especially when they cultivate a clean image. We may choose to care or not care, depending on the context, how likeable they are, on our own value system and most especially our political leanings.

I doubt that many people would vote or not vote for someone because they cheated on their girlfriend, but combined with the lying, using the girlfriend as a political prop, age difference etc, it hurts their image, raises questions about their character, and at the very least brings back down to earth anyone who thought he was the perfect candidate who could do know wrong.
TorontoLife has Smitherman on the cover with the title "Mayor!?" and a favourable article which almost sounds like a crowning of the candidate. I wonder if they're planning on having the other candidates profiled on the cover or if this is an endorsement of Smitherman by the magazine.
Returning to the "pedophilia" thing: wasn't one of Berlusconi's bimbos 18? I think that the most "pedophilic" thing here is that Ms. Lucas old? 13, 14? when Giambrone was first elected to council.

Heck, Madonna's probably more of a pedophile to have dated Jesus Luz--all the more so as she's reportedly old enough to be the mother of *his* mother...
A 30-year old is simply too young to be Mayor. Not enough maturity.
Are you mad? At the age of 30, the future Duke of Wellington was leading armies in combat Srirangapatna, and was Governor of the Indian territories of Seringapatam and Mysore before the age of 31. In the time when you expected to live to perhaps 50, you didn't have time to muck about until you're 30+. Our generation may seem immature, but by the age of 30, you're a full grown man, fully educated, and should be up to any task.
If I'm Adam Giambrone and I'm seeing what's written in this thread re: pedophilia, I'm calling my lawyer.
And do what -- sue an anonymous poster on a forum?

If I were Giambrone, I'd call my travel agent and get the hell out of here for a few weeks.
First of all, I don't think Italy is anything to emulate.
Not with the clown of all clowns Berlusconi in charge.

Now someone is saying Giambrone is bi.
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Now that the federal government is running a deficit again. that argument no longer applies. While traditionally the calculations related to 'fair share' argument are debatable, they are certainly temporal. The city has spent far to much time looking outwards for solutions. It has a a tremendous amount of efficiencies available and room to increase residential taxes and fees in order to straighten up.

The reality of Toronto compared to most cities in Ontario is

It spends more.
It charges less (residents).
It complains the most.

You forgot that unlike other municipalities, Toronto actually provides services. Why does Peel have a 21 year waiting list for community housing, compared to 6 years in Toronto?
You forgot that unlike other municipalities, Toronto actually provides services. Why does Peel have a 21 year waiting list for community housing, compared to 6 years in Toronto?

This is a bizarre way to try and "prove" the blanket statement that "unlike other municipalities, Toronto actually provides services", but for those curious about community housing wait times, see "spreadsheet" link here.
One comment wouldn't be worth pursuing. If people had agreed and discussed it, that would be something else but the idea was shut down immediately. Or if the poster had posted it repeatedly but he withdrew it.
Errr... You completely missed the point about that lawyer post. He was just suggesting there would probably be a lot of people here in the same category, and it was an inappropriate label.

Anyways, although I'm not usually a big fan of Margaret Wente, I think so far she's said it best:

Toronto city politics are hardly scintillating at the best of times. So we owe a vote of thanks to Adam Giambrone, the brash young mayoral candidate who turned out to be too hot for politics. His was a textbook case of self-immolation. First, he doused himself with gasoline, and then he lit the match. By Wednesday, nothing was left but a greasy smudge on the floor of the council chamber.

The reason Mr. Giambrone is unfit to be mayor is not that he is horny. Nor is it that he two-timed his loyal live-in girlfriend with a buxom 20-year-old party girl named Kristen Lucas, who cheerily spilled her story – and her awesome cleavage – to the media. The reason is that he's an idiot. Did he learn nothing from Tiger Woods? The moral of that story ought to be engraved on the cellphones of cheaters everywhere: Whatever else you do, don't have text with that woman!


Mr. Giambrone, who looked genuinely shattered at his press conference Wednesday, is even attracting a bit of sympathy (though not from me) and his long-suffering girlfriend is standing by him. I desperately hope that one of these days some humiliated spouse will whack the guy with a frying pan. I'd give good money to see that.
