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Next Mayor of Toronto?

I would rather have a "racist" as mayor who is actually going to stop wasteful spending on useless programs nad projects rather than a gay guy who has a history for blowing money. I don't know how peopel see otherwise. Peopel are so concerned with diversity and all these multi-culturalist events when the fact of the matter is that; we have enough of this, it is already a part of our city and we don't more. Focus on the real issues: wasteful spending at city hall. Smitherman as mayor = another David Miller.
I would rather have a "racist" as mayor who is actually going to stop wasteful spending on useless programs nad projects rather than a gay guy who has a history for blowing money.
Ummm .... why mention that one of the candidates is gay? What does that have to do with it? Isn't that bigotry?

And if Miller spending is so utterly wasteful, why is City Hall understaffed to the point that many services are difficult to get, City Hall furniture looks as though it's been acquired from a dumpster, and Toronto taxes are lower than surrounding cities?
This thread has degraded so badly as the vote gets down to the wire. It's hard to stomach the crap that's been posted. Slurs and name-calling.

A recent experience having to do with this election: I, a downtowner, recently had some family business that took me to the suburban home of my delightfully in-your-face conservative cousin in the Former North York. My cousin's house is sporting a Ford sign; I told him my little Cabbagetown home is sporting a Smitherman sign. We engaged in polite, civil debate, and actually my cousin conceded that George has positive points (but he's still voting for his guy instead). Meanwhile, my cousin's wife can't stand Ford and will vote for Smitherman. No one got red faced, no epithets were used, it was all polite, we avoided the gutter.


This morning's Globe & Mail is "guardedly" endorsing Smitherman. EDIT: The editorial only mentions Pantalone once, otherwise it's all about Ford & Smitherman:

The Globe’s endorsement for Mayor of Toronto
Toronto is a city suffering from structural problems that need to be overcome over the next mayor’s four-year term. The voters now have a choice between two flawed candidates, neither of whom has a convincing account of how he will bring about these changes; a third does not accept the fact that the city is in any trouble.

Rob Ford’s standing in the polls is a loud and clear message from the citizens that all is not well – in particular that they are at the limit of their toleration for new taxes and tax increases. More than any other candidate, he has captured the mood of voters, who are frustrated, even angry.

Toronto’s public finances are not sustainable. The city government cannot borrow to finance its operating expenses. It cannot reasonably impose more taxation on its residents and businesses. If current symptoms persist, its government wages and salaries may well rise by 20 per cent in the next mayoral term. The city employees’ unions can no longer be appeased. The affairs of the city of Toronto cannot be treated as if it were business as usual. They cannot be fixed by attrition, by the mere passage of time, or by restraining new spending, or cutting here and there.

There is a special problem in the arbitration awards for the essential services of police and firefighters. Their increases are considerably in excess of cost-of-living increases. Rocco Rossi, a preferable candidate who has now withdrawn, has suggested a change to “criteria-based arbitration,†which might require new provincial legislation. In any case, the next mayor must confront this uphill challenge. George Smitherman has shown no inclination to do so. As for Mr. Ford, in spite of his professed fiscal conservatism, he has expressed no concern about the police and fire budgets.

Mr. Ford has been a good city councillor for 10 years. He has delivered tangible improvements to his ward, he has been remarkably responsive to his constituents, and he stands for the principle that individuals should take responsibility. But his small-scale, grassroots virtues are not enough by themselves to solve the ills of a huge metropolis; he is a retail politician. Moreover, he is an instinctual person, lacking in analysis, and his plans have gaps and inconsistencies. His propensity to impetuous words and deeds could be embarrassing and possibly harmful to Toronto. Nonetheless, the surge in support for a man with these characteristics, in a sophisticated, cosmopolitan city, amounts to an extraordinary indictment of the status quo. It is a phenomenon that all Toronto’s politicians must take seriously; Mr. Smitherman has already repositioned himself, shifting on the ideological spectrum from where he probably would like to be.

Where Mr. Ford is unrealistic, Mr. Smitherman is vague. The risk in supporting Mr. Ford is what he might do as mayor, the risk in supporting Mr. Smitherman is what he might not do. The latter of the two has failed to articulate a vision or a strategy of his own, and he could easily end up as a second David Miller – what Joe Pantalone, the third candidate, openly promises to be. Still, Mr. Smitherman understands the complexities of multi-tiered government. In the provincial cabinet, he brought no structural change to the health budget – a monster that needed to be wrestled to the ground – though he effectively executed the tasks that Premier Dalton McGuinty assigned him. He is essentially a professional politician, an office-seeker with a taste for managing, but not for transformation.

Between elections, the mayor of Toronto must work with three constituencies: the provincial government, the city councillors and the unions. Mr. Ford is likely to be at odds with all three – unless he wins by such an impressive margin that Mr. McGuinty finds it necessary to accommodate him as a de facto opposition leader in Ontario.

Mr. Smitherman knows his way well around Queen’s Park and the Liberal Party that is currently in power there. He understands the dynamics of politics as well as of government, and would be better than Mr. Ford at balancing and cajoling the various elements on City Council, while summoning up ruthlessness if need be. He will probably appease the unions and seek compromises with them. He shouldn’t. If an unmistakable fiscal crisis breaks out, the aggressive side of his volatile personality may come in handy, at the eleventh hour.

Mr. Ford and Mr. Smitherman have similarly unpersuasive and unsatisfactory platforms. In the end, Mr. Smitherman’s ability to get things done makes him the better candidate; Torontonians may have to live in hope that he tries to do the right things, and that he comes to see the city’s financial predicament as the fight of his life. The electors of Toronto should guardedly opt for George Smitherman.
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obviously we can't have an anti-gay bigot running the city.

and his fiscal conservatism should not be a redeeming factor for those who want a fiscally conservative candidate. i don't know why more people didn't align behind rocco rossi. this should have been an election between smitherman, pantalone & rossi. at least the only worries would be about what kind of policy the candidate proposes and not the candidate's backwards views.
If Ford wins, his government's first millions-were-wasted moment will be a real loss of innocence moment for a lot of people. It's an interesting flip to see the right-wing as the idealists, but they really believe that this man can run a city government without any missteps, mistakes or corruption.
A few interesting developments:

Front page on the star online - Ford says land transfer tax may need to stay until 2012:

Smitherman being endorsed by David Crombie - they're making the announcement at 12:45 or so.

I agree. Crombie is big.

At this point, with 10% in the last poll (1/3 loss of previous support), Joe can't claim to have a chance so it's really now a 2 man race. If Most of Toronto ignores Pants, then Smitherman should win it handedly.
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There are so many things that bother me about Ford but one of the worst things is his blatant hypocrisy. He makes such a big deal about the non-tendered food deal with that family who owns the restaurant in the beaches. Then we find out that he voted in favour of giving another restaurant in Sunnyside Beach, the exact same deal. (with a friend of his) Why was he perfectly ok with the west end deal but not the one in the east end? Why make such a big deal about it?

Then you have this video which clearly shows that Ford has no integrity. He gets so mad about not following the expert's report, then it's revealed that he has done the exact same thing. The worst part is that he makes such a huge fuss about it, you would think he has very strong principles but then you see it's just grandstanding. Watch how he gets busted by Vaughan in this video. This man has zero credibility/integrity, yet so many people think he's an honorable guy. It's just so ridiculous!

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So you're allowed to call Ford a 'fat fuck' but I can't call Smitherman a bald queen?

I smell hypocrisy.. Btw I'm gay, and I think he's an annoying queen. Deal with it.

You smell a ban, I smell your bullshit.:)

What an oxymoron. You can't be a gay person, at the same time as being homophobic.
Everyone knows that RF doesn't come close to a bit with "at least" half-decent Smitherman.
Insulting them because of their looks and their marital status are just dumb. Homeboy.
You know ... I listened to one of his rants about Jarvis ... it's a little hard to admit but he had some valid points ... !
True they we're not futurist / noble / ... but they were down to earth.

In short he said drivers and cyclist will never get along ... a little much but for the next 10-20 or so years it's probably very true.
Anyways, so he's arguing for the sidewalk to be extended and have that split in two ... but trying to make sense of his rant, what he really means is separated bike lines ...

I've watched a lot of the other videos as well - regarding his flip flopping above - yes he did it ... everyone does ... it's sad but true.

Anyway, for those of you who think he's the devil on earth I really think that's far from the truth - he does listen to both sides on many occasions, he comes off as brash / harsh.

Will I vote for him? No ... I still don't think he'll make a good Mayor, but at the end of the day he's not going to cause the apocalypse.
I've spent every day after work for weeks working for the Smitherman campaign and then after that heading into suburbia to distribute the anti-Ford flyers. I'm using a two-prong attack basically. The positive, and yes, the negative.

Simtherman supporters have turned into the Jehovah's Witnesses of politics. Do you hand out a copy of Watch Tower as well?
