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Next Mayor of Toronto?

I might be able to accept Thompson's loss if it means Smitherman's elected. It's just unfortunate that she has the best platform by far, and probably the only thing stopping her from the big top 3 is media coverage; Smitherman and Ford are big gunners, while the rest are councillors.

The only thing I disagree outright for Smitherman is his partial continuation of Transit City in his transit plan. That's where Thompson's very far in the clear, with a proper vision and a smart plan to boot.
Here is the STOP FORD campaign:

Smitherman vows to lead “anybody-but-Ford†charge in Toronto mayoral race Marcus Gee, Globe and Mail

Saying that “this man must be stopped,†George Smitherman vowed on Thursday to lead an anybody-but-Ford movement to stop Etobicoke councillor Rob Ford from becoming mayor.

A recent poll for The Globe and Mail, CTV and CP24 gave Mr. Ford a commanding 24-percentage-point lead over second-place Mr. Smitherman in the campaign for the Oct. 25 vote.

“The results of the poll call for an anybody-but-Ford camp,†he said, adding that voters should “coalesce around a candidate who can win.â€

He said that only he had the “intellect, love, energy and passion,†as well as the “furious determination,†to prevent a Ford victory.

Mr Smitherman, a former deputy premier, made his remarks at Sugar Beach, a recently opened park and sun bathing area opposite the Redpath sugar factory on the central waterfront.

He said the attraction showed that long-delayed plans to spruce up the waterfront are finally gaining momentum and that Mr. Ford would stop that progress.

In a handout distributed to reporters by the Smitherman team, Mr. Ford is quoted as saying this week: “The waterfront. We can't afford it.â€

That statement shows that Mr. Ford has “thrown in the towel on Toronto,†Mr. Smitherman said.

He promised to press ahead with waterfront development by extending the waterfront light rapid transit line into the Portlands and Donlands districts and by working to redevelop Ontario Place.

Didn't Ford also say "Nobody cares about the waterfront." That guy needs to stop talking for us and just speak for himself.
If Furious George thinks Rob Ford is so scary and dangerous, maybe he should stop his dithering attempts to copy Ford's ideas and rescind his call for a property tax freeze and more privatization of city services.
I thought he finished high school, No?

So both Ford and Smitherman are both drop outs? (Smitherman from high school & Ford from University) Where is Miller when you need him? I still think Smitherman is much smarter than Ford. Have you guys heard Ford read? He reads like an 8 year old. (Check his videos on Youtube) It's pretty funny.
Actually, every candidate's poll numbers have risen and fallen in direct proportion to their ability to capture headlines.

Bingo! Thre have been at least 2 to 4 Ford articles in the papers for the past few months now. Smitherman need to get his name out there, and form his own vision. Name reconition is what municipal politics is all about.
Ford was Levy's biggest campaign contributor

The Sun's Sue-Ann Levy has been championing front-runner Rob Ford throughout the race. Another of her favourite topics is the "sweetheart" deal the city awarded the Boardwalk Pub (owned by the Foulidis family) in the Eastern Beaches. She has suspiciously pointed to the fact that the Foulidis family donated to local councillor Sandra Bussin's past campaigns.

Someone who is admittedly not a fan of Levy's passed this on asking: is she being a bit hypocritical?

Turns out, Ford was the largest contributor to Levy's failed provincial campaign in 2009. The Etobicoke councillor gave the maximum $1000. Councillor Doug Holyday and his wife contributed $250 each. The three were among 31 donors who gave more than $100.
Hang on ...

Ford has been paying off just about the only journalist that has been positive about him?

Is there no moral depth that this man won't sink to?
This is getting pathetic. Hey, Ford is only leading because he is in the headline, let's change that by having a "STOP FORD" campaign.
Again from the will the populace who have taken to Ford react to what is essentially this message "you have seemingly rejected everything we have been saying and are supporting the wrong guy...we will now all get together and tell you, again, how dumb it would be to vote for this guy...we ARE smarter than, both, Mr. Ford and all the people who support him...including you the voter"

Rightly or wrongly Ford has won the battle for the minds of people who only view politicians as a drain on their own personal resources, the popluation trusts him to make cuts which they perceive will mean money in their pockets and that makes them happy. My guess is that having people group together with nothing but a "Stop Ford" message will not sit too well with them.

a) Sarah Thomson considering dropping out to save Toronto from Ford
b) She's considering throwing her support at Rossi, thereby annulling point a)

Hidden inside is another poll, with decided voters:
39 Ford
26 Smitherman
13 Pantalone
11 Thomson
8 Rossi

It also comments on "decided voters that may change their minds". Details in link, but essentially Ford has 66% "dedicated" while most of the others are ~40% ish saying won't change their minds. 25 for Thomson, which is why they suggest she may be dropping out.

The swing between a 26% lead and a 13% lead, on a poll conducted at essentially the same time, tells you why these polls can't be taken too seriously, much beyond "4 of 10 voters support Ford".Even something as simple as the pollster's tone of voice while dictating the question can affect the outcome.
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a) Sarah Thomson considering dropping out to save Toronto from Ford
b) She's considering throwing her support at Rossi, thereby annulling point a)

Hidden inside is another poll, with decided voters:
39 Ford
26 Smitherman
13 Pantalone
11 Thomson
8 Rossi

It also comments on "decided voters that may change their minds". Details in link, but essentially Ford has 66% "dedicated" while most of the others are ~40% ish saying won't change their minds. 25 for Thomson, which is why they suggest she may be dropping out.

The swing between a 26% lead and a 13% lead, on a poll conducted at essentially the same time, tells you why these polls can't be taken too seriously, much beyond "4 of 10 voters support Ford".Even something as simple as the pollster's tone of voice while dictating the question can affect the outcome.

Just saw this! I'm hoping there's still hope!! But the article mentioned Sarah might support Rocco, which would be the stupidest idea ever!
Just saw this! I'm hoping there's still hope!! But the article mentioned Sarah might support Rocco, which would be the stupidest idea ever!

why woudl that be?

FYI, Mayoral race has NEVER been won by a front runner that has lost his/her lead.

ROssi and Thomson are both reform/change candidates. Those supporting their campaigns have the most in common (Rossi was John Tory's campaign manager and Thomson's campaign is managed by John Tory's Son(s)).

Smitherman has no chance as of right now, and quite frankly, putting Joe Pants in there will further polarize the electorate.

This is the exact same thing that happened with the RAE/Harris swing for Ontario.

btw, there is now THREE threads on the Ford campaign ;)
Those of you who keyed in on the "name recognition" thing are correct. I wish the journals would just substitute Ford's name with XXXX (or, how about "the little fucker"?).

But just to help, we've ordered a Smitherman sign for our lawn. If the ship goes down we will at least have fought.
why woudl that be?

FYI, Mayoral race has NEVER been won by a front runner that has lost his/her lead.
huh? Care to back that up? We've had 50 mayors since the public began choosing who the mayor would be. By all means, if you've done the 100+ years of research that backs up that claim, I'd love to see it. Otherwise, you might want to quit with the hyperbole.
