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News   Sep 06, 2024
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Next Mayor of Toronto?

^Although he actually reflects the majority in Toronto and certainly the GTA. Chances are the less time you've lived in Canada, the less tolerant you are towards that issue. I would bet that in a poll of 100,000 ppl, 70% would be against gay marriage.

Ford is not dead meat--he will win.

The Star doesn't matter.

As for Pantelone--I've never heard of the guy.

Good grief, why do you even post on this forum?

You seem to have less of a clue than me, and that's saying something...
I know Rossi wants 2km of tunnel {big deal}

For those that are all about instant gratification..... to put it in perspective.

IF the Miller administration adopted this policy of 2 km a year, the past 2 terms, we would have had 16 km
equivelent of shepperd line from Donmills to Scarborough Town Centre (8 km) AND
partial DRL from Donlands to Bellwoods Trinity Park (8 km).

And this is WITHOUT ANY Provincial and Fed money... now imagine that if we would have included federal money?!
The City does not have the capital dollars to support such a plan, but even if they did, how would it work? Would you do an EA for a big chunk of the project, public consultations, etc, then do it in two km pieces? Do you put to tender every two km piece? How do you handle equipment, like tunnel boring machines? When happens when a 2km piece is finished - do you open it to the public? If so, do you make every 2km piece the terminus to the line, with support for turn-back operation? Isn't that unnecessarily expensive?
Not to turn this thread into a transportation discussion, but I think that a multi-year plan would be drawn up with 2km built every year leading up to the completion of the project as panned. It could take 4 years or 6, but it would be better than the none that opened in the last 8 years.
The thing about Ford is that he has this rabid, rat pack, who bombard all the newspapers with Pro Ford and anti gay comments. All you read is rude, mean-spirited, homophobic rhetoric and all kinds of negative comments. They spew their hate for Toronto, socialists, downtowners, tax spending and Smitherman. The fact that Smitherman is gay, is brought up on a daily basis and in the most repugnant way. I'm sure it's the same core group of people going to all the newspapers because the comments are all very much the same in tone and content. It creates the illusion that everyone in Toronto is of one mindset but I really don't believe it. It could be the work of a very small but determined group of young men. (Yes, there seems to be no women in this group) I'm not saying Ford can't win but I refuse to believe that this miserable group of people represent the majority in Toronto. It just doesn't jive with the people I meet in this city.

The funny thing is, why don't you see a group of lefties do the same thing? I don't see George's or Joe's core supporters doing the same thing. Very few people seem to be going after Ford. (in the comments section of newspapers or call-in radio shows) I wonder why the lefties don't do it? Even in the so called socialist Toronto Star, the comments are mostly from hard-core right wingers.
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If Ford is elected you can almost know for sure that Toronto will stay as it is for the next however so many years. He doesn't have many solutions for issues he does not even understand. He just uses scare tactics. I think someone less-left is needed for Toronto to help clean up the 'waste' that seems to be happening. But not Ford. Can you expect this man to deliver on the Pan Am Games? The West Don Lands will probably become a subdivision and the waterfront will be a huge parking lot for all the things the suburbs want but not in their own neighbourhoods.

Ford will have no idea what to do, he'll just say no to everything that comes on his desk.

Unless its a freeway from his suburb to downtown.
I'm not saying Ford can't win but I refuse to believe that this miserable group of people represent the majority in Toronto. It just doesn't jive with the people I meet in this city.

The funny thing is, why don't you see a group of lefties do the same thing? I don't see George's or Joe's core supporters doing the same thing. Very few people seem to be going after Ford. I wonder why the lefties don't do it? (Even in the so called socialist Toronto Star)

What social circles are you moving in? Everyone I've talked to in regards to municipal politics in the past 3-4 months varies from mildly to staunchly in support of Rob Ford. This cuts across several groups: various ethnic decents - Germans, Italians, British, eastern Europeans, Afro-Caribbean, Africans, South Asians, East Asians, Hispanics, Middle Easterners; gay, straight, atheist, Adventist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, Shinto, male, female, union, non-union, young adults, senior citizens, blue-collar, white-collar, downtown, East York, Scarborough, North York, York, Etobicoke. This is not a joke. The thing with Ford is that his style of politics leaves a lot of supporters having to apologize for him, but regardless feel too badly burned by the Millerites at the municipal level and the McGuinty Liberals at the provincial level to honestly care how brash and inarticulate he comes across. You - the shills for the status quo - have no one but yourselves to blame should RF win, because your waton disregard for public opinion, how your policies detrimentally impact upon the majority's lives, and a system incapable of sustaining itself without feeding the beast with more of our hardearned taxpayer dollars; is what's driving a lot of people from your modus operandi. If it takes RF to teach y'all a lesson, so be it. I'll be happy to start saving a couple more thousand dollars per year thanks to the budget cuts I trust he, and only he will see through.

I also disagree with your presumption that the left's not going after Ford. The past two days media circus should be proof enough. A lot of those news comments sections you're citing are littered with far more heinous viterol attacking Ford than the occasional "slitherman" jab. It makes a lot of the people whom go after conservative Torontonians look like major hypocrites. And the Sun's commenters tend to be out-of-towners so that doesn't count. I am gay and I'm disappointed in his personal feelings on the subject of marriage; however I also realize that a mayor of a municipality has no jurisdiction whatsoever over the matter, so this is nothing more than yet another sideshow distraction from the real issues orchestrated to sway away support Ford likely wasn't going to be getting anyway.
Ford will likely do well in the election, but I increasingly have a feeling he won't win.

Somehow, this whole issue leaves me thinking of how the federal Conservatives blew their electoral chances in 2004 and their majority chances in 2006 once candidates like Frank Luellau and Rondo Thomas were revealed to be religious nutjobs.

For better or worse, the Canadian norm is fundamentally a la Trudeau, i.e. state doesn't belong in the bedrooms of the nation, etc. And that even goes for Ford's "mayoral electability", i.e. his critical appeal to date having been libertarian, not so-con. But once the latter obtrudes, well...

If it takes RF to teach y'all a lesson, so be it.

Bring him on, I'd say. Bring him on.

I'll be happy to start saving a couple more thousand dollars per year thanks to the budget cuts I trust he, and only he will see through.

LOL, one has to wonder how much property taxes you've been paying in order to save a "couple more thousand dollars" per year even in the most radical scenarios of budget reduction. Like seriously, don't treat the rest of us like we don't know math.

A lot of those news comments sections you're citing are littered with far more heinous viterol attacking Ford than the occasional "slitherman" jab

Really, perhaps you should do a informal count and let us know the results - oh and don't restrict it to Smitherman, try "socialists" One does have to wonder one thing though - considering all those rants about Miller and the socalists on the newspaper forums ALL THE TIME, whether those said critics actually hold real jobs.

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According to the Star, Tory is out.

* * * * * * *

Even though Tory isn't in the race, I still think he shook things up the past week. Rob Ford was under the impression that Tory was going to jump in, and knowing that he would run from the middle, Ford abandoned his attempt to come off as a fuzzy and "moderate" conservative and carved a niche among the far right with his endorsement from a candidate with highly questionable comments on gays and a truly hilarious bike and social policy platform.

As a result, Ford has lost any support he had mustered among the Red Tory North Toronto crowd. I doubt he will gain it back, especially since there is a very, very good chance that a moderate right-of-centre candidate will announce his/her mayoral ambitions soon. There is clearly no love-in for Ford among the conservatives on council (exactly how many have come out to endorse him?) and I would not be surprised if one of them like Minnan-Wong or Stintz reneges on their original refusal and gives it a shot.

There have to be a few Toronto icons, politicians, business men, sports stars and so on who will look at the mediocre slate of candidates and think they might have a chance.

Am I the only one expecting a few big surprises in the next couple of weeks?
Really? Looking at the sad sack group of candidates running I think the door is pretty much wide open.
I'm not surprised that Adam Vaughan wanted to play it safe since he only has one term as councillor and is pretty much safe but it's possible that he might jump in. He has good name recognition and a lot of people remember him from his CityTV days. I don't agree with what he did with the Entertainment District and how he did it but I recognize him as an astute politician who was able to get his agenda through in his first term.

In other news, I was contacted by the Pantalone campaign and everything about it felt very familiar... very David Miller-ish -- John Laschinger at work. My bets are on Mayor Joe succeeding Miller.
Im sorry.. but the lefties are a dying breed in Ontario.

You have no idea, buddy. :cool:

I'm just returning home from Rob Ford's Ford Fest bash held at his family ranch, and let me tell you, I haven't been this impressed with a politician in very a long time. To all those under the false presumption that Ford has no plans, well, you have been forewarned. After speaking mono a mono with the man, I am surprised at how well thought out his transit plan is shaping up to be, the official public release to come after Labour Day. I have confirmation now that subways will extend to Scarborough Centre if elected, as well the DRL and Eglinton. He also plans to trim all the frills and whistles off of subway construction thus to bring capital costs down to a more realistic level, as well a shift towards P3s. His brother, Doug, then jumped into the conversation stating the urban planning faculty at U of T is personally assisting the team craft the plan; and told me that I would get to preview their proposal before they release it to the media.

But beyond my raison d'être, everything I heard tonight makes me feel as though all my months of enduring persecution by certain forum members was not in vain. During his speech, Ford went into detail at some of the many ways he'd trim municipal spending, offer greater protection for whistleblowers, and make every expenditure transparent. When he reiterated his stance to hire more police, the crowd cheered. The Honourable Jim Flaherty was there, Spike Jones, Francis Nuziata, Mike Del Grande, Peter Milczyn, and a host of candidates for City Council. The audience ourselves - probably 1,000 strong - were all very excited to be there, each person I spoke with had a personal beef with the Miller administration in one way or the other and generally felt that only the strong no-nonsense demeanour of Ford could discipline Council and reign in spending. And there was a long line up to give contributions to the race. I even heard one man say that he's donating $2500 to the campaign. I saw CTV camera crews there anyway so I'm sure y'all will get to witness what I found to be a grassroots political movement to take back the city from special interests, and start catering to the general public once more.
