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New GIGANTIC Blue Bins

Perhaps this is an attempt to deal with the lack of homeless beds for cold winter nights? :0

Yes, of course! By jove I think you've got it!!

This solves the low-income housing crisis in the GTA - The more newsprint we toss into our Monster Bins, the better the insulation!
Disadvantage critters if they crawl into a bin and are tipped into the truck and compacted.

Advantage Residents who are sick of racoons and squirrels chewing holes in our roofs to build their nests in.

Besides... they are bio-degradable. And it's not as if they're on the voters lists so Miller et al don't really need to concern themselves with a Squirrel-Racoon coalition protest vote, writing letters to the editor or staging demonstrations.
I'd love to see a megabin belonging to this house

I think the bin fits over this house.
City Rant: Recycling bin praise

National Post

A little love today for the city’s new recycling regime — and from the Post’s editorial board nonetheless. Jonathan Kay, the Managing Editor, Comment, responds to recent complaints in this space about the city’s trash pickup:

The new recycling containers are great. I used to have three or four buckets that I would fill with paper and plastic over the course of two weeks, and then I had to schlep all of them out to the curb every second Wednesday.

It would take me a couple of trips — which was hard work when they were filled with rain-soaked newspapers. (I would estimate that a knee-high recycling receptacle filled with water-saturated newspapers probably weighs more than 50 pounds.)

They were also unsightly, which means I had to keep them in the backyard. But the new mega-container is closed — which means no rainwater gets in. It is also a lot less unsightly, which means I can leave the thing to the side of my house, right near the driveway, so it takes just seconds to get the thing to the curb.

On top of all this, the neighbourhood doesn’t look like a garbage dump.

Check out this photo I took of my street this morning (pictured above). See all the receptacles lined up neatly?

Two weeks ago, the scene would have been a succession of overflowing open-top receptacles, with wind-blown garbage everywhere.

Now I can walk down the street without getting an unwanted glimpse into the personal lives of my neighbours (pizza boxes, vodka bottles, discarded personal hygiene product wrappers.) Thank you, David Miller!
Just got my blue bin yesterday, and I was loving it, no more spillage no more containers blowning in the wind. But then I thought back to this winter...
I live on a tiny street that plows don't come down, they use a bobcat about once or twice a winter. Since none of use have yards, the snow from the sidewalks are pilled betwenn cars, getting very high at times. Then I thought about these monsters being used in winter... GOOD LUCK! how on earth are they gaoing to get these between the cars, let alone over the snowbanks? Then I thought about the poor people with strollers or the poor guy down the street in a wheel chair, how are they going to get down the street with these things all on the sidewalk awaiting pick up?

I'm starting to think these were tested in North York, not in the downtown area.
City Rant: Recycling bin praise

National Post

A little love today for the city’s new recycling regime —
<< s n i p >> Thank you, David Miller!

We'll see if you still feel all warm & fuzzy about it next December / January / February / March when you can't get your Monster Blue Bin to the appropriate position for pick up - Remember -- Not on top of any snow banks, 10 ft overhead and 2 ft side to side clearance.
Obviously you place the bin on the sidewalk, and ignore the snowbank and row of parked cars. The same place you put your garbage can the other weeks. Those instructions were clearly written suburbia, not downtown.

And if people would adequately clear the width of their sidewalk, and not just one shovel width, there wouldn't be a problem.
Obviously you place the bin on the sidewalk, and ignore the snowbank and row of parked cars. The same place you put your garbage can the other weeks. Those instructions were clearly written suburbia, not downtown.

And if people would adequately clear the width of their sidewalk, and not just one shovel width, there wouldn't be a problem.

Ahh nfitz... you haven't read the instructions that come with your Blue Bin. They clearly state not to park it behind anything, that means you have to put it in front of the snow bank.

I don't know what your street looked like this past March but on mine, in front of the snow bank - the one that the city plows pushed up - meant the blue bin would have nearly been in the middle of the road. Us poor folks downtown don't have anywhere to push the snow.. see? And I always do clear all of my sidewalk. One wonders what the people across the road will do?

from the second storey window

standing on my front walk - it's almost above my head!
Large is 240 Litres (which is equivalent to 4 regular sized, or 3 of the larger blue boxes). Extra-large is 360 L. I'd think you could pretty much put a full-size person crouched down in an extra-large, which is what I have. Perhaps this is an attempt to deal with the lack of homeless beds for cold winter nights? :0

Hmm well I almost positive I selected one below the largest, so that narrows it down to the large. I can already fit in the large crouching, so my god, I can't imagine the extra-large. I guess it'd be the size of the ones that businesses such as restaurants get.
Ahh nfitz... you haven't read the instructions that come with your Blue Bin. They clearly state not to park it behind anything, that means you have to put it in front of the snow bank.
Yes, I did read the instructions, and I had a chuckle when I read them, as clearly they made no sense.

My street is a lot like yours - in fact it's worse, as you seem to have a strip of grass between the sidewalk and the road. Here, it's simply fence (or wall - as the terrain is quiet steep), sidewalk, curb, parked car, roadway).

If I placed it correctly in the winter, it would be sitting in the middle of the road (which is only one-lane wide); clearly this isn't what people will do.

And in the summer, one isn't going to place the bin between a row of parked cars and the road.

Last week we had the first pick-up of the new bins. Not one person followed the "instructions", and all placed it on their sidewalk, between the parked cars and the road. Clear evidence that most people can use common sense to trump inappropriate instructions.

But if you want to leave yours sitting in the middle of the road, go ahead. I'm pretty sure it won't last overnight.

... I can't imagine the extra-large. I guess it'd be the size of the ones that businesses such as restaurants get.
Pretty much. Looking around my street, I'd say that 20 to 30 % have the extra-large. Most have the large, and I have to walk for a couple of blocks before I see a medium. They haven't go the smalls yet - must be pretty small, as the medium is only 120 L, compared to 60 L for the traditional bin, and 80 L for those slightly taller ones.
Pretty much. Looking around my street, I'd say that 20 to 30 % have the extra-large. Most have the large, and I have to walk for a couple of blocks before I see a medium. They haven't go the smalls yet - must be pretty small, as the medium is only 120 L, compared to 60 L for the traditional bin, and 80 L for those slightly taller ones.

Yeah it appears that most of us have large around here too. So far we've been filling ours up between half and two thirds by pickup. So I think I could've settled for the medium, or perhaps we need to recycle more. However I do try to return empty beer and wine bottles, and with the wheeled bins, I can easily cart 200 or so litres of bottles to the Beer Store!
I can't remember where I saw it in this thread, but didn't someone mention that Cabbagetowners would be allowed to use one bin for both garbage and recycling?
I think the New Blue Bins/Garbage Bins will be great, as the national post article pointed out.
Based on what I saw last night, the bin-divers and refuse scavengers are just as inconvenienced by them as we homeowners who have to lug the damned thing through the house, down the steps, and to the sidewalk are.
