Toronto Nathan Phillips Square + Spirit Garden | ?m | ?s | City of Toronto

A report on the condition of the Square and related infrastructure and plans for same is headed to next week's General Government Ctte:

The key bits:

1) There are no 'grand plans' currently in process.

2) There is scheduled work to restore the staircases and ceremonial ramp up to the elevated walkway over the course of the next year or so.

3) The decorative fountains in the square don't work, study is currently underway as to whether to repair or replace.

4) Analysis of the condition of the Sheraton Centre link is underway and will report out next year. There does not appear to be any consideration of demolishing it, which should be front a centre for a link that adds no real value of any kind, but is moderately costly to maintain.

5) Speakers Corner will be moved/reestablished at the corner Queen/Bay

6) There is a need to upgrade the electrical for the square in order to better accommodate special events and holiday displays..........said work is currently unfunded.

Limited mention is given to the condition of flower pots, grassy areas and planting beds:



The need to conceptualize better seating, both seasonal and non-seasonal

The need to clearly address the mud pits (grass areas near Queen) by either obstructing people from walking over them or modifying the planting/paving/design to something more functional.

The need to contemplate desirable holiday lighting and make elements of the Square serve that purpose well.

The need to completely fix this section of Queen, including removing the south-side access to the parking garage.

The need to enlarge the bicycle storage facility, significantly to eliminate the current waiting list and provide room for some further growth.
A report on the condition of the Square and related infrastructure and plans for same is headed to next week's General Government Ctte:

The key bits:

1) There are no 'grand plans' currently in process.

2) There is scheduled work to restore the staircases and ceremonial ramp up to the elevated walkway over the course of the next year or so.

3) The decorative fountains in the square don't work, study is currently underway as to whether to repair or replace.

4) Analysis of the condition of the Sheraton Centre link is underway and will report out next year. There does not appear to be any consideration of demolishing it, which should be front a centre for a link that adds no real value of any kind, but is moderately costly to maintain.

5) Speakers Corner will be moved/reestablished at the corner Queen/Bay

6) There is a need to upgrade the electrical for the square in order to better accommodate special events and holiday displays..........said work is currently unfunded.

Limited mention is given to the condition of flower pots, grassy areas and planting beds:

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The need to conceptualize better seating, both seasonal and non-seasonal

The need to clearly address the mud pits (grass areas near Queen) by either obstructing people from walking over them or modifying the planting/paving/design to something more functional.

The need to contemplate desirable holiday lighting and make elements of the Square serve that purpose well.

The need to completely fix this section of Queen, including removing the south-side access to the parking garage.

The need to enlarge the bicycle storage facility, significantly to eliminate the current waiting list and provide room for some further growth.
Sounds good. I wish they'd actually work with the Sheraton to make the bridge more accessible & useful especially if they don't plan on pedestrianizing that section of Queen.

Indeed, I'd rather they strongly consider pedestrianizing the areas a bit further west where there are more shops, and use the already existing bridge as the safe option for crossing in that area.

Perhaps the part of the Sheraton where the bridge goes could be reconfigured into a food hall or a nice mini mall or something? Just seems like such a waste to have an amazing access point with a great spot for taking photos to boot & then doing absolutely nothing with it. And as much as the city hall side of the street has stuff to do & see, I've always found the Sheraton side to be a bit of boring stretch to walk along.
Sounds good. I wish they'd actually work with the Sheraton to make the bridge more accessible & useful especially if they don't plan on pedestrianizing that section of Queen.

Indeed, I'd rather they strongly consider pedestrianizing the areas a bit further west where there are more shops, and use the already existing bridge as the safe option for crossing in that area.

Perhaps the part of the Sheraton where the bridge goes could be reconfigured into a food hall or a nice mini mall or something? Just seems like such a waste to have an amazing access point with a great spot for taking photos to boot & then doing absolutely nothing with it. And as much as the city hall side of the street has stuff to do & see, I've always found the Sheraton side to be a bit of boring stretch to walk along.

I'd prefer to see the bridge removed, myself. You can get shots of City Hall from the elevated deck within the Square.

Going just a bit to the south gives you good elevated views of Queen, but I think they're kind of unremarkable. So for me, the downside of retention isn't just a maintenance cost, its low usage, low return for the investment, as well as taking people off Queen at-grade.


In terms of Queen itself here, I've discussed my own preferences and what I deem feasible. Pedestrianzing University to York and Bay to Yonge are both feasible, but not directly in front of City Hall, as you have to allow for access to/from the principle entry point for the City Hall parking garage.

That said, there is ample opportunity to make Queen here nicer and calmer, just not car free. But none of that work is currently funded.
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I'd prefer to see the bridge removed, myself. You can get shots of City Hall from the elevated deck within the Square.

Going just a bit to the south gives you good elevated views of Queen, but I think they're kind of unremarkable.
That's fair, but imagine if they widened the sidewalks a bit, added more trees on both sides, and made the streetcar tracks a greenway. Then Queen could begin to resemble a mini Omotesando. Terribly editted photo for reference:


  • Screenshot_20241010-145734~2.png
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That's fair, but imagine if they widened the sidewalks a bit, added more trees on both sides, and made the streetcar tracks a greenway. Then Queen could begin to resemble a mini Omotesando. Terribly editted photo for reference:


Removing the south side access to the parking garage should be feasible, if that were done, you could significantly widen the south sidewalk and add streetscaping where that this is currently located.

The north side currently accommodates food trucks and such within the westbound lane lay-by; It seems unlikely that wholesale removal would be supported, but what might be possible is to buffer the ends, and perhaps create a mid-point landscape feature as well. I have to think about the how, but it should work, there is some surplus room in the lane.
I visited the Spirit Garden yesterday, October 9th, 2024. I come baring photos, and thoughts:




On the pool/fountain/sculpture: Well done. Nice quality, good finishing work, its obvious (to me) what it represents.

Now a look at some of the planting beds:


Oh, this was so close..........but what's that concrete doing there on the end sticking out like a sore thumb?

Oh wait vvvv


See the bench/seating .....(left).....yeah, this does not work for me, the plain concrete clashes w/the nicer metallic finish on the other two sides.

The plant mix is ok.....curious to pair the Birch with an Oak, nothing wrong w/that, but not a combination you see all that much in nature.


^^^^^ Nice work on the structure here.............but why did they use the metallic finish on one side of the planter then the blah concrete on the other.............its not only cheap and ugly, its asymmetrical, that's bad design form as far as I'm concerned.

On the plants, I noted the use of what appears to be Christmas Fern here. So named, because it generally stays green and life like through the Christmas season, where as most ferns die off for the year much earlier.


Did anyone want to place a bet on how soon the new concrete planters would show damage or wear and tear?



Yup, already.


Ok, while we're here....lets see how the section further north around the eternal flame is doing.....



Not bad. The New England Asters look lovely (purple)........... @UtakataNoAnnex 's Pom Pom plants are end of season, but looking healthy. I see they took some notes I gave and made adjustments to the plant mix and how its maintained. Much better.

What about the grove of Aspen on the other side?



Just great! The tallest among them are now taller than Osgoode Hall next door with some approaching 5 storeys in height.

Now if we could just get the industrial grade streetlighting that's a total non-sequitur changed out for something more becoming......
Can't wait to check out the garden myself, but one other thought I have from these pictures is how nicely it interfaces with Osgoode Hall. This was always the "afterthought" facade of the building, but even so, it deserved better than the mess of concrete, dead plants and fences that was there before. This connects it into the square via the lovely garden.
Err, I have a bad feeling I know what will happen with that sheltered space
One of my fantasies for the future is to see the wrap-around elevated walkway turned into a mini High-Line number with transparent railings, wood flooring, and lots of plantings and flower beds along the way. And, of course, redoing the entire concrete forecourt of the square with a nice checkerboard pattern and recessed water features that can be covered over for special events. And maybe some tables and chairs, dammit! I know none of this is likely to ever happen for reasons, but one can dream...
