I was easily convinced that it was. This is our civic space and we should be proud of it. It was (is) run down and becoming disfunctional. It's not a major change, but one that makes sense today.
Some items that are currently being built require work on others so there's hope. For example, the destruction of the Peace Garden means that it has to be relocated, which means that the new one needs to be built, which in turn means that the green space on the west end needs to be completed. Designing a cheaper Peace Garden wouldn't solve the problem because it would cost money to design a new one, even if more simple. Why waste that money when one is already designed and planned?
Not everything is ready to go though. The god awful entrance pavillion on Queen near Bay is part of the bunker trio that I was hoping to see gone. This one and the other one further down on Queen, that leads to the garage is now likely to stay. Thankfully the first is gone and already being rebuilt properly.