Toronto Nathan Phillips Square + Spirit Garden | ?m | ?s | City of Toronto

It's nice to have such an iconic City Hall. Just wish they'd change the colour of the nighttime lighting sometimes.
The vintage white/gold lighting would be nice to see again.




Photos: chuckmantorontonostalgia
Yes! The purple does nothing for the architecture and the LED lighting looks dull and understated. Keep it classy but bright. Show it off more!

p.s. look how 'small town' the City looks then compared to now. It was a classic then and it's still an awesome complex to showcase to the world...and now with the Toronto sign.
I think a decent building lighting system to showcase the architecture would be considered 'gravy'. Sadly. Toronto is slowly starting to promote itself, however, so possibly things may change as time goes on and there more pro-urban councillors elected. As long as they think of TO with small-town mentalities, and trying desperately to win the affections of people that want Toronto to stay in the past, then we won't be able to fully be a great City. Like why isn't our outdated zoning by-laws updated and the incredibly lengthy process of getting approvals for a new structure built changed? Again, small town thinking. So having nice lights on City Hall seems a pipe dream that will never happen again.
Norm Kelly is submitting a motion to open City Hall's Observation Deck year-round. He is also proposing to use the space as an outdoor cafe during the summer months. [SOURCE]

Norm Kelly ‏@norm
Submitting a motion to council this week requesting the public get more access to the observation deck at City Hall.



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Will he support the budget increase that will be required to fix up and maintain that space such that it is fit for year round opening?


Good question. Presumably he's anticipating that the "modest fee" and the "café" referred to in his motion will finance the renovations. I suspect that Economic Development & Culture will come back with a negative report.
Yeah, although I have thought over the years that it would be nice if the observation deck were open. Whether it is practical to do so is a whole other issue.

It was considered in the original PLANT architects NPS scheme - and promptly dropped like so many interesting ideas because practicality. Not that the city ever knew how to set up for diminished expectations and even more diminished execution - which incidentally leads back to the budget support question.

In 2013 I went on the observation deck during Doors Open. There isn't much room up here for a large crowd of people, nor is it aesthetically nice.


But the views are great though!






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One will have incredible views of the Mirvish Gehry condos from there.

Where would this cafe fit? And I wouldn't worry about crowding issues up there (especially if no cafe comes to fruition). I can't imagine this space would be on many people's radar.
Is anything going to happen with that dirt patch between the skate rental and Osgoode Hall?
