Toronto Nathan Phillips Square + Spirit Garden | ?m | ?s | City of Toronto

I still hate all the concrete. At least the ground should be brick or something different. The sign is very cool.
NPS already has trees along Bay and Queen streets. It makes no sense to plant them in the paved area. They would obscure City Hall. There might not even be enough space for their roots because the parking garage is located directly under the square. They could plant some more along the edges, though.
Placing planters of cannas and other tropical plant species throughout the square, during the summer, would soften it, add plenty of colour and beauty. Hanging plants could also fall over the edges of the walkways and the podium of city hall. This would conceal a lot of the concrete aspects of the square and make the presence of the elevated walkways more pleasant and attractive.
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No to tropicals or brick paving! You may not like the style but it is an amazing representation of what is it. We should enhance it not water it down.

It does need a little decoration and colour though. The square looked so lively during the Panams with the bunting, flags and banners etc. Perhaps we just need to do more of this and change it up seasonally??
Speaking of which, the backlit TIFF sign on King St. is getting a lot of attention as well.

The most popular photo op spots were two big orange TIFF signs marking the entries to the pedestrian-only area, which drew an endless stream of people posing in front of them.


No to tropicals or brick paving! You may not like the style but it is an amazing representation of what is it. We should enhance it not water it down.

It does need a little decoration and colour though. The square looked so lively during the Panams with the bunting, flags and banners etc. Perhaps we just need to do more of this and change it up seasonally??
Alright, Joshua trees it is.

"the sign will stay in place (at Nathan Phillips Square) until at least the end of its current projected lifespan, which is late 2016, and that the city will look into ways between now and then to expand its lifespan or to replace it.

Tory also announced that the city will consider producing a smaller, more mobile version of the sign that can be taken to events across the city, such as TIFF or Pride."

"the sign will stay in place (at Nathan Phillips Square) until at least the end of its current projected lifespan, which is late 2016, and that the city will look into ways between now and then to expand its lifespan or to replace it.

Tory also announced that the city will consider producing a smaller, more mobile version of the sign that can be taken to events across the city, such as TIFF or Pride."

Or to a Community Environment Day, but no .....fest.
Would forumers be open to the addition of native plants instead of tropical? Surely some greenery would be welcome by all; and not just the trees on the periphery?
It's disappointing to say the least that after all that time and work, the worst parts of the square - the interfaces with Bay and Queen Streets - are completely unchanged.

"the sign will stay in place (at Nathan Phillips Square) until at least the end of its current projected lifespan, which is late 2016, and that the city will look into ways between now and then to expand its lifespan or to replace it.

Tory also announced that the city will consider producing a smaller, more mobile version of the sign that can be taken to events across the city, such as TIFF or Pride."
Sounds like they're going the smart route and making it permanent at NPS. A mobile version is a great idea too. Toronto seems to have stumbled across a great branding opportunity...which, let's face it, has eluded our marketing people for years (remember Toronto unlimited?).

The TIFF signs look sharp too.

"the sign will stay in place (at Nathan Phillips Square) until at least the end of its current projected lifespan, which is late 2016, and that the city will look into ways between now and then to expand its lifespan or to replace it.

Tory also announced that the city will consider producing a smaller, more mobile version of the sign that can be taken to events across the city, such as TIFF or Pride."

Good to see that Tory is moving on this file, recognizes the potential of the sign and looking at the possibility of replacing it with something more permanent. Interesting though that the projected lifespan has gone significantly down.

It's disappointing to say the least that after all that time and work, the worst parts of the square - the interfaces with Bay and Queen Streets - are completely unchanged.

It is disappointing, but the recent popularity of the square will only serve as a call for further improvements in the future. The current scheme is far too limiting when they should have been aiming for a neighbourhood public realm redo along the lines of Bloor/Queen's Quay.

Would forumers be open to the addition of native plants instead of tropical? Surely some greenery would be welcome by all; and not just the trees on the periphery?

Yeah, I think the square could stand some 'decorating' and colour too. Plantings, baskets, banners etc. are all good. All this can change seasonally, but whatever's chosen should compliment the square, the design and the architecture.
