Toronto Nathan Phillips Square + Spirit Garden | ?m | ?s | City of Toronto

Yes, keep it in NPS but add different versions in other locations. Adapt the style/font to the neighbourhood.

I don't think they should change the style/font - that gives the sign consistency. It's a LED sign - use different letter colours to represent the neighbourhood instead.

Yes, keep it in NPS but add different versions in other locations. Adapt the style/font to the neighbourhood.
In limited numbers ... it loses its uniqueness if it's all over the place. But keep the font the same.
Keep the font the same by only having one sign. Just saying…

Originally I liked the idea of moving it to Dundas Square because it would fit in more there with all the other colourful signs and billboards but it really does make a huge impact at city hall which almost has no colour save for the two towers at night. Also, the water reflection at night is aces.

Sounds very "Moose in the City". Another idea copied from another city we thought was good branding (which wasn't).

Successful branding should begin with an original idea.

How about I<3TO branding?

Is that original?
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Keep the font the same by only having one sign. Just saying…


I would say, make only 2 signs. The original needs to be kept at Nathan Phillips Square. People in the burbs will complain, like they always do, why does downtown Toronto get all the good stuff? I think Tory is worried about that, which is why he wants to move the sign around. Tory is playing to his base. With that in mind, I think a second sign is needed to keep these people happy. (and keep Tory in office) I fear if a second sign is not built, the original sign will be spending much too much time in places where it will have little value to the city.

Having Torontonins take selfies for themselves is not what will promote the city. It's the tourists from around the world who will tweet out their selfies, that will get this city noticed by more and more people. As a promotional tool, it's most valuable where most tourists will see it and that's City Hall, not North York City Centre. It needs the reflecting pool at NPS to give it that iconic look. City Hall, also adds to that. It can't be moved, it needs to stay in NPS.
Sometimes I think, yeah, sure, two signs. Build a tougher one that will withstand the climbing for longer, then move this one around and put it in harder-to-reach spots…

and then I think, nope, there really should only be one because I still believe what I said many posts back: people get bored when things stay the same for a long time, and I think you have a better chance of making a BIG DEAL out of this one sign by taking it away occasionally. Leave them wanting more, as they say.

…and then when I read absolutely emphatic comments that this sign cannot be moved, that we cannot possibly do without it, I think, 'how did we ever become this great city without this sign?' Well, we did. Toronto does not depend upon this sign. Yes, it's terrific, but if anyone is going to wrap up the whole value of the city into this one sign, I just think 'what short memories' and 'get some perspective'. I'm not trying to be harsh, I just think people are going a bit overboard on this.

All that said, I'm happy to contribute to the cult of the sign, all praise the sign…




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Thank God we got our sign (that we didn't know we so badly needed). I'm in the don't move it camp.

I'd like to see similar signage at major places such as HARBOURFRONT and CN TOWER and UNION STATION so that people can take their postcard shots and selfies. This way TORONTO can stay where it is as the iconic postcard shot here and define the city while the other signs define their location. Maybe silly, but I think a big UNION STATION outside Union Station would look awesome (along with the new market). It wouldn't take much to animate whole areas with our new signs.
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Originally I liked the idea of moving it to Dundas Square because it would fit in more there with all the other colourful signs and billboards but it really does make a huge impact at city hall which almost has no colour save for the two towers at night. Also, the water reflection at night is aces.

Exactly, it would just get lost in all the visual noise at Yonge/Dundas. There's not much space there for selfies either.
