Toronto Nathan Phillips Square + Spirit Garden | City of Toronto

Absolutely, it would be an obvious move… and that seems a little too enlightened for the current administration. While one can hope, I won't hold my breath. (Besides, would civic staffers want to be faced with going outside for a bite on inclement weather days when they currently have the option of climate controlled access to a meal?)

Well, remember that that's where the Urban Affairs Library *used to be*--upstairs of the lending branch--until it moved to Metro Hall in '92. (And spiritually, it felt better there, somehow)
There was a discussion about the new windows in City Hall several months ago. This is in the fall 2011 City newsletter:

Window replacement at City Hall a family affair
The replacement of the windows on City Hall's East Tower began in March. The project is supervised by Ivan Doiron, whose father, Henri Doiron, worked on the original City Hall windows in the 1960s. Ivan, a glazier for 38 years, is now passing his knowledge on to his son, Brent Doiron, also a glazier on the project. The old glazing certainly stood the test of time (the windows are nearly 50 years old) but the windows are single pane, making it difficult to manage temperatures inside the building, and they're not energy efficient. The new windows will rectify all these problems. The project will be completed by the end of November.
I wonder if they're going to clean up the tower's non-glazed outer walls. I recall that during the time that Old City Hall was being restored, that that same team was going to move on to new City Hall once done. Seeing as the walls are still stained from decades of smog and soot, that didn't happen.
Looks like they've started construction on the 'theatre and public terrace':

(with apologies for the crappy pic).
Rockin' progress. Will this be complete for New Year's Eve celebrations or a temporary stage used?
Rockin' progress. Will this be complete for New Year's Eve celebrations or a temporary stage used?

And what about the skate-rental/snack pavilion, while we're asking -- I'm assuming it's not open yet, though it's structurally complete for a while... I assume it will be open for skating season, but does anybody have info on a opening date? Will there be a little launch event? An opening night might be a nice opportunity to focus some public attention on this project...
A little off topic, but you know what would be cool? Display lighting for The Archer. There has never been any and I don't know why. It seems so obvious. You can't see the thing at night.
I've always liked "The Archer" sculpture but hate the floor around it. The bumpy floor discourages you from going up to the statue. I also dislike the location. It's completely randomly positioned and like the former Peace Garden, breaks up the open space concept of the square. It will be even more awkwardly located once the new stage is up. It doesn't line up with anything. I think it would be better relocated to the new sculpture garden on the West edge joining Churchill and perhaps a statue dedicated to Mayor Nathan Phillips himself.

P.S. The Archer does have lighting, although I don't recall if they've been on recently. See the floodlights at both the base of the statue and the area around it:


After I wrote about the awkward placement of "The Archer", I did a little research and found that it was placed very purposefully:


Of the piece in Toronto, Moore hopes that it will be possible to erect it on a revolving base so that its position can be changed -- "not every day, but perhaps once a month to give it a new perspective" (...) For Moore, the most exciting aspect of the "Archer's" location in Nathan Phillips Square is that it will be on view from a variety of levels and distances. For this is one of the guiding principles of Moore's art: that a work can be seen and responded to in the daily life of people "all around, not just from one side".

Maybe now we can give it its revolving base :)
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I've always liked "The Archer" sculpture but hate the floor around it.

I echo your remarks on The Archer and I had actually asked in my post above if the piece was being moved to the west end of the site but checked the NPS Revitalization site before I hit send only to find it staying in the same spot. I'm mixed about whether it should stay or have been moved as it will block the stage view for some during popular events on the stage yet if removed it would eliminate a great piece of interest from an otherwise empty expanse of concrete north of the skating rink/reflecting pool.
Well, unlike the Peace Garden the Archer is an original element and I think it should stay, warts and all. The pedestal can use some TLC though.

