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Mosque/Community Centre near Ground Zero - your thoughts?

Since I know that 911 was not planned by Muslim terrorists I find the entire debate hilarious. Very amusing to see the same old folks against this project--NYC is in America not Israel!

What I do find interesting: how they're treating "ground zero" like sacred ground. Now I know how the Jesus/Moses/whatever "myths" began.
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I can't believe this would even be a debate ...

People use religion .. all and any religion .. as an excuse to get away or justify any action (and this occurred throughout time) ... I'm sure I can come up with many examples (clearly on a way smaller scale) in the united states of someone committing (a group of people) a crime based solely on religion as the justification - does this mean wherever this happened a church / temple / ... should not be built?
Actually, this isn't about religion at all. It's about xenophobia. Religion just confuses the issue, as it did in Switzerland. America needs to decide whether it is the kind of place that can truly accommodate these sorts of cultural differences or not. No harm, no foul. Just decide and move on, fairly, one way or the other.
Actually, this isn't about religion at all. It's about xenophobia
What I don't like is when people, including in this thread, say this is about racism. Anyone can be a Muslim, most Muslims are not Arabs, and besides Arabs are Semites, same as Jews. You can state anything you want about Muslims, but it's not racism any more than it's sexism or any other 'ism. I'd say Tewder has it right at xenophobia.
These guys are Sufis and not Whabbis.... Jihadists would kill them if they got the chance!

Unfortunately to most Americans, a Muslim is a Muslim.
Sorta like stopping the building of a YMCA near IRA bombing sites 10 years after they got bombed because well... it's Christian and so are the IRA.
Do the Muslims have the right to build the mosque near ground zero? Absolutely and the mayor was right in saying so.
That said I think it was in incredibly poor taste. To me it's akin to building a new ultra orthodox Catholic church beside a support centre for children who have been molested by Catholic priests.
I don't think it's that the 9/11 attackers were Muslim but that the outrage expressed by the Muslim community was muted with massive numbers in the Islamic world strongly supporting the attack. Nearly all terrorist attacks around the world involve Muslims. When was the last time you heard of Buddhist or Christian or Native beliefs or Christians or Hindus or Atheists blowing themselves up with the intent of taking as many innocent people with then for the glory of Mohammed and the waiting 77 virgins. There is not one Islamic country that has a true democracy and complete respect for human rights on this planet. Not one.
Is Islam a religion of peace.................actually I think it is but not on this planet. Mohammed is probably turning over in his grave when he sees the Muslims using his name to justify murder, terror, and monsteros human right's violations just as Jesus would have during the Crusades.
They have the right to build the Mosque but it is in poor taste and they would do themselves great benefit by refusing to due to people's sensitivities.
That said I think it was in incredibly poor taste. To me it's akin to building a new ultra orthodox Catholic church beside a support centre for children who have been molested by Catholic priests.

but this is like "building a lutheran church beside a support centre for children who have been molested by catholic priests".

should christains be forbidden from building churches next to areas that contain large amounts of small children for the sins of the leadership of the catholic church? heck, nobody is even forbidding catholic organizations connected to the catholic church from doing such a thing.

i wonder how many catholics are against the ground zero mosque but have no problem sending their children to a church run by an institution that actively covers up the rape of children, protects criminal priests, cardinals, etc. puts the blame on the children, gays, etc.

i guess a defence the catholic church can use is that it doesn't support child rape. if they were proponents of it, it would be a clear cut issue and they would be a banned institution. the catholic church obviously doesn't support child rape but they sure as hell care more about the the institution than the victims, which has ended up backfiring right in their face.
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To me it's akin to building a new ultra orthodox Catholic church beside a support centre for children who have been molested by Catholic priests.

Nope, it's like having a Southern Baptist church being built next to an IRA bombing site 10 years later. Nothing to do with it aside for the fact that they are both Christian (the IRA guys are all Catholic).

When was the last time you heard of Buddhist or Christian or Native beliefs or Christians or Hindus or Atheists blowing themselves up with the intent of taking as many innocent people with then

Tamil Tigers?
Basque Separatists?
Timothy McVeigh? Unibomber? Anthrax letter guy?
Ethnic cleansing of Muslims living in Kosovo by Christian Serbs?

Or for more historical examples, how about Japanese Kamikaze pilots (died for the emperor god)?

I think you need to open your eyes a bit to the world.
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Tamil Tigers?
Basque Separatists?
Timothy McVeigh? Unibomber? Anthrax letter guy?
Ethnic cleansing of Muslims living in Kosovo by Christian Serbs?

Ahem, none of those you listed met the standard..... none where "blowing themselves up"..... They just committed war crimes by targeting a civilian population, but they were not willing to meet their maker in doing so :p
The above is true, but with all the arguments that sound like that, I'm wondering why a suicide attack is seen as such a bad thing. The IRA was a part of an armed insurgency and preformed acts of terrorism throughout the British Isles, but for some reason they just don't cut it in comparison to any islamic extremist group.

Tamil Tiger groups may have driven jeeps up to busses and murdered everyone inside, but insurgents doing that in Afghanistan or Iraq are for some reason 100% more merciless and bloodthirsty. That may be in part due to the fact that Tamils were and are oppressed by the Sri Lankan majority and both sides committed their share of war crimes, while insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan are fighting against... Western troops?
Who are obviously innocent from the "collateral damage" that we hear on the news every other day, after UAVs massacre completely innocent Pakistani civilians without any consequence.
Yeah, I still don't get it...
