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Mississauga Activist claims he can't find a lawyer

The Mississauga Muse

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Apr 24, 2007
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Activist claims he can't find a lawyer

John Stewart
Apr 24, 2007

Mississauga political activist Donald Barber told a Brampton court he has been unable to find a lawyer to defend him on charges of assault against a security guard at City Hall.

"I really don't have any money," Barber said yesterday in court. "That's because of the years that I've spent representing the public and free speech in Mississauga, which is actually what led to this charge."

Barber said he has contacted 35 lawyers, and most of them want thousands of dollars up front.

"I couldn't pay them $10," he said.

Barber, who last November ran for mayor against incumbent Hazel McCallion for the fourth time, was charged by Peel Regional Police following an appearance at a City Council meeting last June 7. He had criticized a change in Council practice that previously allowed citizens to ask questions about any subject at the end of meetings.

It's alleged that Barber assaulted a female security guard a short time after he left Council chambers. A third charge of disturbing the peace was withdrawn by the crown.

"If you can't pay $10, you are going to have difficulty finding a lawyer, unless you find one who will take on your case for free," said Justice Ian MacDonnell.

Barber said he fired his first court-appointed lawyer because he was not handling his case properly. His original trial date was April 13, but that was postponed because he had no legal representation.

The founder of Friends of Cawthra Bush complained to court that the crown has failed to provide full disclosure and said that a critical piece of evidence, a videotape of the June 7 Council meeting, had been withheld from him despite numerous efforts to acquire it.

MacDonnell, who indicated early in the proceedings that he agreed with the crown that a trial date should be set, sent Barber away with the appropriate forms to get the videotape.

When he returned to court, though, Barber said he had been told by the trial coordinator's office that his trial would be four hours long and involve four witnesses, an estimate he considered far too short.

"There will be a Charter application. That alone will take more than four hours," Barber said.

When the Lakeview resident said he had stroked out the trial estimate of four hours on the form, the judge told him to put it back in. When Barber complained, MacDonnell said, "please do what I've asked you to do."

In calling for a trial date, the judge said that if Barber has been unable to find a lawyer so far, it's unlikely he'll be able to do so now.

Barber has started a defence fund to raise money for court costs.

The accused asked the court to direct the crown to deal with him rather than ignore his requests for information, and asked the judge to amend the bail conditions, which prohibit him from attending City Hall or the City's courthouse at 950 Burnhamthorpe Rd. W.

MacDonnell told Barber he must go to Superior Court to amend bail conditions.

Barber said it's unfair to ban him from City Hall, "because that is where I can get the information I need for my media work."

Barber runs a website dedicated to Mississauga politics.

The (This dude is doomed) Mississauga Muse
This dude is doomed

He is indeed. It's a bit like a Shakespearian tragedy in a way. The man has been done in by his own character flaws. Years ago, I would have had great admiration for Barber. He performed valuable service with "Friends of Cawthra Bush" at a time when the Bush was threatened. But I really wonder now about his sanity. His campaign literature when he ran for mayor last Nov., headed up :

Hazel McCallion !! is Dying !!

in 20-point font, is only one example. I don't know who could take him seriously any longer.
Mississauga Activist --doomed

Hey, Observer Walt

You wrote:

"Years ago, I would have had great admiration for Barber. He performed valuable service with "Friends of Cawthra Bush" at a time when the Bush was threatened. But I really wonder now about his sanity. His campaign literature when he ran for mayor last Nov., headed up :

Hazel McCallion !! is Dying !!

in 20-point font, is only one example. I don't know who could take him seriously any longer."

I take him seriously, Observer. I've spent tedious multi-hours in the City Clerks office reading old agendas and minutes of General and Council meetings and Audit Committee. I attend all General and Council...

I've got numerous Freedoms of Information going.

I believe Barber, Observer.
I wish we all could have time to attend those council meetings!

Someone's gotta do it though!
Hey there, Jarrek

You wrote:

"I wish we all could have time to attend those council meetings!

Someone's gotta do it though!"

If these people really wanted the Public at Council they wouldn't make those meetings at 9am.

Next, having been to so many Council meetings, believe me when I say you do Not "wish we all could have time to attend those council meetings!"

I don't know how council meetings are in other municipalities but Mississauga Council meetings are beyond-vocabulary-corrosive-to-the-soul. I feel they should install showers in the washrooms by the Council chambers so that after adjournment, you can rinse off all the .... oh man, Jarrek --just beyond vocabulary!

Now I'm sure you'd love to have the equivalent free time of a full morning once a week. But you don't want to waste it observing some Ritualized Drama of Mutual Pretense. Me, I have a reason --researching for a book. Still, observing Mississauga Council comes with a huge price.

It makes you lose faith in human beings. (I used to say "lose faith in democracy" but that was inaccurate. I'm there bearing witness because of my faith in democracy.)

You're right when you say, "Someone's gotta do it though!" I've checked and no one's ever read any of their Final Audit Reports --not even media. Everything that The Corporation's said is accepted as Gospel and frequently parroted in the papers.

You look around and wonder --where's the freaking media? Why is reporting on city halls now left up to volunteers like CATCH (Citizens at City Hall) Hamilton, or Who Runs This Town (T.O) or... stupid-idiot-(because I refuse to walk away)-me in Mississauga?

Last Council meeting, Jarrek, for the last half hour (maybe more) the only person sitting in the audience was me. The "Public" was an audience of One.

Jarrek, trust me when I say, you go in there and stay too long and you get :confused: no I don't want a :confused: :eek: nope, not that one either

...where's the barf-out-all-your-internal-organs Smiley?

Oh yeah. Here. Take a look at a "highlight" from yesterday's Council meeting.



The Mississauga Muse
Hey there, Jarrek

You wrote:

"I wish we all could have time to attend those council meetings!

Someone's gotta do it though!"

If these people really wanted the Public at Council they wouldn't make those meetings at 9am.

Next, having been to so many Council meetings, believe me when I say you do Not "wish we all could have time to attend those council meetings!"

I don't know how council meetings are in other municipalities but Mississauga Council meetings are beyond-vocabulary-corrosive-to-the-soul. I feel they should install showers in the washrooms by the Council chambers so that after adjournment, you can rinse off all the .... oh man, Jarrek --just beyond vocabulary!

Now I'm sure you'd love to have the equivalent free time of a full morning once a week. But you don't want to waste it observing some Ritualized Drama of Mutual Pretense. Me, I have a reason --researching for a book. Still, observing Mississauga Council comes with a huge price.

It makes you lose faith in human beings. (I used to say "lose faith in democracy" but that was inaccurate. I'm there bearing witness because of my faith in democracy.)

You're right when you say, "Someone's gotta do it though!" I've checked and no one's ever read any of their Final Audit Reports --not even media. Everything that The Corporation's said is accepted as Gospel and frequently parroted in the papers.

You look around and wonder --where's the freaking media? Why is reporting on city halls now left up to volunteers like CATCH (Citizens at City Hall) Hamilton, or Who Runs This Town (T.O) or... stupid-idiot-(because I refuse to walk away)-me in Mississauga?

Last Council meeting, Jarrek, for the last half hour (maybe more) the only person sitting in the audience was me. The "Public" was an audience of One.

Jarrek, trust me when I say, you go in there and stay too long and you get :confused: no I don't want a :confused: :eek: nope, not that one either

...where's the barf-out-all-your-internal-organs Smiley?

Oh yeah. Here. Take a look at a "highlight" from yesterday's Council meeting.


OK. Here's the video of "Successes 2006".

The Mississauga Muse
As an activist, I have seen many discouraging things regarding all levels of government. Some of Barber's many criticisms/allegations are probably worth looking into.

But as a member of MCPJ (Mississauga Coalition for Peace and Justice), I have seen Barber in action first-hand. I've also received email from him with links to web pages with his rants. I am sorry to say I have gotten the distinct impression that this man may need professional help.

Whether he has always been like this or has recently started to lose it, I have no idea, but I cringe when I see mention of him and his antics because it gives the mainstream public the wrong idea about activism.
Hi, BuildTO

You wrote:

But as a member of MCPJ (Mississauga Coalition for Peace and Justice

Hey, are you the guys who sometimes meet at the corner of 5 and 10 for peace rallies? (The reason I ask is I've been tempted to at least look into MCP...)

Regarding Barber. It's not that he's losing it. It's that few people really understand what he's up against. Meaning, few people see/understand The Real Mississauga.

Also re: Barber. If you've seen his webpage then you know he's got problems writing (expressing, spelling, grammar). He admitted those disabilities to me and said that's what limits his getting the message across.

He said as far as written communication, he understands what an immigrant must go through when dealing with Mississauga. He's right to some extent.

Thing is, you can be fluent communicator --backed up by indisputable concrete evidence and it still wouldn't make a difference in Mississauga.

He's been at this for 12 years, I think he said. Me, I've been observing Mississauga since June 7, 2006 when he got banned from City Hall. Have to say based on what I've learned so far.

Anyone who doesn't feel paranoid and vulnerable in his position? That's the person I'd worry about. I'd appreciate knowing about your next meeting.

Yours for a better Mississauga
The (Mississauga Muse)
Yes - I've actually been a speaker at some of the rallies.

As an activist, it is easy to get the impression that everything/everyone is against you, and I'm certainly no stranger to the uphill battle in dealing with government and media bias. And the mainstream public tends to regard you with suspicion. I've had people attack me on this forum and accuse me of being a conspiracy theorist.

That said, it's a little more than spelling/grammar/expression that are causing problems for Barber, IMO. He's at a point now at which he seems unable to communicate without coming off as unbalanced. At one of our demos, he was mainly responsible for getting the crowd on edge when police appeared, although they were amiable and not creating any problems. It was an especially dangerous situation as a lot of the protesters were muslim, and getting arrested is the last thing members of their community need these days...

Barber's paranoia may be justified but he's now carrying a chip on his shoulder and I know plenty of other activists in the same situation who are able to carry on their causes without alienating the rest of the activist community.

But it is good to hear that he can talk to someone like you and not come off as an unreasonable person. Thanks for the updates on his case.

I will try to keep you posted about MCPJ events.
