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Miller wasting more money:

Whoaccio, I remember you from the G&M days, and I resect your points of views.

The problem with the right is that they are getting less and less info on how the municipal government is being run. Either via the secretive budget process or the Exec Committee, more and more info stays in the hands of a few key Miller loyalists.
I don't know ... $140 million seems like a lot of money ... though only $56 for every Torononian or 15 ¢/day - but still a lot. I could buy a candy bar every week with that! :)
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I can sympathize with the "every penny counts" argument. Maybe with some savings the street signs of the city could be replaced more frequently. It's like every aspect of the streetscape is sliding: streets are repaired less frequently, graffiti isn't removed, signs aren't replaced as frequently as they should be; it's terrible to see all the small things increasingly neglected. And street repaving in Toronto is ironically one of the biggest wastes I see in my area. All the streets in my area which were repaved within the last 5 years look like they're at least 20 years old. They're already cracking and cut up for utility work.
Every cent counts. I bought a home in the Beaches at age 27 by using that mentaility of saving money, while many people I know still live in their mother's basement, with the belongings in storage.
I think the issues of those who are living in their mother's basement at age 27 isn't related to simply mis-spending $56 a year.
I think the issues of those who are living in their mother's basement at age 27 isn't related to simply mis-spending $56 a year.

Thats just one of their issues, just like increased spending is ONLY one of Miller's issues. His other ones are; union pandering, increased isolation of those who oppose his views, pandering to developers while increasing the tax burden of homeowners and ratepatyers, etc etc etc
Thats just one of their issues, just like increased spending is ONLY one of Miller's issues. His other ones are; union pandering, increased isolation of those who oppose his views, pandering to developers while increasing the tax burden of homeowners and ratepatyers, etc etc etc
So taxes went up 4%. Big deal. Pandering to unions? Yet at the same time, they can't retain enough TTC operators and had to cut service, and the last time I was in City offices, they were absolutely awful state of repair - far worse than we'd ever tolerate in the private sector.

Sounds like a lot of right-wing whinging to me ... which is odd for someone in a left-wing enclave!

It's 15¢ a day - perhaps not the greatest idea. But enough with the whinging!
So taxes went up 4%. Big deal. Pandering to unions? Yet at the same time, they can't retain enough TTC operators and had to cut service, and the last time I was in City offices, they were absolutely awful state of repair - far worse than we'd ever tolerate in the private sector.

Sounds like a lot of right-wing whinging to me ... which is odd for someone in a left-wing enclave!

It's 15¢ a day - perhaps not the greatest idea. But enough with the whinging!

Left wing enclave? I didnt know that people are supposed to live amongst only those who shaere their views? What is this...1943 Warsaw? Are fiscal conservatives suppost to walk around with with symbols stitched to their jackets?

4% big deal? obviosly you still live in your moms basement, as you'd know how that coupled with 9% water increase, and other taxes has made live that more expensive for homeowners.

The TTC cant keep new operators partly due to the crap they have to endure in their first 6 months and some. I heard this first hand form a newbie there. After 6 months they get off probation, yet they still get crappy shifts and crappy routes. Miller gave in to 2 CBAs, once in each term, with the last being soooo sweet even though we had the political backing to lowball it aftyer the April strike fiasco.

City Hall's infrastrucutre is fine as is. If they all spent just half of their office budget the savings would be significant. Every dollar saved is significant. Miller doesnt need this office there, nor does he or his peers need to travel around the globe as if they are actually making a difference in matters more senior then those that municipal government should deal with.
It's $140,000 people, not millions! Geez, we're in trouble...
Can't be ... that's 6¢ a year each; No one has a steel rod that far up their butt. Must be more ... I'll happily give anyone here 6¢ if that's all it is - I don't care about the issue in particular, but you have to be pretty hard up to start whinging about 0.015¢ a day.
Can't be ... that's 6¢ a year each; No one has a steel rod that far up their butt. Must be more ... I'll happily give anyone here 6¢ if that's all it is - I don't care about the issue in particular, but you have to be pretty hard up to start whinging about 0.015¢ a day.

I'm done talking about this. Obviously some people think that blowing money makes for great financial planning. What do I know about financial planning? Its not like saving money ever added upto anything, did it? Better financial management, not in this city
1943 Warsaw? Are fiscal conservatives suppost to walk around with with symbols stitched to their jackets?.
Oh, a Nazi reference ... how original!

4% big deal? obviosly you still live in your moms basement, as you'd know how that coupled with 9% water increase, and other taxes has made live that more expensive for homeowners.
Actually I have a house in the Beaches - well Upper Beaches, but I can see the lake, that unfortunately grew in value (so they say) more than the average rate, so I'm seeing a significantly more than 4% increase. Big deal ... services are good here compared to the suburbs which have seen similiar, and much higher increases most years recently.

City Hall's infrastrucutre is fine as is. If they all spent just half of their office budget the savings would be significant. Every dollar saved is significant. Miller doesnt need this office there, nor does he or his peers need to travel around the globe as if they are actually making a difference in matters more senior then those that municipal government should deal with.
Good grief, have you been inside some of the office there? We wouldn't put up with such "should have gone in the dumpster" office furniture, and poorly maintained buildings in the private sector - why shouldn't we see City Hall spending a normal amount on maintenance.
So taxes went up 4%. Big deal.

Taxes went up more than 4%.
Water rates and garbage collection fee downloading are not factored into the 4%.

Although $140k is not much for the city of Toronto, the optics don't look good.
Most households are trying to find ways to be thrifty and conserve cash.

Yet Miller seems oblivious to the fact that households may be hurting in the recession.

While I can live with the tax increase, watching Miller and his cronies spend money on things like this, as well as things like his (now cancelled) proposal to spend several thousand on personal office renovations, is somewhat of a "...let them eat cake..." disregard for the citizens of the city.

I think this is what many people find annoying about Miller.
