Build it and they will come.
The Calgary LRT is actually pretty awful. It is incredibly slow through the CBD, it doesn't even seem to have signal priority. And the separated ROW destroys streetscapes and divides neighbourhoods. The downtown transit mall looks horrible! Well, I don't blame them, the street wasn't much to look at before anyway. But it would never work in Toronto.
Where Toronto's LRT will go through neighbourhoods that are at all downtown-y, it will be underground. Elsewhere, it is being designed to enhance the streetscape, not destroy it, while giving people a comfortable and reliable ride. It seems like a much better way to go.
^ A decision to run an LRT line with wider stop spacing and supplement it with a local bus will, indeed, slightly inconvenience a small portion of the riders who board between the major stops.
I'm of the persuasion that York Mills and Ellesmere would have made for a better route for this.
TTC has no interest in running both a Sheppard East LRT and a Sheppard East local bus.
So the Sheppard East bus will just run from Yonge to Don Mills then..
The only way they keep the Sheppard East bus route east of Don Mills is if they do decide to adopt that ideal 17 stop plan nhui06 mentioned in his post. Would be rather interesting if the LRT was an express route and the bus was a local route
Sheppard will certainly have better service than it has now. The LRT will offer more space, be more comfortable, quiet, smooth, reliable, and generally more pleasant than what the current bus offers. Boardings will be faster and the service will be accessible to all. These are great improvements and one's that riders will appreciate.
The thing that bothers me about Sheppard {and Finch for that matter} is that the keeps referring to this as rapid transit and it will be nothing of the sort. People along the corridor will not save any measureable time with these lines. Stations every 300 meters is local service, hell a lot of regular bus stops have that spacing. Coordinated lights look great in video presentations but when trains are running every 3 minutes meaning they arrive at stops every 90 seconds then advanced lights are nearly impossible to say nothing of having to wait for left hand turns.
I think I could handle these lines better if the TTC was honest about what the citizens are getting...........improved local service. These lines will help but still leaves the Finch and Sheppard corridor {except the stubway} without any rapid transit.
Look at Yonge Street as an example. At the Lawrence Station is where the 97 Yonge bus runs parallel with the 1 Yonge Subway. The Subway has 5 minute headway service on Sunday, while the bus has 15 minute headway service on Sunday. A good example, to me at least, of why there should be additional stations on the 1 Yonge Subway between Eglinton and Lawrence, and Lawrence and York Mills.
Those additional stations are nice to have, but they will not render bus 97 unnecessary. Even with those stations, the average distance between stations north of St Clair will be 1 km, versus 600 - 700 m on Bloor subway, and 400 - 500 m in the downtown.
But having to wait 15 minutes because you just missed a bus? However, if the headways were every 5 minutes, would the cost of a driver, fuel, maintenance, etc. be worth it?