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Mayor John Tory's Toronto

Did Adam Vaughan actually endorse John Tory?

I do agree that progressive downtown voters who held their nose for Tory should be kicking themselves.

Not publicly, however many from Adam's team did join the Tory team immediately after the Federal by-election. Tory also sent some of his team to help pull in the vote for Adam's team. The Liberals have been very close to Tory, which sets Tory up quite well in the event that Trudeau pulls a win out of his hat in 2015.
KWT has always had a broader perspective than most of the left on council. Wasn't she was a real estate broker, builder of a few small businesses? I liked early on last term when she schooled Holyday on some matter of budgets/business planning. She just goes extreme on identity issues. And she's activist on urban initiatives, probably in a way that is celebrated by most on these boards but unimaginable to those in the car dependent wards. That doesn't need to necessarily be a mark of the left, they could be initiatives favourable to downtown gentrifying capitalists.

Toronto probably deserves what Tory is delivering if it doesn't have the political maturity to look beyond known figures like Tory and Chow or to remove any incumbent but John Parker. Clearly not that many people, left right or centre, are putting much effort into achieving anything that would look like good government.
No need for the over-the-top language. Again, wait and see how things play out before the attack on Mayor Tory begins!

After the last four years, unless JT becomes a public disgrace, I'll tolerate most anything. :D

Clearly not that many people, left right or centre, are putting much effort into achieving anything that would look like good government.

One of these days the people of Toronto are going to get good government - and they aren't going to like it. ;)
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No need for the over-the-top language. Again, wait and see how things play out before the attack on Mayor Tory begins!

It's interesting to see how the Star framed John Tory's cabinet vis-a-vis the Globe and Mail; the Globe lead is as follows: John Tory is setting up a centre-right administration as he takes over the mayoralty of Canada’s largest city Monday – but he’s building some important bridges to city council’s left.

Edward Keenan seems to think the sky is falling.

I've already noted that there is a pretty sizable (if not vocal) majority on UT that doesn't like John Tory. Fine. This is a forum and we get to discuss things. I'm also disappointment by the choice of DMW, the others are probably the best of a pretty mediocre lot. I know KWT gets a lot of love from this Board, but I'm not sure she's universally loved as "progressive" [sic] urban voters want her to be.

I would argue that the vast majority of Torontonians a) don't have any clue about what the Executive does, who's on it, and won't remember who the deputy mayor is a week from now; we have proven over the last 4 years that when it comes to municipal government the vast majority of Torontonians want: cheap taxes and transit. Is this base politics and perhaps offensive to people who have time and energy to dream up beautiful rail paths, perseverate over tree types on Bloor Street (I'm making fun of myself here), and lament window wall versus curtain wall, yeah it probably is. Torontonians (both downtowners and suburbanites alike) just want to get to work quickly, and earn money so they can pay their taxes. There doesn't seem to be much appreciation for the finer points of municipal government (and quite frankly - having watched city council over the lats four years... I don't blame people - and that statement could probably hold true with or without Ford).

Secondly - has anyone on this forum ever worked in politics? It's a pretty nasty and brutal place (not exactly House of Cards worthy) but it can be. In the municipal realm there are no parties, so the only way to "whip" council is through appointments. Tory may have thought its easier to control the right leaning councillors, whom he has more affinity towards anyway, by appointing them to his executive. Does this make for solid government? No. Is this any different than what Olivia Chow would have done - probably not.

Thirdly. What is progressive in the context that gets bandied about these days? (i.e. I do agree that progressive downtown voters who held their nose for Tory should be kicking themselves.) You may think your ideology or political beliefs are "progressive" but they may be progressive to you, and not to others... Is it NOT contracting out garbage west of Yonge (probably the only successful plank of Rob Ford's mayoralty)? Is the assumption therefore that Unions are progressive? Because to be honest - I find our municipal unions regressive - what does that make me? A member of Fordnation? In my opinion one of the largest set backs of Rob Ford was his social non progressiveness... his homophobia, misogony etc... has John Tory ever exhibited any of these characteristics (oh right... the women and golf course comment - let's all go to town on that).

Lastly - there continues to be a shred amongst discourse that "the downtown does not have representation" or "amalgamation caused this". What if there are people downtown who voted for Tory because you know... they liked Smart Track and when it comes to municipal politics they just want low property taxes because they've stretched their salaries to buy a semi detached in Riverdale? This attitude that continues to permeate the discourse when it comes to YYZ politics (suburbs versus city) is just as equally permeated by the downtown elitests and that attitude is helping no one.

Is John Tory - your cup of tea? Probably not. Is he "Rob Ford in better cloths and a bit more professional." Its a bit of a stretch people. But hey... its a forum so we're all entitled to our opinions.


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Tory has made some great appointments. Very pleased with his executive committee. Especially Minnan-Wong.
Again, wait and see how things play out before the attack on Mayor Tory begins!

What are we waiting for exactly? Nunziata and DMW are known entities.

We've already witnessed 4 years of Nunziata's comically inept role as speaker play out. Is anyone suggesting her performance could actually have been interpreted as good? That's crazy talk.

And DMW for the Waterfront?????

Either Tory missed some key info, or has suddenly developed a very cruel sense of humour.
Tory has made some great appointments. Very pleased with his executive committee. Especially Minnan-Wong.

Too many people are acting like Mayor Tory has already sunk his term in office with his choices. All that has happened so far is Mayor Tory moved into his office and he sat down with Premier Wynne. People need to just relax. Most seem to forget that...

A) Mayor Tory's choices were all re-elected councillors, even if many of you consider many of these councillors awful they were elected by residents for another term. Yes, many of them worked with now former Mayor Rob Ford but Ford did set a right-leaning agenda. John Tory is a right-leaning politician. It seems the majority of Toronto residents support a more Conservative agenda for the city. Personally I was hoping to see more fresh faces for this term of council but that's not happening.

B) Mayor Tory's top high profile choices are people he knows he can work well with in terms of his agenda. So many people think Denzil Minnan-Wong is a truly awful pick for Deputy Mayor. Now, he wouldn't have been my first choice but Minnan-Wong is a veteran councillor who knows city hall better then most, he did endorse John Tory for mayor and he does agree with the mayor's agenda. I'm sure the Mayor and Deputy Mayor see eye-to-eye on most things. He isn't going to destroy the city or do something absurd. Other choices are not as bad as people think such as deputy mayors for each end of the city with each selected councillor working on specific issues like Pam McConnell (a left leaning politician) on poverty and Glenn De Baeremaeker (another left leaning politician) to work on the Scarborough Subway. Mayor Tory's "One Toronto" pledge still sticks well with his high profile picks because at the end of the day, Mayor Tory is just one vote on council. I don't see Mayor Tory alienating anyone. I do think he'll reach out to every councillor but to be realistic, he knows hard left leaning councillors like Gord Perks and Mike Layton may not support a lot of what the mayor wants to do for the city. Mayor Tory wants a successful term. He needs a high profile team to help him make that happen. I'm very sure Mayor Tory will be respectful, classy and polite to everyone as he pushes his agenda through but he does need key people in key roles to champion what he wants to do. In the end, none of his choices should surprise anyone nor should it really let anyone down.

IMO, the only two slight disappointments for me were Frances Nunziata as Speaker again (I can't help but think Josh Matlow would be a good Speaker) and John Filion not on the executive committee, though it's possible Filion didn't want on the executive.
I don't see Mayor Tory alienating anyone. I do think he'll reach out to every councillor but to be realistic, he knows hard left leaning councillors like Gord Perks and Mike Layton may not support a lot of what the mayor wants to do for the city. .

Here's my take on how a savvy right-leaning politician would handle the "left" without simply snubbing them, and their constituents, after lying about what a bridge-builder you were going to be in your campaign.

It's a moot point, as Tory is the exact opposite of "savvy".

Environmental and green initiatives are huge popular issues to the city, and there's no one better suited for those issues than Perks. Tory could have used Perks in this capacity, while avoiding the backlash from giving the finger to a huge part of the city.. And Perks would be too busy on his favourite causes to be the "official opposition".

But John Tory is not interested in any of that...never was.

Tory is the same right-wing loon as Ford...just comes in a different package.
Here's my take on how a savvy right-leaning politician would handle the "left" without simply snubbing them, and their constituents, after lying about what a bridge-builder you were going to be in your campaign.

It's a moot point, as Tory is the exact opposite of "savvy".

Environmental and green initiatives are huge popular issues to the city, and there's no one better suited for those issues than Perks. Tory could have used Perks in this capacity, while avoiding the backlash from giving the finger to a huge part of the city.. And Perks would be too busy on his favourite causes to be the "official opposition".

But John Tory is not interested in any of that...never was.

Tory is the same right-wing loon as Ford...just comes in a different package.

But if let's say Olivia Chow was the mayor and she had picked mostly left leaning councillors in high profile positions (which would probably be the case), it would be all fine and dandy, right?
