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Mayor John Tory's Toronto

You really didn't expect him to announce a King Street transit mall did you? Peripheral transit improvements are coming in fast and furious, and every little bit helps, but it still falls short.

Speaking of which, John Lorinc has an excellent article on DMW's appoint to WT and why it isn't the disaster one fears it to be:

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Rear door boarding....
Hopefully they aren't wasting everyone's time with just that.

Rear-door boarding might speed up 504 a bit off-peak, and in peak at the edges of the route. But it does little in the congested part of King Street, where even if it does take a bit longer to board, the streetcar only moves a few feet before it stops because of the congestion.

Even though I have very low expectation for John Tory, even I don't think he's going to make such a splash for such a minor announcement.

TTC has already announced they are replacing more 504 streetcars with buses in January because of the ever worsening streetcar shortage (at the same time reducing bus service on some routes because of the bus shortage). Possibly this plays into the announcement somehow?

I'd have to think there would multiple points to the announcement. Perhaps simply enforcing the existing transit lane (which will be easier now that they are going to enforce vehicles stopped in the other lane). Or expediting the installation of Presto/Ticket Vending Machines along King Street.

Speaking of which, John Lorinc has an excellent article on DMW's appoint to WT and why it isn't the disaster one fears it to be:
Minnan-Wrong demonstrated quite well during the Ford regime that he'll do exactly what his master wants, with few ethical qualms. He'll serve Tory well, despite the odour emanating from his brown nose.
There's only one solution to making the busiest surface route in the country work properly.

And City Hall doesn't have the political gonads to implement it.
Im listening...

Well, turn it into a subway. Interestingly the so called Smart Track plan by SSRA envisions a tunneled portion at Wellington at some point - why not do it now, put in a few more stations, and have a hybrid DRL/Smartrack? The Province can pay for the above ground segments - Toronto can pay for the underground section.

Well, turn it into a subway. Interestingly the so called Smart Track plan by SSRA envisions a tunneled portion at Wellington at some point - why not do it now, put in a few more stations, and have a hybrid DRL/Smartrack? The Province can pay for the above ground segments - Toronto can pay for the underground section.


Interesting... I first think of the engineering feat of shoring up the tallest buildings whilst undermining. Is this being worked on?
Interesting... I first think of the engineering feat of shoring up the tallest buildings whilst undermining. Is this being worked on?

I can't imagine it is that big of a deal considering it will be underneath Wellington, and there are so many examples of tunnelling in CBD elsewhere. The whole Smart Track project has now been referred to the previously forementioned firm (as well as other parties with previous involvement) for additional studies. It does have a rather fait accompli feel to it. Speaking of which:

Pay close attention to the names involved, and where they are in the "constellation" of powers.

Wow. Im not a transit geek nor was I much for municiple politics (since my youth, until the Fords) I know its overly simple but couldn't Soknacki's idea of offering free subway before 6 a.m. help the status quo as well? The trains are running anyway, just half full. That star article sent me down the rabbit hole. Still doubtful much will change for king car users anytime soon.
Wow. Im not a transit geek nor was I much for municiple politics (since my youth, until the Fords) I know its overly simple but couldn't Soknacki's idea of offering free subway before 6 a.m. help the status quo as well? The trains are running anyway, just half full. That star article sent me down the rabbit hole. Still doubtful much will change for king car users anytime soon.

How would you like to start work at that hour......provided that your position has flex time.
You are correct. My flub. I actually do take advantage of being able to choose my hours. I work as early as possible to have as much daylight left as possible in winter, and to get the hard work done before its too hot in summer. I think paid ridership could rise as the carcentrics might give transit a shot if it was less crowded and more reliably on time. Which rush shifting measures could help with. With those cars off the road....
