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Martin moves foreign policy closer to US

Martin review foreign policy to make it complementary to USA

Canada may review foreign policy to make it complementary to that of U.S.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp
Prime Minister Paul Martin and U.S. President George W. Bush in Mexico Jan 13, 2004. (CP /Tom Hanson)

OTTAWA (CP) - Canada will re-evaluate its policies abroad to retain its independence from Washington while making its foreign policy more complementary to that of the United States.

President George W. Bush was open to working closer together with Canada overseas when Martin raised the "independent but complementary" initiative during their private session over breakfast last week in Mexico, U.S. ambassador Paul Cellucci said Tuesday.

"Our values are complementary," an official in Prime Minister Paul Martin's office said Tuesday.

"The American pursuit of democratic reforms and our pursuit of good governance are complementary," the official said.

The two leaders will explore the issue further during a working visit Martin will likely make to the United States in March.

"Canada has always had a foreign policy that has been independent to the United States," Cellucci said in an interview. "Because we have shared goals and objectives (their foreign policies) should be complementary."

State Department officials were still looking for more details from the Martin government on the proposal, but Cellucci said Bush welcomed the suggestion from Martin given the stresses on U.S. diplomacy in the Middle East and around the world.

"I don't know exactly what the prime minister means, but I suspect he means that if we're so heavily invested in the Middle East, whether it's the effort in Iraq, Afghanistan, the Palestinian situation, maybe there are other parts of the world, maybe in this hemisphere that need attention that Canada could take the lead on," Cellucci said. "That would be complementary to what the United States is trying to do."

"What he's talking about is very positive and right and independent and complementary."

Martin has made better management of the Canada-U.S. relationship a top priority of his government.

That relationship works well at the commercial and diplomatic level but was strained at higher levels over former prime minister Jean Chretien's handling of Canada's decision to stay out of the war to topple Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. Chretien's public criticism of Bush's handling of the U.S. economy also rankled some in the White House.

Martin has created a cabinet committee that he chairs to monitor and improve the bilateral relationship. He attaches so much importance to the issue that he met with Cellucci in April to discuss his proposals on the relationship before he delivered a policy speech on international affairs as a leadership candidate.

Some of Martin's most seasoned and trusted advisers met regularly with American diplomats to discuss changes to the relationship over the past summer, before Martin officially succeeded Chretien.

But the prime minister will have to walk a fine line in any re-assessment of cross-border strategy. Bush and his spurning of the kind of multilateral diplomacy that has been the cornerstone of Canadian foreign policy are unpopular in Canada. Any move that might be perceived as harmonizing the overseas visions of the two countries would be fraught with political risk for Martin as he heads into an election.

Bush was expected to tell Americans how he sees changes in the state of the world since the war in Iraq during his annual State of the Union address Tuesday evening. Martin was asked what he hoped to hear in the speech.

"That the world working together is going to essentially deal with the major problems that exist in the world in terms of poverty, in terms of reconstruction in post-conflict areas, that effectively the way in which the world is going to govern itself is going to come to a far greater state of maturity," Martin said in Toronto.

Allan Gotlieb, who served as Canada's ambassador to the United States from 1981 to 1988, said it only makes sense that two countries look for other areas where they can work in tandem.

"I think independent-but-complementary is quite consistent with what Canadian foreign policy has always been," said Gotlieb, who was in Washington during the negotiations that led to the Free Trade Agreement.

"There is no Cold War now but there are enemies. We share common adversaries. Terrorists are the obvious ones, but there are drug dealers and others."

Cellucci said Bush, his national security adviser, his chief of staff and U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell are looking forward to the search for more common goals in foreign policy between the two countries.

"The president and Condi Rice and Andy Card and Secretary Powell and his team - all the vibes we got after the meeting were very positive."

"Everybody thought it was a good idea."

He said Denis Paradis, now minister for financial institutions, provided a scenario under which the two countries could achieve a common goal with Canada's help last year when he suggested Washington allow Canada to take the lead on stabilization of the impoverished Caribbean nation of Haiti.

"There's an example of something that right now would be very difficult for the United States to take the lead on in a major effort, but maybe there is something Canada could do."

Martin has a unique opportunity to move forward on Canada-U.S. relations given his tremendous popularity reflected in polls, Gotlieb said.

"If you look at our common values and the influence of those values on our citizens it would be unfortunate if we didn't work towards a foreign policy that was complementary," he said.

"Martin has the political capital. He's got a tremendous opportunity. Washington regards this an opportunity to better relations."

© The Canadian Press, 2004
Re: Martin review foreign policy to make it complementary to

In other words - let the US go in, cause a bloody mess, and have Canada take it over, quid pro quo, as the "stewardess" of good governance.

Not to say we are necessarily bad at the latter - or that we shouldn't be helping to clean up messes around the world - but should we really be doing that as per the actions of a certain superpower? And in doing so, isn't that very superpower relegating itself away from responsibilities that are its' own making?

Re: Martin review foreign policy to make it complementary to

If I were an editorial cartoonist...

I would draw a 400-pound gorilla (USA) walking along, being trailed by a guy with a bustbin and broom (Canada). Quote: "Hey, I'm glad to have the business!"
Re: Martin review foreign policy to make it complementary to

This is my only major concern about Martin. If he goes too far up Bush's ass, I'll abandon him and vote NDP.
Re: Martin review foreign policy to make it complementary to

But you have to agree with his swing to the right, support for tax cuts and saying to hell with the Kyoto accord and other parts of the lefty war on the poor.

Martin will win a huge majority, and kick butt. That's lefty butt -- ask Copps.

Paul Martin - friend of the banks! He has the good sense to capitulate to trans national corporations.

If you have never voted PC, why would you now vote for Martin? Why not vote for the NDP? ganjavih--- your hart's already in the NDP corner.
Mind you , in a sicko kind of way, I get a warm and fuzzy feeling thinking about all of these lefties that are going to vote for the bankers' choice - Paul Martin.

ganjavih, how different are Martin's policies towards our largest trading partner, and someone we need to be our strongest ally, than the Mulroney government's? More and more, I am confident that Martin will be a spectacular success!
Re: Martin review foreign policy to make it complementary to

Just like Mulroney!
Re: Martin review foreign policy to make it complementary to

Unlike Mulroney, Martin will be protected by the Liberal name. The Liberals can pull off a lot more than the PC's ever could, and still get away with everything. One need only look at the billions of dollars that Chretien blew away over the years. When election time came, nobody really cared. If he was a PC, he'd have been lynched years ago.

So we have Martin now... who will carry out an agenda that would make any PC proud... and the cool thing is... he'll be able to get away with it. Considering the Conservative party has suddenly shifted to the far right with the Alliance merger, and considering comedic Layton is shifting the NDP even further left than it was... Martin will be the choice of the majority.
Re: Martin review foreign policy to make it complementary to

Don't you realize he's only appearing this way to appeal to the west? After the election when he captures 90% of the seats then he is free to move slightly more to the left as the Conservatives would be crushed. I won't be suprised if the NDP becomes the official opposition. It's the perfect balance of power, Martin knows this and is playing his cards correctly.
Re: Martin review foreign policy to make it complementary to

NDP as offical opposition? :wtf: :rollin
The combined Conservative party will win AT LEAST 25 seats. 35 is not out of the question. The NDP might win 20. Martin will still get more than 200 seats.

Why are bankers giving money to Martin? Not as a bribe--but because Martin is one of them! He shares the same views!

Re: Martin review foreign policy to make it complementary to


I guess that explains why you're so cheerful all the time and why you never have a reason to rant or foam at the mouth about anything. :b
Re: Martin review foreign policy to make it complementary to

I don't see that Martin is doing anything wrong with this article. The "independent but complimentary" idea to me says that we agree with many of the objectives but not necessarily the means to getting there. Canada was against the war but not pro-Saddam, pro-dictator, and pro-political instability in the Middle East. Our goals are complementary but our methods are independent. No change in policy that I can see other than an optimistic versus pessimistic perspective on the situation.
Re: Martin review foreign policy to make it complementary to

Are Be just likes to pretend Martin is an ultra-right-wing neo-con... it's a coping mechanism.
Re: Martin review foreign policy to make it complementary to

Haha... I agree. I'm awfully worried, though, that he's going to get too close to the U.S. Still, I'd like to think that it's for western Canadian consumption. I wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised if the NDP became the official opposition. The new Conservatives will be shut out of the maritimes, which was the Tories' recent stronghold. Many of these seats may be picked up by the NDP, though most will probably go Liberal. If the new Conservative party picks a leader that is likely to flame out quickly in a campaign like Stronach (or never catch fire at all, like Harper) they could lose a some seats in the west. Remember, Stronach supports same-sex marriage and admits to smoking weed. She just might have enough money to buy the nomination...

Layton's just got to get his act together and appear as a credible alternative.
