Senior Member
Update on LRT through Western. The university has narrowed the alignments down to two options as seen below, and has launched a website dedicated for RT running through Western:
All Western students also received the following email:
The City of London is proposing a rapid transit system featuring light rail and buses that is intended to help the city prosper and grow. There is currently an environmental assessment underway.
The City has identified four key corridors for rapid transit. The route that would serve the Western campus is a northern branch from downtown to Masonville Place. The plan proposes having a light rail transit line go through Western’s campus and suggests two possible routes. The University is a strong supporter of rapid transit and its benefits to Western and the City, but it is important to understand the potential impact of having a rail line run through campus on all activities on campus, including academia, research and leisure.
With this in mind, Western is undertaking an extensive process of consultation with the campus community to enable students, faculty, staff and alumni to voice their opinions.
The Western community’s feedback is important and there are two ways in which you can share your thoughts:
You can comment in writing to by February 29, 2016.
You can attend a Campus Community Meeting. These will be held on two dates:
Tuesday, February 23 at 10am in UCC 315 – Council Chambers
Wednesday, February 24 at 1pm in UCC 290 – McKellar Room
I invite you to visit Western’s Rapid Transit page to learn more:
Gitta Kulczycki
Vice-President (Resources & Operations)
Western University
I will attend the Campus Community Meetings and post any relevant materials. I will also advocate for an LRT through our campus - It would be a game changer for Western. Traffic in London during rush hour is absolutely awful. Also we get free transit as students, which is great.

All Western students also received the following email:
The City of London is proposing a rapid transit system featuring light rail and buses that is intended to help the city prosper and grow. There is currently an environmental assessment underway.
The City has identified four key corridors for rapid transit. The route that would serve the Western campus is a northern branch from downtown to Masonville Place. The plan proposes having a light rail transit line go through Western’s campus and suggests two possible routes. The University is a strong supporter of rapid transit and its benefits to Western and the City, but it is important to understand the potential impact of having a rail line run through campus on all activities on campus, including academia, research and leisure.
With this in mind, Western is undertaking an extensive process of consultation with the campus community to enable students, faculty, staff and alumni to voice their opinions.
The Western community’s feedback is important and there are two ways in which you can share your thoughts:
You can comment in writing to by February 29, 2016.
You can attend a Campus Community Meeting. These will be held on two dates:
Tuesday, February 23 at 10am in UCC 315 – Council Chambers
Wednesday, February 24 at 1pm in UCC 290 – McKellar Room
I invite you to visit Western’s Rapid Transit page to learn more:
Gitta Kulczycki
Vice-President (Resources & Operations)
Western University
I will attend the Campus Community Meetings and post any relevant materials. I will also advocate for an LRT through our campus - It would be a game changer for Western. Traffic in London during rush hour is absolutely awful. Also we get free transit as students, which is great.