The on-again off-again pedestrian link between Liberty Village and King st at Shaw is coming up for discussion at community counicll next Tuesday.
(Excerpts from letter)
The city is planning to build a pedestrian tunnel. For anyone who knows the location this is a poor choice. This part of Liberty Village is built on top of a parking garage and towers 2 stories above the tracks. A tunnel instead of a bridge will add a lot of needless climbing discouraging crossing.
I am doing an article on the crossing and am looking to interview someone who lives in the new community (townhouses) to the south or purchased in the new condo. Strachan avenue will be grade-separated and closed for construction making this walkway the only way to get out of Liberty Village/transit on foot/bike for many. Roger at green22@sympatico.ca
This item will be discussed at the Community Council’s meeting on:February 13, 2007, starting at 9:30 am
Committee Room 1, City Hall, 100 Queen Street West
(December 22, 2006) report from Director, Community
Pedestrian link background report 2
Background report 1 (copied below)
Staff report for Action – Pedestrian Link, Intersection of King Street West and Shaw Street to Liberty Village 1
Pedestrian Link
Date: December 22, 2006
To: Toronto and East York Community Council
From: Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District Wards: Ward 19, Trinity-Spadina
Reference Number: File No. 06 198435 SPS 00 TM
To report on a proposed pedestrian link connection from Shaw Street, south of King Street West, to the Liberty Village area, along with the work plan for achieving this
pedestrian link.
The City Planning Division recommends
that: The Chief Planner and Executive Director of the City Planning Division report to Toronto and East York Community Council in the 3rd quarter of 2007 on an
implementation plan and financial implications to implement a pedestrian link
from Shaw Street south of King to the Liberty Village Area.
The Planning Division will report to Community Council on any financial
implications which may arise through this Staff report for Action – Pedestrian Link, Intersection of King Street West and Shaw Street to Liberty Village 2 study process.
At Toronto and East York's Community Council Meeting on September 13, 2006, a
Communication from Deputy Mayor Pantalone was received by Community Council
with a recommendation that the Chief Planner report to the next meeting of Community
Council on a pedestrian tunnel connection (from Shaw Street south of King Street West)
to the Liberty Village area, along with a work plan for achieving this pedestrian
Members of the community have raised the issue of integrating the communities north
and south of the CN rail tracks that bisect Liberty Village from the community
surrounding King Street, between the King Street underpass and Strachan Avenue.
The area to the south of the CN rail tracks is now known as King Liberty. These former
industrial lands are being redeveloped into a mixed-use neighbourhood with streets,
parks, commercial, office and approximately 5,000 residential and live/work units. A
retail mall including a large grocery store has been built as part of the King Liberty
The community to the north of the CN rail tracks utilizes the grocery store and the
adjacent commercial businesses that are located in the King Liberty neighbourhood. The
grocery store is physically located within close proximity to King Street and is within
view of King Street, however, due to the location and configuration of the rail tracks,
there is not a direct route to get to the grocery store.
In recognizing that a pedestrian crossing in this vicinity would be desirable, a
$100,000.00 Section 37 contribution was secured as part of the rezoning process for the
King Liberty neighbourhood, to cover a portion of the cost. In addition, the commercial
property owners in the King Liberty neighbourhood have expressed an interest in
contributing towards a pedestrian link.
Steering Group
The City Planning Division recognizes that a pedestrian crossing would be a significant
contribution towards city building in the area and that further study is needed. Staff
recommends that a steering group be set up to carry out the study. The steering group
would consist of staff from Parks, Technical Services, Transportation Services,
Community Planning, CN Rail, GO Transit and any other relevant parties as determined
through the process. Monthly meetings of the steering group will be held.
Staff report for Action – Pedestrian Link, Intersection of King Street West and Shaw Street
to Liberty Village
Work Program
In order to analyze the opportunity to create a pedestrian link across the rail corridor, the
following work program is suggested:
- analyze the approaches to both sides of the rail corridor to determine the best
location for the link, how much space would be required and other improvements
to the sidewalk/road network connecting to the link
- analyze pedestrian desire lines and destinations on both sides of the rail corridor
- determine the physical criteria for the tunnel and logistics of construction under
the rail corridor
- review any implications for future expansion/changes to rail service in the area
- review any other pedestrian links being proposed in the vicinity eg. pedestrian
bridge to be built across the rail corridor between Spadina Avenue and Bathurst
Street and bridge at the foot of Abell Street on the north side of the corridor
Based on the analysis and technical review, the work group would then prepare:
- a preliminary proposal for the location, size and alignment of the tunnel
- a cost estimate
- possible sources of funds and financial implications for the City.
It is recommend that the steering group provide the results of this technical review in a
report to Community Council in the third quarter of 2007.
Heather Inglis Baron, Planner
Tel. No. 416-392-0760
Fax No. 416-392-1330
E-mail: hinglis@toronto.ca
Gary Wright, Director
Community Planning Toronto and East York District
(p:\ 2006\Cluster B\pln\teycc33741201099.doc) - pg
(Excerpts from letter)
The city is planning to build a pedestrian tunnel. For anyone who knows the location this is a poor choice. This part of Liberty Village is built on top of a parking garage and towers 2 stories above the tracks. A tunnel instead of a bridge will add a lot of needless climbing discouraging crossing.
I am doing an article on the crossing and am looking to interview someone who lives in the new community (townhouses) to the south or purchased in the new condo. Strachan avenue will be grade-separated and closed for construction making this walkway the only way to get out of Liberty Village/transit on foot/bike for many. Roger at green22@sympatico.ca
This item will be discussed at the Community Council’s meeting on:February 13, 2007, starting at 9:30 am
Committee Room 1, City Hall, 100 Queen Street West
(December 22, 2006) report from Director, Community
Pedestrian link background report 2
Background report 1 (copied below)
Staff report for Action – Pedestrian Link, Intersection of King Street West and Shaw Street to Liberty Village 1
Pedestrian Link
Date: December 22, 2006
To: Toronto and East York Community Council
From: Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District Wards: Ward 19, Trinity-Spadina
Reference Number: File No. 06 198435 SPS 00 TM
To report on a proposed pedestrian link connection from Shaw Street, south of King Street West, to the Liberty Village area, along with the work plan for achieving this
pedestrian link.
The City Planning Division recommends
that: The Chief Planner and Executive Director of the City Planning Division report to Toronto and East York Community Council in the 3rd quarter of 2007 on an
implementation plan and financial implications to implement a pedestrian link
from Shaw Street south of King to the Liberty Village Area.
The Planning Division will report to Community Council on any financial
implications which may arise through this Staff report for Action – Pedestrian Link, Intersection of King Street West and Shaw Street to Liberty Village 2 study process.
At Toronto and East York's Community Council Meeting on September 13, 2006, a
Communication from Deputy Mayor Pantalone was received by Community Council
with a recommendation that the Chief Planner report to the next meeting of Community
Council on a pedestrian tunnel connection (from Shaw Street south of King Street West)
to the Liberty Village area, along with a work plan for achieving this pedestrian
Members of the community have raised the issue of integrating the communities north
and south of the CN rail tracks that bisect Liberty Village from the community
surrounding King Street, between the King Street underpass and Strachan Avenue.
The area to the south of the CN rail tracks is now known as King Liberty. These former
industrial lands are being redeveloped into a mixed-use neighbourhood with streets,
parks, commercial, office and approximately 5,000 residential and live/work units. A
retail mall including a large grocery store has been built as part of the King Liberty
The community to the north of the CN rail tracks utilizes the grocery store and the
adjacent commercial businesses that are located in the King Liberty neighbourhood. The
grocery store is physically located within close proximity to King Street and is within
view of King Street, however, due to the location and configuration of the rail tracks,
there is not a direct route to get to the grocery store.
In recognizing that a pedestrian crossing in this vicinity would be desirable, a
$100,000.00 Section 37 contribution was secured as part of the rezoning process for the
King Liberty neighbourhood, to cover a portion of the cost. In addition, the commercial
property owners in the King Liberty neighbourhood have expressed an interest in
contributing towards a pedestrian link.
Steering Group
The City Planning Division recognizes that a pedestrian crossing would be a significant
contribution towards city building in the area and that further study is needed. Staff
recommends that a steering group be set up to carry out the study. The steering group
would consist of staff from Parks, Technical Services, Transportation Services,
Community Planning, CN Rail, GO Transit and any other relevant parties as determined
through the process. Monthly meetings of the steering group will be held.
Staff report for Action – Pedestrian Link, Intersection of King Street West and Shaw Street
to Liberty Village
Work Program
In order to analyze the opportunity to create a pedestrian link across the rail corridor, the
following work program is suggested:
- analyze the approaches to both sides of the rail corridor to determine the best
location for the link, how much space would be required and other improvements
to the sidewalk/road network connecting to the link
- analyze pedestrian desire lines and destinations on both sides of the rail corridor
- determine the physical criteria for the tunnel and logistics of construction under
the rail corridor
- review any implications for future expansion/changes to rail service in the area
- review any other pedestrian links being proposed in the vicinity eg. pedestrian
bridge to be built across the rail corridor between Spadina Avenue and Bathurst
Street and bridge at the foot of Abell Street on the north side of the corridor
Based on the analysis and technical review, the work group would then prepare:
- a preliminary proposal for the location, size and alignment of the tunnel
- a cost estimate
- possible sources of funds and financial implications for the City.
It is recommend that the steering group provide the results of this technical review in a
report to Community Council in the third quarter of 2007.
Heather Inglis Baron, Planner
Tel. No. 416-392-0760
Fax No. 416-392-1330
E-mail: hinglis@toronto.ca
Gary Wright, Director
Community Planning Toronto and East York District
(p:\ 2006\Cluster B\pln\teycc33741201099.doc) - pg