Senior Member
Mel Lastman did not have a spending freeze -- he dug deep into City reserves to cover the shortfall from his tax policy.
I never said he did. I merely mentioned that some people point to Lastman's tax freeze while the real issue is revenue minus expenses. A tax freeze with expenses increasing by 3% is better than taxes going up by 2% and expenses increasing by 6%.
Guess what? Running a city worth living in requires spending. Cutting spending to the point where you are no longer providing good services is not good governance or fiscally responsible. Toronto's problem is not that it is providing too much service -- it's that people shriek like small children when they are asked to pay their share of living in a civil society.
Of course. Whenever I mention the fact that Toronto residents (not businesses) should pay higher taxes, the 'progressives' here come out with all sorts of convoluted logic to defend the status quo.