Toronto Leslie Lookout Park | ?m | ?s | CreateTO

Great image! And when one of the designers mentioned that the sun sets in the middle of the channel he must have meant at a different time of year!
Maybe Oct 7 for a shot between the CIBC towers over the tracks and Dec 18 for a shot down the channel. Don’t tell anyone. :)

PhotoPills app
Oct 7 6:30 pm

Dec 18 4:30 pm
With the asterisk that I have yet to visit in person.......

There is much I like here.........but a couple of things.......that I'm not entirely ready to endorse.

1) The place really needs a pop of colour. The chairs on the beach are fine; but some colour is needed. It doesn't need to be pastel pink or yellow, but the mostly green take is just a bit too under-baked for me. What about rust red and poppy red? what about rust red and purple? I dunno, it just needs something.

2) In that same vein, no one's photos, so far as I noticed, show many flowers in bloom. This space, in this season could be showcasing native New England Aster (purple), native sunflowers (end of season, but lovely bright yellow}, Cardinal Flowers, bright red, for low-lying moist spots.

3) I hate Toronto's idea of a drinking fountain/water bottle filling station. I mean, at least this doesn't look like an ashtray, but it does look like a repurposed robot from 'The Jetson's' because we were too cheap to buy new.

Otherwise, really good effort.
Yeah, the place is as yet a bit sterile. It's a massive improvement from what was there before but it could still go the extra mile. More colour would deffo be welcome, as would be shade elements like umbrellas and, in time, some proper tree cover.

But it's lovely all the same. And the sight lines are great. Maybe twenty years ago, I used to walk around that area with my camera, documenting all the metal bricabrac lying about on the grounds adjoining the basin. It was an industrial no man's land littered with the detritus of former industry. This park amounts to a welcome turning of the page.
Each of these signature parks should have uniquely colored umbrellas. I'd be down for a vibrant teal here.
Just for the hell of starting a dust up…

Teal?!?!?!?!?! No way teal — electric Turquoise!

Just for the hell of starting a dust up…

Teal?!?!?!?!?! No way teal — electric Turquoise!

Ehhh, not enough people are engaging with this dust up, so I'm just going to fight with myself (and @Towered too, for the helluvit).

Teal?!?! Turquoise?!?!?!?

Clearly the Shipping Channel (and, apparently, Greenwich) is the perfect backdrop for Purple.


And, AND, it's perfect for your drinks, too.


Ehhh, not enough people are engaging with this dust up, so I'm just going to fight with myself (and @Towered too, for the helluvit).

Teal?!?! Turquoise?!?!?!?

Clearly the Shipping Channel (and, apparently, Greenwich) is the perfect backdrop for Purple.


And, AND, it's perfect for your drinks, too.



I can't fight ya on that one, I suggested purple a few posts up!
I can't fight ya on that one, I suggested purple a few posts up!
Purple?!?!?!? That's crazy talk. Orange is the only way to go here!



Also perfect for much larger drinks:


Well, that's enough of that. I'll see myself out.

Ehhh, not enough people are engaging with this dust up, so I'm just going to fight with myself (and @Towered too, for the helluvit).

Teal?!?! Turquoise?!?!?!?

Clearly the Shipping Channel (and, apparently, Greenwich) is the perfect backdrop for Purple.


And, AND, it's perfect for your drinks, too.


No fighting here - I love purple!
