recession proof
I always judge a building by its exterior; Electra I is minimal but good looking; Electra II (yellowish building I believe?) is hideous. DNA 1+2 are horrendous garbage! Cheap, boring to look at etc.
A condo makes a statement, just like a car. If Electra I is a year 2000 Audi A4, Electra II is a year 2002 Toyota Echo sedan, then DNA is a year 2006 Toyota Corolla: boring plain jane appliance.
Look East, where prices are cheaper. Or consider Brad Lamb's latest "Parc" project--the Condo Guide ad says architecture by aA so it should be good, unlike DNA.....
A condo makes a statement, just like a car. If Electra I is a year 2000 Audi A4, Electra II is a year 2002 Toyota Echo sedan, then DNA is a year 2006 Toyota Corolla: boring plain jane appliance.
Look East, where prices are cheaper. Or consider Brad Lamb's latest "Parc" project--the Condo Guide ad says architecture by aA so it should be good, unlike DNA.....