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Jasonzed - Jason Zytynsky Tribute and Photography Award

Let me know if you need anything from us to help with this.
I need personal info on Jason-Zytynsky as well if he had a site for this photos and videos? Also copies of them so they can can be pass onto the City of Mississauga and Toronto to be archive by his family. This can be done by PM me.

If anyone else knows of sites, please post then so I can pass it along as it will help.

I have plans in places for all my photos and video to be given not only to the 2 cites, but others ones as well Metrolinx when I go without warning or know the end is near. They will be on 8 TB drives.

Thank you for sharing what a wonderful person Jason was. As someone who struggles with anxiety and depression, the circumstances of his passing hit hard. I'm glad that you and your family are taking comfort in the warm tributes to your brother by the UrbanToronto community.

May Jason's memory be a blessing.
Coming woefully late to this...

...he certainly was a prolific contributor, indeed. And will be sadly missed. My thoughts to those immediately affected by his passing. /bows
Karen, So sorry for your loss.
Thanks for sharing a little bit about the person behind the drone. I always enjoyed his passion and time commitment to UrbanToronto and the City. Amazing work. He will be missed but never forgotten.
Hello Craig.
I am Jason's twin sister, Karen and have just registered on this site. I thought it important and necessary to share that Jason passed suddenly at home on Sunday May 2 having lost his battle with mental illness. An overwhelming sense of anxiety and depression compounded by recent isolation overpowered him despite his valiant efforts to maintain continued hope, physical health and truly heal. In this confusing time of unimaginable pain and sorrow surrounding his passing, I wanted to ensure that you, his community brothers and sisters, all knew that reading your posts and seeing the admiration, regard and respect you all possess for him, have helped his family and friends outside this realm (particularly me and my children) to ease the pain. His commitment and dedication to you was obviously unwavering and clearly allowed him to escape his darkness as long as he did.

To shed some light on who Jason was, born and raised in Montreal but having relocated to Mississauga in the mid 90's, he was a proud uncle to his two nieces and nephew with a superbly brilliant philosophical mind, and an eccentric and quirky sense of humour. Jason had a fascination with nature and the world around him. He was indeed a lover of droning and photography, travel and adventure and truly enjoyed sharing these amazing experiences with friends and family. And for those who did not know, he was also a diehard Habs and Beatles fan (having met Paul McCartney in a Liverpool ice cream shop and walked the infamous Abbey Road), but most importantly an amazing dedicated kind friend who helped anyone in need. I am simply blown away to read how Jason affected the lives of this community. The void that Jason has left is unmeasurable. He will be deeply and sorrowfully missed.

There will be a celebration of Jason's life in the upcoming months and I will keep you posted. Again, from the bottom of my heart, Jason would be humbled, thrilled and so proud to know how you have come together to remember and honor his legacy. Sincerely, Karen
I am very sorry for your lost, how it happen and how you feel, as I lost a brother and sister the same way.

As I post, I have contacted by ward councilor having something name after Jason and require person info on him to be past onto the councilor to have name added to the City list of names that can be used at a later date. You can PM me on that info.

If you have access to any of Jason photos and videos, you should put them on a DVD's or a hard drive that can be given to the city to be archives in his name.

He gave us shots and videos we can only dream of, especially of sites/areas that cannot be done on the ground.

He made an impact on me and I look forward to his shots of sites that we both shot since he had a very view and angle than me. Sadly I will not be following projects outside my small area that he was always shooting.
@Jodiezed I am a moderator at a popular Montreal skyscraper site called We also have threads about outside Montreal including T.O. and Mississauga where Jason was very active. Here are some threads. I am very sorry for your loss. He was very loved by the community and we always looked forward to his drone posts.

Here is his user page ( I am not sure if you need to register to have access)
A little late seeing this post. Absolutely crushed reading this news. As a former Mississauga’n who still has ties to the city, I always appreciated Jason’s updates on what was going on development wise back home - as he was always on top of new developments and provided countless updates on projects. I’ll feel a little more disconnected from home going forward, and wish I could’ve expressed how much his updates we’re appreciated.

Guess he will always have the best view now. My condolences to his family and friends. Can’t imagine what you are going through, but just know that he was appreciated, as I’m sure you can tell from all these posts.
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Just saw this thread and I am lost for words. I don't know what else he liked but he had a passion for the changing Mississauga skyline. I wish if he can still see the skyline grow from wherever he is.

We could never realize what he was going through as we only get a very small glimpse of people on this forum. May be this is a reminder to treat everyone well, even on a forum like this. You never know what the other person is feeling at that time. He/she may be having a bad day or may have lost their job or worst lost someone and your snarky remark may be too harsh for him/her.

I don't know him but somehow it feels like I lost someone I knew well.

May he rest in peace.
Just reading this. What a punch to the gut. I've been on here for years and Jason was one of the few names I remembered because of all the work he put out here. The board has lost a great contributor. RIP to him and my condolences to his loved ones.
I don't post on here often, but I've been on these forums daily since 2012. I'm really sorry too hear about Jason, I loved his photography and used to share alot of his images with friends. He was more appreciated then he knew.

Can't believe I will never see his work again...
I've been lurking on these forums since I was a kid and always appreciated Jason's photos and updates. His drone shots of Mississauga (my hometown) drew me into these forums and got me interested in architecture. My condolences to his family, he will be missed.
Thanks for your notes everyone, I know that Jason's family and friends have appreciated them very much.

We have published a front page story now about Jason, giving you more details about his life, and remembering him. You can find it here.

I've also been sent more photos by his sister Karen (@Jodiezed) from another area of Jason's interests; nature photography. I will post them in this thread soon.

Thanks for your notes everyone, I know that Jason's family and friends have appreciated them very much.

We have published a front page story now about Jason, giving you more details about his life, and remembering him. You can find it here.

I've also been sent more photos by his sister Karen (@Jodiezed) from another area of Jason's interests; nature photography. I will post them in this thread soon.


I want to commend @interchange42, @someMidTowner, @Edward Skira, @Hope, and all the UT Staff who participated in that front page piece.

It's thorough, thoughtful and touching.

I also wish to extend my thanks to his family and friends for sharing Jason's story; both to honour him and to enlighten others on the subject of mental illness.

A brave and wonderful thing to do.
