Ivy Condos (Dream) - Real Estate

A few weeks back after many follow ups Dream sent me a document to sign if I am willing to continue or cancel. There is a section in that document that I think it means they have still not received the loan from bank. On March 17th they will send an update if they will proceed or not. Below is the section I’m talking about.

In the event that you elect to proceed with this transaction, please note the following:
1. The Vendor is working diligently to satisfy the following early termination condition, being:
a. Receipt by Vendor of confirmation that financing for the Project on terms satisfactory to the Vendor has been arranged.
The date by which this condition must be satisfied or waived is March 17, 2020. We will provide further updates when same are available. Until you receive notice that this condition has been satisfied or waived, the Purchase Agreement remains subject to this condition.
2. Your First Tentative Occupancy Date, which is currently June 15, 2020, will be extended in
accordance with the provisions of your Purchase Agreement. You will receive notice of this
extension on or before March 17, 2020.
Yesterday Dream released MD&A and annual report documents for 2019. There is no longer any notion of Ivy project. It used to be listed in their residential projects with planning status. After seeing that I personally have no more hopes they would proceed with Ivy project but we will see in less than a month.
I got the dream email.I hope we will get good news soon.
Yesterday Dream released MD&A and annual report documents for 2019. There is no longer any notion of Ivy project. It used to be listed in their residential projects with planning status. After seeing that I personally have no more hopes they would proceed with Ivy project but we will see in less than a month.

Dream Alternatives mentioned Ivy in their latest annual report.
