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Irresponsible Dog Owners

Worst i have seen was Dog Day at the Blue Jays game, someone's dog left a massive log behind near where i was sitting. ICK
Dog waste in yard waste bags!

The only thing that really bugs me is when dog owners leave little bags of joy in the yard waste bags that are often in front of my house this time of year. Dog waste is NOT yard waste and what usually happens is the city yard waste collectors will simply remove the bags of dog waste and drop them on the sidewalk in front of the house... a lovely little treat for me to clean up later.

Please be responsible and take the waste home with you and dispose of it in the garbage where it belongs!
I don't know about other areas but the meltdown this week has been horrific for revealing dog crap under all the snow/snowbanks. It's everywhere! Maybe it's just my nabe but I can't remember so many "leftovers" littering grass and sidewalks after a thaw. I'd really like the City to hire plain clothes enforcement officers in problem areas that carry identification and are able to issue hefty tickets for people who don't pick up after their dogs. While they're at it they can check dog tag licenses and write up the owners on that too if they're not up to date or missing. That's job creation and a revenue steam for the City.
It's nasty where I am. Walking on any grass requires a careful eye and lots of fancy footwork.
During the high winds on Friday, I noticed clumps of desiccated dog turds blowing along the sidewalk right by the super wind tunnel created by Neo at City Place.

I'm a little disgusted at the thought of just how much of the dust hitting me in the face wasn't actually mere "dust."
JUst thought I'd add some fuel to the fire.

I don't know about other areas but the meltdown this week has been horrific for revealing dog crap under all the snow/snowbanks. It's everywhere! Maybe it's just my nabe but I can't remember so many "leftovers" littering grass and sidewalks after a thaw. I'd really like the City to hire plain clothes enforcement officers in problem areas that carry identification and are able to issue hefty tickets for people who don't pick up after their dogs. While they're at it they can check dog tag licenses and write up the owners on that too if they're not up to date or missing. That's job creation and a revenue steam for the City.
I was in the Liberty Village area yesterday and the spring thaw revealed dog shit every 1 metre or so on one building lawn I walked by on my way to Mildred's Temple Kitchen. Totally disgusting -- I mean those dog owners.

My mom complained about Paris non-stop because there was dog shit everywhere. I guess Toronto downtown is aspiring to be Paris?
Where I live (what some call the inner burbs - 416), there is a very popular park nearby where everyone walks their dogs. There is the occasional load of poop, but it's quite infrequent. I guess that's the benefit of lower densities? But then again, the parks in the Beaches areas don't have anywhere near that amount of crap either. Those Beaches areas are pretty darn congested. Maybe they're not as congested as condo buildings obviously, it does make me wonder if the condo dwellers are just bigger slobs, or it's really just a density issue.
I'm a dog owner (responsible) and I have to say I'm totally grossed out .....I live in the Roncey area and there is nothing but dog droppings everywhere! On the sidewalks and especially within the confines of the the newly constructed leash free area in Sorauren Park. I know of one mentally challenged guy who lets his dog walk the streets with him off leash and never picks up....everyone speaks to him, but of course he doesn't seem to get it...that one I understand....but I'm sick of people who don't stoop and scoop and make the responsible dog owners look like sh*t!
I am a dog owner, and I am disgusted by these irresponsible dog owners. They don't deserve to own a dog if they can't pick up after them.

The police should ticket these owners, just like giving a ticket for not having a dog on a leash.
Toronto is such a great clean city and to have crap littering everywhere is so unfortunate.

I have lived in a city where baggie dispensers and waste cans could be found on every block and pop litter was never a problem.

There should be a letter writing campaign to let the City of Toronto and the management companies of these large condo developments kown about this serious problem and find solutions (such as policing, clean up the litter, and providing bag dispensers and waste recepticles).
I don't think any entity should be responsible for providing baggies, it's a no brainer - don't leave the house without checking your pocket for baggies! That people are too damn lazy to bend over for five seconds to pick up after their dog is a very sad reflection on Torontonians. A friend & I were discussing this tonight & he noticed the mess this past week too. He thinks because it's been such a consistently cold January & February people are in a rush to get themselves and their dogs back home so they don't bother to pick up, plus he thinks that because we haven't had a melt down in well over a month there's been more than the usual amount of dog crap piling up in the snow during that time.
I normally try and avoid the park in the late afternoon/early evening when I know the dog owners show up and let their dogs loose. (there's no off-leash area ... though there is in another park just up the road - Google says 550 metres, a 7-minute walk).

However earlier this evening my 5-year old burst into tears when I told her I didn't want to go to the park with her and play football, because of the dogs. So I gave in.

The park was pretty busy. A baseball game in full swing, some people playing frisbee ..., kids everywhere on the pavement. And about one spot left far enough from the baseball, and not near the frisbee. But sigh ... those off-leash dogs were about 40 metres away. Oh well, we didn't need much space.

Of course, sooner or later, a ball went astray, and went about half-way towards the dogs. Of course the dogs take this as some kind of invitation to come see me ... and I tried to shoo them away, and then I asked the owners (who were walking over) why they weren't on a leash .... (the usual non-response ... though one or two did then leash their dogs).

As I'm heading back to where we were playing soccer, I was annoyed ... and figured it's time to complain to my councillor (previously I've complained to the city Animal Services, but they say there is nothing they can do after about 6:30, because they aren't on duty between 7 pm and 7 am). So I figure I should grab a photo to show my councillor ... so I turn around and take one of one dog ... and then another towards where a group of dog owners are standing with dogs still off-leash. About 40 metres away.

One of the women then comes over and tells me I'm breaking the law by taking her photograph without her permission (from 40 metres on a cell phone?). I tell her that there's no such law, and remind her that her dog is off it's leash. Then she threatens to call the police. I ask her to call the police (the thought had already cross my mind, but surely it's a waste of police time to be complaining about loose dogs). She seems surprised, and then threatens to take photographs of my 5-year old. Kind of creepy ... but we are in a public park, so there's nothing I can do to stop her ... so I tell her to go ahead. She seems to be at a loss, and starts swearing at me (in front of a 5-year old!) and calls me rude (?!?) for taking photos. She takes no responsibility for her dog being off leash, because it's "harmless". (not sure what that has to do with it).

Of course then my daughter is not very happy and wants to leave the park ... this woman seemed to make her uncomfortable, particularly when she threatened to take photographs of her.

I assume I'm correct and there's no law against taking photos of adults (or even children for that matter) in a public park - particularly from a distance? I can't find anything. I did find one website that noted that threatening someone to delete photographs that were taken in a public place is a chargeable offence as assault. (though perhaps simply threatening to phone the police isn't a strong enough threat to trigger this). I can't fathom how an adult thinks it's okay to both break the leash by-law, and then bully people who complain.

As far as the dogs go ... I really don't know what to do. I doubt my councillor will be very active. Animal services say they can't do anything after 6:30 (it was about 6:40 when this happened ... in a very busy park). It seems excessive to be calling the police. Most of my attempts to talk to people in the park when something happens are brushed off.

This isn't an isolated event. It seems to happen every time I'm in the park at that time of day (well, the dogs - the irate dog owner was a new twist). The time before last I had a baby with me as well ... so I stayed very far from a couple of dogs. But they slowly wandered my way ... kids and a ball seem to be a magnet - and suddenly one very big one (my gosh, I think it was big as I am) ran up, and put itself between the 2 kids, and looked aggressive (I have no idea if it was or not ... but I don't appreciate being put in the position to choose which child I'm going to have to protect ... it was about 1 foot from the baby who had burst into tears, so I picked him up first). Again, amazingly, the owner didn't even try and do anything ... just standing there about 60 metres away. When I shouted at them, they slowly came over and took the dog away. But wouldn't say a word.

Is this normal? Are these problems happening in parks across the city? I'm just shocked how horrible these dog owners appear to be. And it isn't a bad neighbourhood! It's a relatively new problem for me, as my daughter seems to have suddenly taken an interest in soccer.

I feel I can't even take a child to play in the park! When my daughter was smaller, we'd stick to the play structures ... but even then I've been there with her, and a dog has run up and peed on the structure while we were playing on it. The owner right behind ... with a kid with her for goodness sake. She seemed hostile when I complained. Other times people have showed up at the play structure with loose dogs running around ... though have reluctantly leashed them when I've asked.
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I'm a dog owner and the off leash thing drives me mad. My dog isn't very social so I seldom take her to an off leash area and always have her on leash. However, there are so often off leash dogs in the parks and on the sidewalks that approach her. When I ask owners to call their dogs, I get blank stares or "he just wants to play". Well, that's nice, but go to an off leash area! And don't get me started on where people let their dogs go. I have definitely come to the conclusion that many city dog owners have a definite sense of entitlement
