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Irresponsible Dog Owners


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Nov 28, 2009
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I can't even go for a walk in a local park without stepping in dog crap. Pick it up. Keep your dog on a leash,my daughter doesn't like having dogs run upto her and knock her over.:mad:

all dog owners should have to be licensed to own a dog in the city
Isn't it mandatory to have your dog microchipped? That's essentially the same as every owner having to be licensed. In this case, you license the dog, which is better than licensing the owner. I think that there should be by law officers enforcing leash and poop n' scoop laws. Have them carry a chip reader. When they find an offending pooch, scan them and the fine is sent to the owner and/or added to their property tax bill.

Dog owners are usually social folks amongst each other. Fine a few offenders and soon everybody will be more careful.
Microchipping is optional, and enters your dog on a global database should they ever be lost and turned into a shelter. Registering your dog with the city on the other hand is mandatory. The vast majority of dog owners do microchip their pets, but opt not to register with the city annually. Over the lifetime of a dog, licensing with the city costs well over 10 times more than microchipping, and offers far less benefit to the owner, if any at all assuming a dog is already microchipped.

As a dog owner myself, I seriously don't understand why some owners don't pick up after their pets. Even if the mess is ignored, many fatal diseases and harmful parasites are transmitted by feces, and can live in the soil for months. The group which suffers most from not picking up poop is the dogs themselves, not to mention the owners who rack up serious vet bills to treat their pets.

As for non dog owners, I, like most dog owners, make every effort to be courteous to them and hold my dog close on the leash. However, when they are rude to me just because I have brought a dog into their presence, they can expect to be seriously told off!
I've licensed each of my dogs over the years as puppies after they were spayed, and had them microchipped. I always expected a bill to come from the City for renewal, but they never came so I'm bad for not re-licensing. I couldn't agree more about picking up dog feces, it takes no effort and it is indeed a health hazard to people and dogs (and a by-law) not to pick up. There's also a by-law not to have a dog on leash at all times except in designated off-leash areas or on private property.
wow, I was expecting to get alot more crap for this guys are pretty hardcore
Keep your dog on a leash,my daughter doesn't like having dogs run up to her and knock her over.:mad:

Dogs should obviously be kept on leash when not in an off leash area, but make sure you're not that parent who brings their kid into an off leash area and then gets mad when a dog approaches them (not saying you are, but you'd be surprised how often it happens).

Also, teach your child how to safely approach a dog: ask the owner if it's ok, approach slowly and calmly, hold out your hand, and let the dog come to you on its own terms...don't let your kid squeal "DOGGY!" and run up arms flailing and then get pissed at me if my dog reacts inappropriately (again, not saying this happens with your child, but you'd be surprised at how often it does).

As a dog owner myself, I seriously don't understand why some owners don't pick up after their pets. Even if the mess is ignored, many fatal diseases and harmful parasites are transmitted by feces, and can live in the soil for months. The group which suffers most from not picking up poop is the dogs themselves, not to mention the owners who rack up serious vet bills to treat their pets.

Most errant poop is because an owner forgot a baggie. In New York, parks provide baggies for this but I suppose since plastic bags became the be all for our environmental ills this won't happen in Toronto anytime soon. My stop gap solution for you is to keep your child on a leash or to accept that intestinal parasites are just another part of growing up.
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As a dog owner, I don't appreciate having to dodge poop mines! There seem to be some park areas that are worse than others -- I guess the non picker-uppers go to the same place. I don't think the amount of crap I see in a couple of areas can be explained by forgetting a bag. And really? How hard is it to bring an extra bag along just in case? And Otto, as far as plastic bags, a lot of dog poop bags are available as biodegradable. There are a couple of spots that provide them but not many. What does bug me is people who pick up using a dog bag but then throw the dog bag on the grass/path. There are a lot of garbage bins in the parks and some have specific dog waste disposal bins. Use them!

As for off-leash, I agree. Unless you're in a designated area, leash your dog. I don't appreciate unleashed dogs bounding up to say hello to my leashed dog.

I often have young children ask if they can pet my dog (hey, she kind of looks like Fozzie Bear when she needs a haircut), and I very much appreciate that. She loves children and is always happy to say hello, but I do like that the kids ask and don't just grab at her. Actually, a lot of adults ask to pet her too. No wonder she thinks the world loves her.
In some parks, such as Trinity Bellwoods, the City is doing a pilot project on dog waste with bags being provided along with disposal bins. Any word on the project's success?
I often have young children ask if they can pet my dog (hey, she kind of looks like Fozzie Bear when she needs a haircut), and I very much appreciate that. She loves children and is always happy to say hello, but I do like that the kids ask and don't just grab at her. Actually, a lot of adults ask to pet her too. No wonder she thinks the world loves her.

Yeah, my Sidney loves anyone and everyone and soaks up the attention...but I still appreciate it when people know to ask first. As the person approaching the dog, you have no idea what their temperment is or what kind of mood they're in...but if anything were to happen after you approached unexpectedly, it would still by my dog's fault.

And always have at least three bags on you: one for your dog, a spare for your dog, and a spare for someone else.
Most errant poop is because an owner forgot a baggie. In New York, parks provide baggies for this but I suppose since plastic bags became the be all for our environmental ills this won't happen in Toronto anytime soon. My stop gap solution for you is to keep your child on a leash or to accept that intestinal parasites are just another part of growing up.

This is a no-brainer, don't leave your home with your dog without a few treats and a handful of baggies in your pocket, purse or knapsack. To responsible dog owners this becomes habit shortly after you get into the routine of having a new dog, much like remembering your wallet and keys.
I've also got a dog with a face that attracts many people to meet her which I love as I enjoy meeting and chatting to people on our walks. Almost all parents with children ask first if it's OK for them to meet my dog and I watch as they teach their young one how to approach and pet the dog, to most parents it's instinctual and the child leaves with a positive memory from the interaction.
My smiling dog in Queen's Park last week -

I agree with most of what has been said on this thread. My dog is microchipped and so are my two INDOOR cats. In spite of this, I pay city licensing fees on all three every year...never quite understood the rationale on having to license a cat that never goes grab I suppose. I'm not a fan of dogs offleash except in designated furry guy is never off leash when outside these areas. I've seen so many dogs almost get hit by cars and their panicked owners yelling at the poor frightened animal. I've yelled at a few owners, after I've gone after a dog that was spooked and running in traffic. These people don't realize one thing.....they think they have total control over their dog and that their dog is so well trained....but the one thing you cannot do is .... teach a dog NOT to get hit by a car! Also, the dog poop not being picked up is annoying to me....I've stepped in enough of it at the park in the early morning darkness as I'm out walking my dog. It's gross! I know many dog owners....and they are a very responsible lot. They always have extra bags on hand. However, there are many jerks out there who just don't give a damn. I've gone after errant dog owners and said..."Oh you must be out of's one of mine for you to use." The mostly look sheepish, but I've actually been told where to go as well. I believe that the majority of dog owners are good people who take responsibility for their pets. Sadly, a few idiots make everyone look bad.
We've all stepped in a few piles but it just dawned on me that I can't remember ever witnessing someone not picking up after their dog. Perhaps they neglect this responsibility under cover of night, I don't know. Once winter arrives (namely, snow), I tend to see a lot more dog poop around than spring/summer/fall. I don't know why that is.
