Admiral Beez
Perhaps I'm the only one, but I find it frustrating when I open a post that contains lots of large photos, as I must now wait for each to load up (I'm on Rogers High Speed Light, using Mac Safari). If I try to scroll past the photos to read the posts further down the thread, it's impossible, as the posts and text are constantly shifting up and down as the photos in the initial posts are still being loaded, and as each is loaded, the length of the total thread changes, thus moving the text of posts at the end of the thread. This also makes it next to impossible to click "next page", as every time I scroll down and am about to click it, another photo loads, and then the next page button moves away. It's especially annoying when some replies by quoting the original pictures, thus duplicating the same photos in the same thread.
Other non-UT forums I've visited show the photos as thumbnails, allowing the reader to click on them if they wish. Perhaps this would solve this challenge I'm facing.
Other non-UT forums I've visited show the photos as thumbnails, allowing the reader to click on them if they wish. Perhaps this would solve this challenge I'm facing.