Senior Member
GreatChain breaker: Great
Apparently at this mornings Cutric Conference it was confirmed that the GO OnCorr bidders were not interested in Hydrogen . . .
Please don't touch the 25 kilovolt catenary!Shocker.
Found on the new GO pages for GO expansion related to union station i found this interesting tidbit:
"Within the trainshed, the OCS will be installed in the form of a Rigid Overhead Conductor Rail ("rigid rail"). The rigid rail was selected for the trainshed because of its low vertical clearance requirement. "
Let me put out yet another proposal for demoing hydrogen SENSIBLY.
Convert Ottawa's airport spur from opening day.
Let me put out yet another proposal for demoing hydrogen SENSIBLY.
Convert Ottawa's airport spur from opening day.
Considering the number of MP’s particularly those from the GTA who insist on taking the plane to and from their constituency, when they can ride free on VIA, that’s an interesting suggestion....
- Paul
I know your suggestion is made in jest. But the Trillium Line would be a great contender for trying out an HEMU or BEMU.
They can ride free on VIA?